
Vice City edition

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still not banned lads

Fucking loser lmao.


best radio station in VC.

Yeah fucking loser lmao

el boliviANO

50m get

only if it's a pure loli 2bh

Hahaha what a loser, right?!

I'm watching the Simpsons


Yeah, kill yourself now, tripfaggot.

new episodes or old ones?


I have a fetish for the old ones tbqh


older episodes are obviously better

btw where is janny I want some free ban

Loli. Thoughts?

fack off pedophile


wrote like 25 posts and NOT A SINGLE DUB
btw where is my ban

There's a way you can get a month vacation from Sup Forums very fast.

how about now

hmmm how?

Until now

lmao check these

I saw two Asian people today. What the fuck was that about? That's 1 more than I have seen in the last 20 years of my life. One of them, the fat one, yelled something at his friend in Russian language. His friend seemed to ignore him because of his embarassing behavior considering they were at a public bus station in the city central area surrounded by about 20+ people quietly waiting for the bus and politely minding their own business.

Rule 2.

fuck dude why I'm so unlucky

thats only the beginning

oh you talking about underage rule?
nah fuck it
ok this is my last post not gonna even wait for my ban just fuck it see you in a week or so or how long I will be banned don't know.

I feel you. Riga is like exotic to them or something. I just dont know why.... There will always be a chinese tourist group in Riga whatever the time.

Our fuccboi

The fat one who was yelling in Russian seemed like a school student. Maybe he was going to that city centre elite school.

The other one however, was well groomed looking. I saw them in separate bus stations, not together.

lmao its like we got aids and died haha

Just came back from the doc lads. Got a pack of anti anxiety pills now. For sure my life will be much better from now on!

western europe is full with niggers

>anti-anxiety pills
What a fucking pussy.

You're making me anxious.

They will turn you into a vegetable tbн

Geez, another one of them increasing the suicide rate

>needing pills for anxiety or depression
nature is telling u should kill urself not take pills


>Girl keeps sending me gifs of people having rough sex "by accident"
>It's happened 3 times already
i-is she trying to tell me something?


That's very disturbing. Have you reported the authorities about this sexual harassment yet?

▲ ▲

What do I do with my life? Was enrolled in Computer Science at University, a semester in I realised the autism is just unbearable and switched courses.

Currently enrolled in Surveying for next year and have roughly 8 months off before I start. What should I do? Latvians are going to hate me but I was considering devoting the time to learning Russian.

Have heard many things about anti-anxiety pills. One of the good things being that if you actually needed them then they can improve your life 10 fold, make you more sociable and less of a cunt. Have also heard that they have the tendency to turn you into an emotionless zombie.

Some drugs are fucking scary tbqh, even dooood gets me in bad places every now and again

go into social studies or economy/finance, good luck with russian

> Implying being an emotionless zombie is a bad thing
Take the drugs and enjoy

sounds like a klutz, keep your distance

Learn Russian, it's an important language that can help you with your career prospects. Gather a group of buddies and go on a road trip/camping, if you don't have buddies then take your dog with you or something and play the lone wolf. Spend the rest of your time enjoying your life and shitposting.

>Have also heard that they have the tendency to turn you into an emotionless zombie.
The thing is, I'm not very emotional by nature. For example when my grandpa died I didn't feel anything, even though I thought that I loved him. Also when people I kind of like tell me they like me back, I also don't feel anything. I actually got these pills because I'm having a date in a few days, and I don't want to sit there like a red faced scared autist not being able to say anything coherent to her, all evening long.

Started taking antidepressants and my penis doesn't work anymore haha :D Haven't wanked for almost a week now.

>tfw I've completely lost my sex drive

Why are /balt/ posters so mentally weak?

haha on point medication banter


>Australia enters the most designed by committee artist into Eurovision to win, come 2nd
>Australia spends millions on getting like top 5 in the Olympics
>Major argument for Australia to not go republic is so we can keep dunking the heads of every other commonwealth country during the Commonwealth Games.
>Now Australia is creating Asiavision thinking we can easily win it.

Why does Australia have this really bizarre complex to win international competitions? I swear it comes from deep down knowing that nobody gives a fuck about Australia in the world and 90% of people don't even know we exist as a country,

There is this bizarre complex among Australia I've found where people seem to think the big 3 countries in the world are Australia, America and the UK.

Never really was a big fan of social studies of economics. Only reason I want to do Surveying is because it's not completely retarded, still pretty high level math - but you actually learn a useful skill. A skill which is in quite high demand across Australia as well.

After I've (hopefully) put a deposit down on a house and quite 'set up,' I might go back and do a degree in Math/Statistics; find that all quite interesting tbqh.

Learning Russian is so slow at the moment, got a nice 'pen pal' from Kaz atm, but I'm not at the level where I can have a decent conversation with her in Russian yet :\

Fair enough, paranoia of getting caught and shit still trips me up; need my own life

Yeah, thoughts are that Russia isn't really going anywhere and hopefully will improve economically within my lifetime. Making it a decent business language of some sort

When my pop died I wasn't really too phased either. Emotionally I'm pretty detached from my family, sadly was pretty much raised by the internet and spend the majority of my hours here

The point of competing is to win.

>Fair enough, paranoia of getting caught and shit still trips me up; need my own life
Getting caught with what?

You said
>take the drugs and enjoy

I assumed you meant illegal drugs as well - hence the getting caught part.

Family is full anti-drugs and they never leave the house so it's impossible to just spark up and enjoy my own company

What are the pills?

Benzo-something, I'm too lazy to read it up now
Not benzodiapezine though

Remember talking to a guy who ran a rehab clinic. Said that benzos were more addictive and harder to ween people off compared to heroin, meth, anything really

Yeah fuck it, as long as they help stop being an autist I'm fine with taking them all life long 2bh
Nice dubs btw

I thought you were talking about anti-anxiety or depression drugs.

It's written on the package.

Good man, I kind of want to try them and see what it's like
No, just weeeeed
Would probably benefit from being on anti-anx or depression drugs but I'm too scared to face the stigma of going to a doctor and admitting I have a problem

To be fair, it felt good talking to someone about my problems, especially knowing that the person can help you.

It's this one en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromazepam
It actually is a benzodiapezine, oh well

Do you take meds?

enjoy your crippling addiction x--DDD

how bad will it be?

dhanks :DDD

I guess I think that the source of all my problems comes from my family. Idea is that once I get set up on my own and am self sufficient that things will get better.

>Prolonged use of bromazepam causes tolerance and may lead to both physical and psychological dependence on the drug
wew good luck bud

Sulpiride, Agomelatine and Escitalopram.
Antidepressants and antianxiety and antipsychotic drugs.
I know, I'm a mess.

You have nothing to lose.

If a movie doesn't have incestuous relationships and light cp then it can't be called cinema.

>You have nothing to lose.
Nothing to lose doing what?

A boxing gym opened on the other side of the street from my apartment building. Should I join it? I feel like getting punched in the face would be a more productive use of my time than what I do now.


Have you ever taken psychoactive (illegal) drugs like shrooms? If yes how was it and how does it interact with the meds?

Go for it. One retard fewer on /balt/.

>Have you ever taken psychoactive (illegal) drugs like shrooms?
>If yes how was it and how does it interact with the meds?
You can find that shit online.

Seeing a psychiatrist.

Nothing except for a wad of cash money.

It's free here.

If you want, I'd gladly help you with your Russian, I always wanted an Aussie pal. It doesn't matter if you can't freely express yourself yet, we still can talk.

Wait, what?

This was my test
I don't really want to waste their time, admit I have a problem or talk to someone about my feelings tbqh
Sure thing, how would I go about this?


guys listen.



Second question and I've already lost it.

>Check any of the following that apply to you most nights:

>nightmares - yes
>tossing (off?) - yes
>frequent wanking - y e s

I have the best ide


guys listen

I have the best idea ever

All ears.