/urban/ + /architecture/

castles edition

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what is the purpose of that

Good question actually. Just seems like it would collect a lot of water. It's cool anyhow.


>people always complaining about too much modern shit in /urban/
>make 5 traditional threads in a row
>all of them completely dead



yeah well I'm tired of these dead threads I'll just let this one die and make a skyline thread

Maybe don't make these threads when the only ones awake are New Worlders, then.

Edinburgh Castle

>implying new worlders have any castles/traditional architecture to contribute

It's 9pm here

Not really any proper castles here, I think only this one is worth mentioning

They say a spooky ghost lives there. Maybe I'll visit this summer

It was more a ceremonial place that a well, a so called inverted tower, but a similar but more functional structure is the well in Orvieto.
The bridge at the end, near the fount, it's because it has a double helicoidal stairs.

Swedes built that

And the external.


the castle, chichen itza

I guess at least the architecture is there

isn't it a temple or something


Erik Axelsson Tott designed it, the construction was lead by Estonian masons and local townsfolk did the physical labor

Mid rises = comfy

castles belong to /architecture/

dunno why people thing this thread is still exclusively /urban/

yes, its also (colloquially I guess) known as the castle but its not one per se, there'd be other places that would formally be classified as pre columbian castles




Can any europeans post a view out of their window?
I guess it's because it has always been like that. Anyway, keep posting them

Japanese zoning laws




Somewhere in Russia

>I guess it's because it has always been like that.
the thing is it wasn't, not after we officially "merged" with /architecture/


>muh Disney castles


Post comfy narrow streets pls

i didnt post any "disney castle"


What are you talking about nedeeerkanker?


>all those cars ruining the comfiness

Not a view from my window because it is 10 feet away and I'm lazy.

Streetview from my flat instead

Really nice medieval castle, shame they built shitty 60s housing around it

lel I was referring to those French chateaus. They served more as palaces than actual fortifications

What you just posted is a Disney castle. Pretty nonetheless.

>europeans see nothing unusual with living near castles

Also fucking modernism man, can't you brits build some of them cities anymore?

To be honest, i never lived near a castle this awesome until a few years ago, previously i lived next to this

Less impressive, but much more comfy




Man, I would have loved to invade that as a kid. I had to settle for building sites instead



Too comfy

We used to buy alcohol at the chinese market (they couldn't ask for id because they couldn't speak english) and hang out inside the ruins of the castle when we were 14-17. Good times




The absolute best dome

what's going to happen to all those nice castles in the future :(

They will be remembered as a symbol of the great muslims who have always lived in europe and build them for the glory of allah

most of them will be preserved

The Moorish castles in Spain are the best




they will be turned into mosques

Not much. Even in case of WW3 I don't think the castles would be seen as strategic assets and they would be left alone




More of a fort, but still nice

Same for this one. Just nice walls.

That's spain too right?

Can't wait to get my spanish passport

And the most famous of Spanish castles. Originally Roman, then Moorish, and ultimately brushed over with a stroke of continental European.


>no giant castle on top of the rock

they fucked up

>Europe will be conquered by Muslims
nice meme



Shouldn't you be spamming hideous kitschy postmodern Dubai skyscrapers like you usually do?



That's a nice view. Makes it look like all the towers in the city merged into one structure.


A castle in memefornia


Is it actually real?

define "real"

americuck mad shit york isn't universally considered the best skyline anymore?

Built for actual fortification purposes


>"""american""" """"""architecture""""":
>copy European architecture - this is where they actually succeed at creating something valuable see American classicism, still it's merely a reproduction, nothing original
>build a giant rectangle(or any other basic shape) out of steel and concrete and call it an architectural and engineering marvel

Fuck no. Check the little door in the lower left of the first pic. It was built specifically as a gimmick vineyard/resort or something like that. People weren't building actual castles like that anymore when California was colonized.

You are so easy to trigger.

You're also a hypocrite. You love the giant ugly rectangles in Dubai and yet flip your shit at the rectangles in New York or Chicago. Calm the fuck down.

pic related is the closest thing to a "real" castle I've been able to find in the Americas. It's in Haiti.


Cozy castle