No future in Korea

No future in Korea.
Korea is far worse than Japan.

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pls translate, I dont speak anime

are there even children born in korea/japan? It seems that the degerancy spread here is even worse there

얼라이언스 여성이라는 걸 뭐예요?
그리고 이 사고에 호드 여성들이 들고 일어나는 걸 왜 모순이에요?

Do you love Japan?


don't worry.
sumsung and LG are strong companies.
Japanese company can't win.

i dont geddit

What? Do you play wow?

얼라이언스 여성 = Female Alliance
호드 여성= Female Horde

wut. I dont get anything now.
I know alliance and horde, but female alliance and horde? What 사고 are they talking about then?
Im confused.

Heh wat it say I don't understand

Taiwan is only hope of asia

Some cuck killed a woman in the bathroom. He's probably calling the victim "Alliance female" and the rest of women bitching about the incident "Horde female".

And why is that a 모순?

It's ironic because Horde caring about dead Alliance is unheard of.

Fugg this, i will never understand korean memes.
(was my sentence correct though? )

It's a joke. He's calling the women who made a big deal about a simple homicide ugly (hence female horde).

얼라이언스 여성이라는게 뭐예요?
그리고 이 사고에 호드 여성들이 들고 일어나는 걸 왜 모순이라고 그래요?

Oh, makes sense. ㄳ요.

why do your country want to compare toward Japan?
there is no relation between both countries.

요즘 한국사회에서 큰 문제들 되게 많구나

>혼횰인 자별
>난 중하류층을 벗어날 수없다는 생각

왜 그럴까

Help me understand this post, I understand everything except:


Then I can provide my thoughts

Sorry, meant 혼혈 not 혼횰.

Also 삼포/오포/칠포 is slang. 삼포 means giving up on the three big things in life (marrige, houseowning, and children) - 오포: giving up the 5 things 칠포, 7 things.

Damn nigga. Are you an expat?

>Also 삼포/오포/칠포 is slang. 삼포 means giving up on the three big things in life (marrige, houseowning, and children) - 오포: giving up the 5 things 칠포, 7 things.
Oh, I see. Apart from the 3 things you have mentioned, what are 2 more in 오포 and 4 more in 칠포?

I will provide my thoughts on in my post

Nah, I'm Danish.
I just lived in Korea for a while

Don't remember quite honestly, better get it from a Korean. It's all related to giving up any kind of hopes and dreams

I thought Korea was Japanese rape babies?

I hope a Koreabro can help me on that

Anyway, to answer :

For 노인자살/청년기자살, I think that is all the government's fault. It seems to me that they simply DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. They make a couple of support groups, couple of suicide lines, several ads on the streets here and there and that is it, just so they can say "we did something!"

As for 난 중하류층을 벗어날 수없다는 생각, again, I think that their system of bottlenecking people with 수능, and basically determining their future based on it. It is a bad system, because it leaves THE VAST MAJORITY of people who did not do well to burn at the stakes. Cannot start a small business (will get eaten by 재벌), cannot apply for jobs with weaker-tier university, only thing they have left is manual labor, which is saturated with immigrants who work the minimum wage.

혼혈인 자별 can be good or bad, depending on the individual's view of things. I think that it is good for diversity, but bad because those mixed kids get bullied hard and Koreans like their pure bloodlines. Need a Korean perspective on that.

For 난 중하류층을 벗어날 수없다는 생각, I will need more clarification to get any conclusions.

Someone translate it already, i cant sleep now.

what means 자별?

Koreans have only themselves to blame. Park Chung Hee made a glorious industrial power out of the shithole that Korea used to be. Then fucking retarded democrats took over and dismantled everything that was good about korea and replaced it with braindead american style economic liberalism. Now korea has literally no industries in which it can compete in successfully.

>Now korea has literally no industries in which it can compete in successfully.

>Samsung sure is doing poorly
>korea doens't produce 40% of all the world's ships

>Then fucking retarded democrats took over and dismantled everything that was good about korea

You mean being ruled by a military junta? Korea's economy is still growing at a 4% rate, which is really good.

Go suck a commie dick Xiao Bing Pong

Well, Ling Ling is kinda right, their economic growth rate is falling and will soon hit 0, where they will start feeling all the shit they've been doing for years now. Remember, besides people, they have little resources to rely on, so they need to come up with something, and fast

>growth rate is falling
so is China's
>and will soon hit 0
lol no

Most importanty democracy is not at fault for normal economic developments

I disagree with you on a lot of points 2bh

at least on elder suicide and on the difficulties on getting out from the (lower) middleclass


I like it when people disagree, to be honest, it only makes the discussion more interesting

So, Ducth, what IS at fault for the decline in their economic growth rate? And Dane, I would love to hear what do you think are the answers to your questions

Also, bear in mind that I am not Korean (obviously), have not been to Korea, did not meet Koreans irl (but I have online, skype and shit), so all my opinions are pulled out of my ass, based off of the things Koreans told me(80%) and what I have read online (20%)

Japan is one of the best country of all.And your hellhole of death god country just worst as fack.

I think the reason for elders having such high suicide rates is a combination of elders feeling lonely and left behind by their kids. The society is moving so fucking fast in Korea and the old people can't follow. Elders who feel like they raised their kids with '피와땀', are generally family-oriented and is counting on their kids taking care of them when they cannot work any more are being left behind by their kids who are becoming more individualized and have no care in fulfilling their filial piety.

As to the other problem - It's nepotism. Years ago you could only get a decent job if you went to university, so everybody went to university. Then you had to have graduated from an university in Seoul. Then people have to have studied abroad for a decent amount of time. Now none of these is enough. Because such a large part of the young people went to good universities and studied abroad competition has gotten so fierce that it's the person who knows someone somewhere who gets the job.

I also believe that the whole 삼포/오포/칠포 시대 and the 헬조선 meme that is flowing around is a consequence of that (together with Korean youngsters emigrating like never before)

>together with Korean youngsters emigrating like never before
Are they? I tought they were immigrating more than emigrating since the '90s...
>competition has gotten so fierce that it's the person who knows someone somewhere who gets the job
I dont get all the complaints about unemployment in korea or japan. I mean, of course you gotta be well qualified, but when their unemployment rate is at 3% while, let's say, europe is at almost 10% and brazil is at 11%, i can't help but think the people complaining are taking their preparation too imprudently. Like, they're "qualified" on a western level, not asian level. You know what i mean?
I feel like, as hard as it can be, at least you CAN get a job in korea/japan if you're as qualified as an asian normally is. I cant say the same about the rest of the world (maybe US being an exception).

why does your country hate porn?



I beg you to translate it for us who struggle with some words or can't read at all


>Are they? I tought they were immigrating more than emigrating since the '90s...

>I feel like, as hard as it can be, at least you CAN get a job in korea/japan if you're as qualified as an asian normally is

Just getting a job isn't really enough, you have to work at a big firm were you can stay for a lot of years. Changing full-time jobs isn't really a common thing in Korea. When you got one you stay there for life, so you don't have to start at the bottom of the food chain again.

Job-stability is also important, so people want to avoid working at a small private firm that might go down any day.

Interesting perspective. Especially on the elders. What happens, do they get abandoned and forgotten by their own? I kind of agree on elders not catching up with the development.

And about nepotism, I would cut Korea some slack on that, as nepotism happens everywhere. The thing that I find somewhat problematic is that keeping jobs is a must, so you don't get to start from scratch. I need some more explanation. Why can't they start somewhere in the middle with those good universities and qualifications??

Also, much love to Denmark and Danes, you are good people (no matter what those pesky Swedes say)

>What happens, do they get abandoned and forgotten by their own?

Some are. If you ever go to Korea try to notice all the extremely old people who go around collecting cardboard at night or the old ladies sitting in the street selling nothing but garlic and sesame-leaves from her garden.

>Why can't they start somewhere in the middle with those good universities and qualifications??

No matter what company you get a job at you start at the bottom of the food chain as a 후배 meaning you're stuck with all the shitty work and the awful hours. The hierarchy works as such as you can't surpass colleagues who have been in the company for a longer time than you even if you have a better degree (or even if you are older).

Shouldnt this be "하지말고"? Or is this rule ignored sometimes (for making the text more 'cute' maybe), the meaning staying the same?

It's internet-speak.
Koreans spell like they want to online