Tell me some interesting facts about America

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we have to pay for our own health care

They are all fat and they stink


American men start tipping mere minutes after being born

Did you know that USA is number 1 ?


>can't be hauled off to prison for "hate speech"
>relative to europe, not taxed out the ass
>compared to """"""syrian""""""" """""""refugees""""""", beaners are a god-send

It's good to be the king.

Also why do Americans think they aren't cucked?

>I like to pull made up statistics out my ass: the pic

In most states if you have an underage girl in your car that doesn't have her shoes on then you can be charged with statutory rape

>europoor calling others cucked
>either to poor for anyone to bother cucking you
>or currently being cucked by men of african or middle eastern decent.

We don't, we just think that some countries are more cucked than others.


>wannabe italy jr. but will never be anything other then an ok spot to cut your ass open on a bunch of rocks at the "beach"

You are Cuck: The Country

65% of American households own at least one pet, accorting to a 2015-2016 APPA survey.
The most popular pets are dogs (44%) and cats (35%)

It's prohibited by law to teach evolution

>america according to the rest of the world


>1 bomb + 1 bomb = japan forever cucked

The US is 12th in CO2

Wtf Luxembourg?

Highest birth rates are west Africa, Niger is over 7 TFR. The US TFR is barely replacement (2.1) so it can't be the most teen births.

The McDonalds statistic is true. Although the US is 4th in per capita, after Guam, Andorra, Monaco and Canada

As for divorce, depending on the definition it's either Belarus or Russia with the highest rate, or Portugal and Belgium. Belgium seems considered to be the #1 in most stats

>Belgium, another European country is an emblem of European Modernity. Despite its rich history and famous architectures this country couldn’t able to hold its marital system firmly. The consequentially majority of the marriages end up in divorce. Almost 32 thousand of the Belgian individuals sign divorce papers each year. Therefore, the rate in the country has skyrocketed up to 71% which is the highest of not only in Europe but also in the entire world.

The US has a rate of 53% which is still very high and puts it in the top 10

more than china

It's a sourceless .jpg written in comic sans, what do you expect?

that's a sexy horse

No shit, we're bigger than Europe basically. We're not some tiny country full of hard working people. We're a massive nation with a bunch of lazy shits who abuse the welfare systems as is.

That's bullshit. Korea has the highest plastic surgery rate. Of that ranking is just most people, no shit well be #1 in everything, we have the most people of almost any country. Also #1 in raprs is Sweden for sure. Nice bait graph tho

It actually has a culture

Aesthetic plastic surgery isn't the only plastic surgery, you smart Amerifat.

>The "America is big" argument

The USA put together a Land Ordinance Act in 1796 to settle the new expanded western lands with mathematical precision

Land was divided into big squares, then smaller squares within (counties), then farmland-squares. Each square was assigned soil quality ratings to adjust price.

This land was then sold off. Primarily due to both coastal Americans and German immigrants to rapidly buy it up

Today, the effects are still visible across the midwest from the air

That's pretty interesting