Europe should unite into one country

Europe should unite into one country

Are you sure?

Only if it's a decentralised communist democracy.

but first, race war


but otherwise, yes

do you realize how bad those words contradict eachother?

Europe should unite as a colony of the Netherlands.

>decentralised communist democracy

so many oxymorons in just three words


Have you ever thought with your own brain instead of listening to populists?

Ok but don't forget, Iberia is north Africa. We are out. ( close the door and run away of communist Europe)

Netherlands should unite as a colony of the North Sea

no thanks, if you do keep us out of it

Italy should unite as a colony of corruption.

Europe and America should unite into one country desu

Communism is inherently centralist and antidemocratic.
Democracy implies some form of centralized government.

Perhaps it's you who should educate himself.

And this is coming from a leftist.


To one Greek country


Have you ever thought with your brain is the real question. Decentralized communist democracy.

Every one of those words contradict eachother

It's like saying i want an anarchist monarchy or some bullshit

We already did, are you living under a rock or something?

Your country will disappear beneath the waters, goodbye goodbye.



>big country with many provinces
>tons of immigrants
>escalating crime
>Merkel wants a Euro army

You would basically turn into the USA.

It's rightful European clay though, Turks or no Turks

Anarcho-Monarchism actually exists sadly enough.

Well they have 2 of the 4 already, might as well complete the set.

Shut up obese American.


Just when I thought I had seen it all

No thanks pham


>sour grapes


Absolutely not, unless their populace is genocided, then its ok.

Also Merkel would acquire nuclear launch codes.


How about you explain why? No "B-But muh Amurika, B-But muh Russia'

Same is said for Sweden.

Muh Amurika
Muh Russia

you mean one caliphate

Fuck off Merkel, stop trying to make the fourth reich real.

could have happened... before the refugee crisis, before the piigs crisis, before germany decided to fuck it up and not let it mature. now, not so much.


turkey is not europe delete this

>you mean one caliphate

Nice try, Barack Hussein Obama

Scandinavia should unite into one country.
Finland is also invited if they bring memes.

find the biggest prison for ukrainian politicians first

We only come if we can do something to the swedes so they don't fuck it up like they have their own country.


Nope, we are way too culturally different to be in one state

Heck we already have a big enough issue with a north-south divide. We literally just almost lost Scotland.

You think a EU state would not crumble day one?

ITT: good goyim

This, even in Spain we can't stand each other and we are basically the same shit. Imagine a union with different races, religions, mindsets, ethics, cultures, languages, etc.

Turkey is NOT European
Just because they have a toe in Europe does not make them apart of the place

They are mongols

>They are mongols

t. turkish diaspora

Can we join please? Germany keeps trying to turn us into Syria. We have a pretty good Viking background too. We'll send the nignogs and pakis back to France to burn Paris down.

sorry i meant to type mongrels but same thing really

Was connected to 3g, wifi now.

ITT: good goyim

Delete this post

>Implying we would invite roaches

How did you get that flair


oh mein gott it really is happening isnt it


Okay Schlomo whatever you say

Nordic countries plus whatsthatgoblincountry should form modern Calmari union.

It begins, you should have brexited sooner.
Look out the window!

Do you understands that my country will save every shitty terrorist and once they'll step on Italy's State they'll be in Europe Country free to go where they want and they won't be stopped by France and Austria like they're right now?
(I'll escape to Geneva)

The Eurika!


Perhaps we should have a civil war first, like the USA, unionists against confederationists.


HOW THE FLYING FUCK DO YOU GET AN EU FLAG ON Sup Forums?!?!?!? Is Europe a country now?



>Communism is inherently centralist and antidemocratic.
How do you even make this shit up? In communism there is no state so how on earth can it be centralist?
>Democracy implies some form of centralized government.
Democracy can be achieved through local means, democratic control of enterprise etc
>Perhaps it's you who should educate himself.
>And this is coming from a leftist

Even if you don't believe something you should probably at least try to understand it before chatting shit

look at the fucking map retard

>We have a pretty good Viking background too.

But seriously tho, too much french in you

The North Sea is already a Dutch colony.