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Your country
Would your people think it's completely ok for your 62 years old president marry a 19 years old girl?



doesn't look 19

He's now 75
Look at that happy face

Evita 2.0

Good, there's literally nothing wrong with a male having a relationship with a younger woman.

he's a classic type winner

good for him

Brazil: either the president is an oligarch only interested in sucking the wealth out of the country, or a commie interested in sucking the wealth out of the people

Can't you fuckers find someone in the middle?
Who was the president before Lula? Bring that asshole back.

This desu. If this triggers you the SJW got to you mate.

>mfw it's real

oh nö ids a pedofäils :O

Damn, I'm jealous. I doubt they connect on a very personal level. Not that there is anything wrong with that though.


It baffles me that SJWs are still relevant.
Any male with any sense of respect for himself and his needs would tell some SJW shit to fuck off.
Men have always and should always listen to their dicks, young women simply breed healthier kids.

A retard

South Americans can't handle democracy if you haven't noticed.


I'd be up in arms before my country ever had a President.

>South Americans can't handle democracy if you haven't noticed.
Specially with yankees in your continent

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is that you? Don't you have a fraud trial to attend?

dude is called FHC and literally had to buy votes for congressmen to approve his re-election bill
he did save us from inflation but he's still a massive faggot.

>tfw this is true

Chile is doing better than you, how does that feel?


As if it wasn't fairly known the amount of dictatorships supported by the US

>South Americans can't handle democracy if you haven't noticed.
what are you even about

we had so much democracy your country did 6 coups and counting