What were you doing 15 years ago, Sup Forums?

What were you doing 15 years ago, Sup Forums?
>Building gundam models while listening to linkin park, content with my cozy suburban life and excited for the future

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I could still find plenty of joy in my life

Probably working as the cart-boy at the local golf course since its 4pm at the beginning of summer break between junior and senior years of high school.

Was probably playing pokemon, running around and not thinking about anything cause i was 7

Literally the only point in my life where I was truly happy

Playing runescape


Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go study, train, do whatever. Instead of regretting what you should have done years ago just do that shit now faggot

>tfw 23 yo
>still build Gundam models every now and then while listening to JAM Project

playing some AOE2 on my old PC and , except my copy was pirated and cannot save a game, I was force to run the first 3-4 gyms until I finally beat the game with Soul Silver.

Holy moly, GSC is still my favourite set of games from Pokemon series.

Who /cyndaquil/ here?

I went to the 1st grade

>Not Totodile

was investigating russian internet with dial-up. thinking whole days why i am so retarded. now i'm converted to orthodox christianity, so i'm feel much better myself now. happy story seems to be.

>Painting Warhammer figures, playing Pokémon on my GameBoy Color, "playing the drums" on cardboard boxes and pans, riding my bike on a summer's day and leaving it unlocked without having it stolen, playing football well in to the evening with my mates, pretty much happy with the way things were, wondering what the life as a late teenager / early adult had in store for me

is ok too, don't be mad :3

Man I loved this game growing up. At one point, my pokemon were my only friends and I took care of them like if they were real.

>Playing Pokemon
>Watching YugiOh
>Watching DBZ/Yuyu Hakashu/The Simpsons
>Was 7 at the time

HS doing SATs


Who /typhlosion/ with all the 3 type punches?


I'll never forget this music and how happy it would made me feel knowing that a great adventure was waiting me.

Life didn't turn out to be such great adventure

happy senior year of high school

Who Charizard that wrecks every gym here

Oh wait too early

I was 4 years old, are you guys telling me that you are all in your 30s and you still visit the international section of hentai website every day?

Why are you weirdos married?

>Why are you weirdos married?

spotted the newfag


I was almost 7. Probably playing DOOM, Duke Nukem or Wolfenstein.

well, we work in offices now and we are at the stage of our careers where we don't have bosses checking up on our asses every five seconds. as long as our work gets done, who gives a fuck whether were wasting time on facebook, tinder, ESPN.com.... or the int section of a hentai website.

i was in kindergarten

>DOOM, Duke Nukem or Wolfenstein.
I played that shit when I was 9, just two years older than you. Given, this was like 1993 so like 8 years ahead of you in the gaming department.

Same as now. Except I was sad then and I'm happy now.

I was 2 years into a 3 year prison sentence in Indiana, shot a guy in the shoulder (he lived)

31 :(




I've been playing those games since I was 2 years old, maybe because my father played them while he was carrying me when I was a baby.

There are plenty people in their early 20's, some in their mid to late 20's, but very few in their 30's. Almost none.

Many are just children pretending to be old. It's weird, but it happens. For some reason pretending to be old makes sense to 12 year olds.

Weirdly enough I started looking at Sup Forums when I was 29, but I only look at /his/, /pol and Sup Forums

I was a depressed 16-year-old, but enjoying some good vidya gaems.

Played doom when I was 10 at a friend's house didn't enjoy it
Got snes when I was 11 played the crap out of killer instinct final fight and that star wars platformer
Got n64 when I was 12 played golden eye and perfect dark

when xbox in hs etc

Playing video games and being a useless teenager.

I was living in England and had a "treehouse" where I played with other kids of my area (when it wasn't fucking raining). There were also a bunch of lavenders next to my house. I used to catch bees with a transparent tool box and other insects, which I'd then keep for a day or two and let go afterwards.

Best days of my life, sometimes I remember things from my childhood and I get a weird dizziness sensation from being reminded that those good ol'days will never come back.

> ywn go fishing with the lads again

Playing OoT and Smash Bros on my N64.

Westfield taco bell, corner of us 31 & state road 32 ( they tore it down a couple years ago building a ramp system for 31). guy and his buddy pull in as i was walking to my car, they jump out and start running their mouths, i tried to ignore, but they pushed the issue, i pulled out my pistol and told them to back the fuck off, guy said "fuck you", guy got shot, shit his pants, and turned and ran. I got 8 years in the DOC, 2 suspended, 6 executed, Indiana gave 2 for 1 good time credit back then, i did 3 years and another 2 on probation

In 2006 Indiana changed the self defense law, since i shot him while sitting in my car and he was approaching me looking to fight, it would have been self-defense under the new law. the incident happened in 1999. i was 20

I was an extremely depressed and bullied 8th grader who played my violent fantasies in GTAIII everyday.


33 anios

I had fun though, i was an outcast in school, but the convicts accepted me as one of their own. I found a place where i fit in

Well never mind about moving to Indiana from Kentucky then.

i was 14. I was getting out of foster care( my parents used to be addicts) and I went to Delaware and had my first real crush on a girl named cara and my first best friend named Marvin. if I wasn't obsessing over them I was lonely and downloading paper images of hentai on dial up internet

5 years old and watching smurfs and chatting shit.
Just watch different shows these days but pretty much the same.

IIRC I was heavily into the Deus Ex map modding scene.

I was 9, so just sort of dicking around, being a kid and stuff.

Probably playing shit on my PS1 or SNES.

I didn't have PC or consoles, so no videogames. I was busy with my Dashankuro car at the time. Even won in local competition.

Playing outside with my friends.