TFW no cute trap gf

>TFW no cute trap gf

I wouldn't mind being trapped by her

i wouldn't mind sucking her cock tbqh.

I wonder what trap semen tastes like, is it sweet?


>Le edgy autist that needs to come into every trans related thread

Fuck off idiot, she's a girl

>le edgy autist that needs to make trans related threads

fuck off idiot, he's a boy

how tf do i talk to traps and what do i say to them

*tips fedora*

You probably make tfw nogf threads and wonder why you're a virgin

Same thing you would say to a regular girl. They're just people, man. They have feelings like everyone else.

are you also the one who makes the complain about Sup Forums threads?

*tips fedora*

You probably put stuff up your ass, make trap threads and wonder why people think you're gay

>You probably put stuff up your ass

Literally nothing wrong with this

>tfw no weeb trap gf

Question is, are you a trap?

*tips fedora*

Why do people bitch about being a virgin,
if you're that impatient there are prostitute

got bullied for loving her on /fa/


:333 they're so cuutte!

I can smell his dragon breath through my monitor.

That's funny, I can imagine she has cute bubblegum breath and likes to chew a lot of gum

why does canada exist

while I have to agree with that, the point still stands

>she's a girl
>has facial and body features of a man and a cock

She looks very feminine tho, her cock is probably qt too

Come on you can't unironically say you wouldn't have sexual relations with this cutie

No, not since I saw her pissing her diapers for $20 on chaturbate.

I would not.


>No, not since I saw her pissing her diapers for $20 on chaturbate

s-source? i-i demand proofs...

I think you are just slandering the name of my QT

I'm not, I'm sorry. Just google that shit out. It shouldnt be a problem, since you know her well.

I don't know her, I just found qt pictures on le reddit and decided I want a gf who looks like her

give me source m8, I need to see this to believe it. I do not trust you

Just google it, reverse her.

oh boy, i'm scared to click any of the links

Why should you? Are you afraid of the truth?


eh, it's not so bad what are you talking about

she's cute

Then, leave it be. Better live in a lie and be happier, than to know the bittersweet truth.

>all the videos have no sound

wtf is this shit im trying to fap

i'm downloading a bunch

whyd you remind me ;_;

you again huh

I want to stick my penis in someone who was born a man but became a girl until she gets pregnant

I just finished masturbating to her eating her own cum.

it was quite good but I wish there was sound. I really like how happy she looks and she has a cute smile.

I would feed her some every single day