Our national TVs this days:

Our national TVs this days:

>US is bad...
>look at this report from China about US...
>US saying China is good, but look at US and look to China. Obviously China is the good one

By this. I, as the first country to acknowledge US as a legitimate country, I'm not amused by them anymore...

US was so disrespectful to Morocco in the last years, our government started funding the Clintons and other politicians for the first time, but we weren't able to compete with Algeria's oil money. So we searched for new friends...

I don't care much for that... but I prefer China over US as an ally since they don't intervent in your inside policy. And if there's any economical cooperation it's normally related to manufacturer and not infrastructures as loans that force the poor to pay for... it's rather something practical that will benefit the poor.

Also they will never run the tube "privatize school, privatize water, privatize health, privatize privatize...".

Your thoughts my comrades?

Other urls found in this thread:


>US saying China is no good,

nothing will ever benefit the poor.

>nothing will ever benefit the poor.
Nothing is meant to benefit the poor, but it does accidentally when the interest of the poor and elites is in the same direction.

Our monarchy don't feel safe since with our weak economy we can't defend ourselves. So now they are actually trying to build a strong economy after US is finally isn't anymore like "fear nothing my buddy, you are under my protection!".

It's the same for Saudi, that they are finally building economy and entertainments means (art, themed parks...).

oh right, you have a monarchy.. get rid of it first then worry about everything else

but the kang is cool and shiet

I'm sure countries who border China share your sentiment.

>oh right, you have a monarchy.. get rid of it first then worry about everything else
At least in a monarchy the king himself rule. Not a deep government or the elites.

And when you blame him and he fear to lose his position he react back. A "democratic" system never listen to its people.

I will prefer a Khilafa, but since it's not achievable now I'm fine with a kingdom.

I'm sure countries who border with burgerland and who don't share your sentiment too.

Dumbest thread I've ever seen desu

No hard feeling bro...

You corporatocracy became too greedy... I will be more happy dealing with none of you...

Both US and China are evil, but China is the incompetent evil. The alternative evil that must be less evil to be accepted as an ally.

Have you forgotten so soon ;≥;

Stop abusing ellipses, it's really annoying.

Also, your opinions about most things are irrelevant and/or stupid. Most people in general don't have the cognitive machinery or time to formulate valid opinions. Only narcissism fuels your belief to the contrary.

Yes yes, we all know the US is evil and only looks after itself and is a shit ally

interesting perspective but it just seems risky to me. look at the gulf monarchs, they can do everything else with american backing. the bahrainis suppressed their revolution brutally and literally nobody had any idea anything happened.

good luck if the king gets foreign backing like that

besides, people themselves are often fucking idiots and will be straight up self destructive like ours

>I'm sure countries who border with burgerland and who don't share your sentiment too.
Mexico? Canada?
Both of them are positively sucking our dick. They love us.
South America? Outside of a couple shitholes (Venezuela, Cuba) they're on perfectly reasonable terms with us.

If you meant Latin America is on reasonable terms with China, that may be true, but it's not because China is a paragon of virtue. Fuck, even we hate their guts, but can't stop doing business with them.

Your statement that you prefer a caliphate is a good indication you aren't worth the time it took for me to type this, but I'll correct the more egregious errors.

Moroccan caliphates were pretty cool meme tier regimes

Your king is becoming fatter. He already has the chinky fat eyes.

>interesting perspective but it just seems risky to me. look at the gulf monarchs, they can do everything else with american backing. the bahrainis suppressed their revolution brutally and literally nobody had any idea anything happened.

Middle Eastern countries are going to be shit regardless of who your overlords are. You're just genetically inferior, especially when you're looking at the gulf regions.

We will reunite someday bro :)

When the global system is less fucked up.

Yeah I forgot. In burgers are relevant in burgerland.

The problem is US is that the establishment can justify any war. And make the people follow it.

Iraq's war as an example, in its time it was so justifiable. Now people don't even know why they've gone there...

Actually I'm fine with what we achieved here the last years.

King is a still the king, so the country is stable. The Islamic party (same name as yours) that was banned for decades allowed to be a part of politics and now they are the head of government...

The worst examples are Egypt and Syria. And trust me with a foreign help and without it's not worth it.

Talking about South America.

Isn't what was going on there is slavery on action on a large scale?

And even today, your country's business model is waging wars. I hope you wake up someday and realize the destruction you are doing to the world just to help your bosses buy another yacht.

He is actually sick...

The gulf region is what making your life better by giving the dollar a value and tanking the federal reserve monopoly. They are actually agreeing to give you free money (oil) whenever you print dollars. In exchange you are their personal army.

fucking autist lay down and die

>remove debt backed currency
>suddenly jews and arabs are irrelevant

I hope you best. Despite whatever your cheap TV keep telling you.

You are right. But it's what the best for the world.

Been passively robbed wherever where you are in the world is just isn't cool.

>watching TV

I mean it's the only way to make the 12th producer country in the world and 7th of gas with a failed economy like that that asleep.

Either that or they vaccinate you with autism.