
Loli Captain on deck, salute to your Loli Captain! edition

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Gingers ain't got no souls :p



I don't know what my imouto like.
But im certain she won't like you.


New thread



SEA Men is M A N L Y


Platinum nice


/asean/ theme


/asean/ meme theme


/asean/ remix theme


>Loli Captain on deck, salute to your Loli Captain! edition
>UK flag
Are all brits pedos or just most of them?

Hes malasyan m8

But yeah brits are famous for being pedos

>my dick is roughly as big as a guy who gets blown by trannies on film for a living

Feels ok, I guess I don't need to worry about my size then?

>tfw dick is smaller than a tranny's

>mfw this thread

Salamat pagi lads

Is manggahan floodway safe to live? Im staying there for a month and its rainy season

>mariko-chan's ideal type is g-dragon
>tfw i look remotely like g-dragon
>can't write and compose songs for shit
>fashion is plain shirt, brown pants, brown shoes or flipflops
>lots of acne scars
>shitty undercut

keel me

But user! She my Muse! My Delilah! The Sugar in my Coffee! The Frosting on my Cake! When I saw her singing in 'Aitakatta!', I was smitten! I knew love again ever since I was bullied by my crush from Grade School!

But, I know we're never meant to be. Such is the life of a celebrity and common folk, not to mention language barriers. I cry myself to sleep every night when I remind myself of this fact.

Take a look! The face of an Angel!

Remove Singapore from ASEAN

Thank you in time

expect devastating floods. it's a depressed area and you're staying beside the tondo of pasig city.

don't worry though, at least it's just one ride away to sm hypermart angono :^)

is it worth the samefag?


all hail judas

>living in a floodway


Yukirin is the best girl.

No.1 soon

Shes like 6.5/10 at best

What can you native Indonesian brothers say about the documentary The Act of Killing?

is jav idol popular in indoneisa?

like bags of sand

The Look of Silence is better movie

She doesn't even know what benis is


Shit taste, mayuyu namba wan


>believing bule propaganda

So you're saying the genocide never happened and rampant corruption didn't exist?

hes just like marcosfag

nobody believes this shit, everybody knows moohammad shoeheart~o is pure and would never do anything lewd to his indonesia raya country ^___^

>implying killing gommies is a bad thing

people like anwar congo are necessary villains
they could transcend the muh human rights barrier to fight the communist which police and army couldn't

>believing bule propaganda

Being coup's facade or not, here's the real situation in the grassroots at that time
>Kill or You Get Killed
PKI/Indo Commie target was educated religious people/ public figure. Unfortunately my grandpa was one of those targets in my district.
He need to hide in sort of bamboo forest (?) about two days straight, so goomie scum wouldn't find him (His good friend who's also PKI leaked the info to him, but unfortunately this good friend got caught by Army).
It's really chaotic back then. Thank god, Indo army reacted really fast & my grandpa survived from that massacre.

Anyway, I live in Solo. Don't know what happen in Jakarta.

>more like "kill all the commies even the innocent one and he's only a regular farmer"
Thats actually the REAL bule propaganda proxied by CIA.

How do you know that the one hunting your grandpas was a commie? What if they are a groups paid by Suharto or CIA to falseflag PKI.
Why did Suharto burn all the evidence related to PKI and closed any door to any investigation related to PKI """"""coup d'etat""""""

Anwar is just a hired thug though.

gee i wonder who behind this post is

anwar was our mad dog just like FPI now

>it's chinkindogs talk about communist thread again

Shame about him having PTSD though.

It's simple.
We live in rural area and there's not so many people back then. Also, as old school villagers we helps each other in the daily basis, unlike people in the big city.
So, of course my grandpa and other villagers knew it was local PKI followers who chased after him. It's not so hard to recognized, afterall.

> Suharto or CIA
We don't give a shit.
Kill or get Killed, that's what matters. We did that so we can survive, that's all.

Its kind of funny when a literal who Major General (Suharto) suddenly rise as a hero and at the same time six senior army general that close to Sukarno were kidnapped and executed.

And all of that happens when Sukarno (backed by Soviet) was busy waging konfrontasi war with Malaysia(backed by British).
West were looking for a way to topple Sukarno. And PKI was the answer.

egyptian airplane

what would /asean/ do to her?

What happen during Suharto reign?
>Peace for Malaysia
>Gold and minerals for Freeport.
>Oils for Exxon.

that is not /ASEAN/, you probably meant /Thai/

sheeeeeeit need to get readyfor exammu

run to her pick her up and dump her in my white van

This is literally happening RIGHT NOW in UST.
I literally just saw her a few hours ago doing this and I think she's still there.

brb going there right now you filthy unifag

she will give birth to a baby 9 months later, you just wait and see

may Allah bless you in your endeavours

kek, wrap her full head with tape user

I bet she's an AB student or one of those fine arts student whose main hobby is to be edgy and anti-conservative faggots.

goddamit, and you're using my flag too

i'll wreck her anus m8

post pic m8 want to see.

>All these pleb idol
Best idol coming through [spoiler]she's not my oshi though[/spoiler]


>Russian ambassador met with presumptive-president Rordrigo Duterte on Wednesday, May 18



I always wondered - why did Indonesia steal our colours and inverted it? What does their flag mean?

White and red was out CoA since year ~ 1070 and you guys just took it and inverted it not so long ago :(

>calling out pleb idols
>while posting pleb idol

Stop pretending to be Poland, Indonesia.

m8 pls

Its traced back to Majapahit empire (1293).

Stop copying us pls.

Did you also complain to Monaco ?

bitch, just put back the eagle on you flag so we can easily tell which is poland and indonesia.

I should since they copied us as well but they're a meme region more then a country so it's hard to find someone to whine to.

The one with the eagle is used as well, especially by diplomacy, ships, airships etc. it's just 4chins that chose to use the flag without the eagle.

Indonesia's coat of arms looks the same too

You should've just complain to that faggot moot to include that eagle part instead of us. We dont have any other version of our flag.

sign a petion for japmoot to replace it

SJW on my UST?

I wanna take her home though

that eagle is carrying some swagging jewelry

We are of cucks for Russia now

I wish we could change it. Would solve some problems.



n-nice flag

dick officially reentered senate's vagina

>Russian Ambassador Igor Khovaev is amazed by Duterte's personality! Ambassador Igor: "It's time for Russia to discover the Philippines..

Is it habbenin?


with russia-indonesia defence deal, russia wants /asean/ lad



RUSSIA-USA-ASEAN-CHINA vs Middle East & Europe soon

hello malaysia

It's been a good run



Now we know who arms his Davao death squad.

If civil war comes because of a coup he needs to have his alliances to counter the USA army

thank you for the smile,you make me just a bit more positive today

me on the right