
>half of your country is now italian immigrants how much does it improve?


Other urls found in this thread:

if north, yes

if south, no


I thought this was someone bleeding from the head


Definitely not

If they're switch from catholicuckism, then they're welcomed here anytime.
Country would be pretty much the same, we are also lazy asses who eat much and do less.

Southern Italian immigrants in America assimilated and now have an IQ average that is at parity with other European ethnic groups, an income that is slightly larger and lower divorce rates.

>italy is now full of diaspora

I'm not sure i could resist that much


>Yes because hot women. no because horny men

nothing has changed tBh



That's pretty common in naples

So they got dumber?

desu I'd do this if I could get away with it.

Relax all day and have the wagecucks working for Shekelgruber provide me with a steady income.


But in reality, they gained about 15 IQ points from initial measurements (~85, now 100), are have about 8 or so IQ points on current Southern Italians, who themselves are producing better PISA results yearly.

We turn into Argentina.

Where the heck did you found those statistics
Also school is in the south is shit just like everything else, PISA results aren't a real indicator of their IQ

Source about that? AFAIK actual regional data about IQ has never existed, there are only some retarded approximations made from PISA scores (education ≠ intelligence). Also, Italy has still the highest IQ average in Europe, if Southern Italians really have a low IQ that would mean that the other Italians are unusually intelligent even for the European standards

Some data collected by Sowell, Ron Unz and Lynn.

Also some amateur HBD data aggregation I got from Hsu.

The bottom line: Italian-Americans (a group composed of ~90% Southern Italians) have an IQ average of 100.

It was a hot topic of debate when Richard Lynn postulated that Southern Italians had a lower IQ for genetic reasons. Other commentors then made the claim that this was unlikely given the Southern Italian-American IQ met perfect parity with other European-American groups.

Lynn countered by claiming that Southern Italian American IQ was higher because of immigrant selection.

Is this a likely hypothesis? Why would only Italian-American IQ be higher, and not other European-American ethnicites? Why is it exactly at 100, parity with other European groups? Why hasn't the sample regressed in the past 200 years like other samples?

The PISA is g-loaded to a certain degree and will as a result correlate to IQ. That's my source. I'm sure you could google it and find the PISA results regionally.

TL;DR I'm right, or at least extremely likely to be right. I don't view Lynn's counter-argument as at all convincing, and neither should you.

Australia's already like this. We might have more Greeks though, I'm not sure. Fucken wogs

>>Lynn countered by claiming that Southern Italian American IQ was higher because of immigrant selection.
The poorest people emigrated

>The PISA is g-loaded to a certain degree and will as a result correlate to IQ.
It will not if you're measuring it in a place with an education problem like Southern Italy

>It will not if you're measuring it in a place with an education problem like Southern Italy

g-loading is g-loading whether you take the test on Mars or at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

>The poorest people emigrated

I'm not going to argue given that you're agreeing with me.