During the Bush years, Sup Forums was largely apolitical albeit with the usual nigger watermelon jokes

>During the Bush years, Sup Forums was largely apolitical albeit with the usual nigger watermelon jokes
>Nowadays, threads are guaranteed an instant derail with nigger crime stats, cultural Marxism theories, and 50000-word long essays about Jews if they're even only tangentially related to the subject (I.e. a black guy being cast in a movie)
>Nowadays, you can't express anything less than a 150% neocon opinion, or else you're a cuck degenerate anti-white marxist jew shill
>mfw Sup Forums (and the rest of the Internet) has forgotten the rule of "Internet is srs business" and now takes everything deadly seriously

What happen ed?

Other urls found in this thread:


neocons are morons also jews are our friends and i hope they gas the filthy muslim palis

these are the racist uncles of tomorrow my lad, nothing special

Nice psyop, shill.

>What happen ed?
Underage kids realized that they wouldn't get banned if they don't post their age.

Sup Forums used to be entirely satire, then underaged kids from Sup Forums came to boards like /new/ and then Sup Forums and the few legitimate stormfags and trolls trolled them into becoming racist

We need things to complain about even though times are pretty good

>inb4 muh 50's was the best time in the world and old pictures of "good" cities

>mfw people are now rude loudmouths and if you tell them stfu you're a SJW

Christian values disappeared

People that born in the 2000, are actually posting here, that's the problem

It's easy

Just don't submit to peer pressure and enjoy butthurt

Have you simply considered Sup Forums is just a place for young middle class-ish white men, and these days that demographic has generally become much more racist than 10 years ago (as shown by various polls about what kind of people actually vote fn) ?

This. At least half of Sup Forums is complete bullshit these days, you can't even have a serious discussion without some autists throwing away fake windows paint made proofs and present them as the most reliable source of information. But as soon as you tell them it's complete bullshit they just spam memes and call them a legit argument.

It's simpler than that.
There are just more underage underage b& than ever and at that age it's fun to be edgy.

it makes for effortless bait and endless internet shenanigans, they're much easier to bait than anyone else here.

I think everybody got older and stopped finding the old memes funny.
This caused the ironic shitposting age which was an existential crisis of a sort, can you really have your OWN memes, does the internet mean nothing can remain in the group.
Feminism bashing filled the void as the post irony age bloomed, it was sophisticated enough a idea to not feel like the memes of old, yet not serious or real enough to cause anxiety.
This is what you're seeing, the new generation of memes. More serious, more edgy, more mature (in a way) and definatly more political.
It's the result of the generation that grew up here maturing beyond longcat.

This age is also dieing, but it has a few years in it still.

>hurr durr how dare you have opinions that don't go along me and my gender studies professors' views

>The only guy in slovakia to be a nigger lover

Nowing how people think in eastern Europe it's easy to say this idiot will be beaten by some hooligans one day or another.

nice one, we're still the best posters here i see

Neo-conservatism is Jewish trickery

>During the Bush years
the fuck nigger? you actually remember what 4ch was like back then? i sure as fuck don't.

a. 2006 fag

because feminist mess with entertainments and general media, if they leave Sup Forums nerds with their movies, animes and video games alone and do actual feminism most people wouldn't care. but no they have to see racism and sexism in everything, then all must change to be politically correct and diverse. hows that not annoying even for normal non Sup Forumstard?

i don't care about feminists, they have literally never affected me or the media i consume. seems like you are literally choosing to be upset about shit

Don't like it leave

when i was a kid feminism triggered me so fucking easily, just the concept made me rage

nowadays tho i am convinced feminism is just a giant ploy for attention

Redditors likr you flooded the place making it push back with sjw-be-gone statements

>tfw made a good thread ()
>tfw instantly derailed

It is a backlash against the left-wingers being too goddamn loud nowdays. LGBT agenda wasn't pushed around (I still don't get what's wrong with general "don't ask - don't tell"), nignogs didn't shout about how their lives are more important than everybody else's, there were no safe spaces and feminism didn't reach its retard phase yet.

Are you retarded?

I'm a centrist but I've been pretending to be an SJW on here, it's lots of fun desu.

If you're an oldfag, just reap the fun. Fucking with every board used to be craft with different things to learn for each board, now you can piss off any board with psuedo-SJW bait.

Beautiful post.

>>During the Bush years, Sup Forums was largely apolitical albeit with the usual nigger watermelon jokes

Say what nigger? We loved to mock Bush.

>>Nowadays, you can't express anything less than a 150% neocon opinion, or else you're a cuck degenerate anti-white marxist jew shill

Just because the far left has hijacked the dems is acting as retarded now as the far right who hijacked the gop a decade doesn't mean we all swung far right. We just hate retarded bullshit.

>implying you were even here before 2009

>more important than everyone else's

Oh holy shit Ivan.

You have Sup Forums to blame for that.

You'll find that when people act like idiots, they often become idiots.

Sup Forums has now become the antithesis of SJWs, much like neo-nazis to BLM.

I was browsing Sup Forums today and I screen capped this.

The thread was deleted before I could make a reply.

ITT : People that get triggered easily a'd forgot that Sup Forums has always been the flag version of Sup Forums

>jew shill

Ironic considering the OP image, and the "Sup Forums used to be PC" meme are almost exclusively used by shills.

>now you can piss off any board with psuedo-SJW bait.

You always could moron, it's nothing new, you could always pretend to be a retarded feminist/moralfag to get tons of replies, it's just that people like you are so bad at trolling that lazy bait is the only way you can do it. Also legitimate SJWs post here, so there's little difference between pretending to be one and being one, they need to be told to fuck off either way. Faggots like this are why good posters end up leaving the boards.

You can troll tumblrites with right wing stuff and they get easily as emotional.

Just goes to show that Sup Forums and SJWS are two sides of the same coin.

>always been
>implying Sup Forums doesnt have flags.


>people bitching about Sup Forums again

if you find you're simply unable to deal with certain words on your screen you should make an effort to avoid them (go back to rebbit)

you people can literally solve your own problem instantly

The real answer is more normies

Sup Forums has flags and even IDs

literally me
>pretend to be an SJW on Sup Forums
>make everyone asshurt
It's hilarious and they always fall for it.

>yes, because Sup Forums doesn't derail threads and act like a pack of right wing SJWs.

also i think apolitical is the wrong way to put it

Sup Forums did have political views they were just cartoonishly evil and generally anarchistic

t. Newfags who only got here last year don't realize that Sup Forums having flags is a recent development, and that before late-2014 only Sup Forums did.

how many of these pictures have you saved lmfao

get a hobby or something

No one is saying Sup Forums used to be PC. We called people niggers because it pissed them off and it was funny, now retards call each other niggers because they legitimately hate niggers.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't have plenty of images saved themselves.


No faggot. Legitimate racists called people niggers, and non-racists also called people niggers.

Now non-racists don't call people niggers anymore because they're soft cunts and retards like you tell them to go back to Sup Forums when they do, and legitimate racists still do it while you keep crying about them.

Fuck off back to Rebbit shill.

i'll tell you again though, Sup Forums is literally avoidable. there's a billion websites you could post on and you've picked the one that guarantees you'll encounter polacks

doesn't sound very smart does it?

Internet has turned into the sole medium some people dare to express themselves.
It's just alt right because islam is scary for westerners.

t. lifetime Sup Forumstard

arguing about politics on the internet, even with >muh irony, is for faggots.

Well considering the fact that I had a convo on facebook with a skin head, I'd doubt it.

>a Canadian telling anyone to go back to rebdit
Kill yourself

It just shows you the kind of people who whine about "Sup Forums" on every board. Most of them only got here in the last 2-3 years, and they barely know anything.

maybe you shouldn't add skinheads on facebook or go out of your way to speak with them

I've been here since 2007. I still remember when a ton of autistic faggots abandoned Sup Forums because the mods deleted their retarded Operation Chanalogy threads and they claimed they were being oppressed. Same shit as the gamergate fiasco and newfags like you who think this site is for mounting social campaigns and political movements.

Oh hey, another sign of a Reddit shill, when they can't deflect to "Sup Forums" they accuse everyone of being "alt-right" or "GamerGate".

Nobody cares about you trying to claim your oldfag card, you just showed that you know nothing about the site because you didn't even know anything about Sup Forums before the last year even though it's been around for way longer than that.


>you didn't know anything about Sup Forums
I'm not the guy you were arguing with. I was here for Sup Forums's conception and remember when the drop down menu with flags was added. The only person who's proved to be an ass-sore baby who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about is you.

for real though go back to redbit

>literally proves my point
please stop

If only that POS board stopped derailing threads and trying to raid Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /sci/ and /his/.

no i mean you should leave

well they won't so fuck or walk

>The only person who's proved to be an ass-sore baby who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about is you.

You didn't say anything of substance in the first place. You just accused me of wanting Sup Forums to be "for mounting social campaigns and political movements" even though it had nothing to do with my post, then you claimed the oldfag card to be taken seriously.

omg you're so EDGY!

>tfw caused a retarded faggot such incredible offense that he literally becomes a namefag

can't make this shit up

>Same shit as the gamergate fiasco and newfags like you who think this site is for mounting social campaigns and political movements.

What a badass!

captain edgeman over here

look, saying 'leave' and proving my point doesn't give me 'such incredible offence'. like, i can't fathom the amount of excruciating retardation being created in this post.

shouldn't you be getting murdered right now?

you're embarrassing yourself.

just remember buddy the solution to literally all your problems is an address bar away at any given second

>you legitimately aren't addressing anything

holy fuck am i talking to an autist

>getting this upset
Typical alt-right tard

I'm actually pretty happy Sup Forums is a mostly grey board.


>durp-a-durp, racists on the internet didn't exist before the Sup Forums boogeyman arrived
>please upvote this karma pl0x

well no i'm just being realistic here. if you can't handle the 2nd most trafficed board on Sup Forums maybe you should quit. literally all i'm saying here and i think it's reasonable. it doesn't fly in the face of reality itself, like posting on Sup Forums thinking Sup Forumsacks wouldn't frequent other boards

i've literally told you how to fix this for yourself and if you're going to stay here you're just being a retard, no skin off my nose here

feel good garbage

the world has changed, so has Sup Forums

your lopsided and frankly imbecilic logic is actually frustrating me

upvoted :3

The world isn't black and white.

To think this thread was gonna get archived 5 hours ago yet you guys still bite the same repetitive bait that's posted everyday. Why?

Memes were a mistake

there's a solution for you that i've proposed a couple times now


>can't handle Sup Forums
Nobody gets triggered by Sup Forums, its just a dump trying to force their terrible opinions on every board. Also watching poltards getting BTFO in /sci/ is far too entertaining.

which is 'leave'.

that's not a solution, dumbcunt

how's it not solving your problem

you don't see those nasty words on your screen anymore, i don't need to read 8 threads a day made by r*dditors, literally everyone in this situation benefits from you fucking off

>i don't need to read 8 threads a day made by r*dditors
This is a reason for staying here. Not even a redditor, but aren't you being hypocritical here?

>Nobody gets triggered by Sup Forums,

You know as well as I do that that's a lie. You do, or otherwise you wouldn't whine about them endlessly on every board when you see an opinion you don't like. And obviously lots of people would get triggered by these kinds of views, especially people from other sites.

Ironically you force your own anti-Sup Forums mentality where everything you don't like is Sup Forums, and everyone should mindlessly hate Sup Forums on every board, they you complain when you get BTFO.

the chief difference being that i don't make threads complaining about those threads and can live with them despite the annoyance

>whine about them endlessly on every board
I just saw this thread and commented my views on it, am I disturbing your pol safespace?

>everyone should mindlessly hate Sup Forums
On Sup Forums:
-They unironically make Stallman hate threads because he supports Bernie and apparently free software is communism. Also wants to take him out of the sticky and replace him with the fucking applel CEO.
-Chimp out at the fact that barely anyone on Sup Forums supports Trump because of his censorship and botnet-friendly internet policies.

On Sup Forums:
-Derail all threads with 'fuck niggers blacked ashkenazi jewish lmao'. Absolutely nothing of value in that board since roughly 6 months ago.

On /his/:
-Try their hardest to shill IQ maps and blog links in every Africa thread. Get BTFO by other /his/torians who actually quote journals.

Just to give you some examples of pol-faggotry.

And I'm not the OP. What are you even trying to argue anyway?

>Absolutely nothing of value in that board since roughly 6 months ago.

Everyone fled when the star wars shilling happened

That gamergate bullshit killed Sup Forums. It brought over loads of underage kids from reddit to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, then they started to filter into other boards. It's impossible to discuss anything with them because they can't form a reasonable argument, then they think that they've won when no-one responds to them. They have a huge victim complex and think that anyone who doesn't agree with them on everything is "le evil liberal boogeyman".

This place used to be okay for discussion. Everything was fairly light-hearted and everyone was mocked. Now everything supposed to be serious and loads of children get upset when you say you don't like Trump.


>am I disturbing your pol safespace?

It seems there's a concerted effort to link any kind of non-PC view to Sup Forums which is just retarded though, this kind of stuff has been here forever. Maybe people from Sup Forums do make some shitty threads (or maybe you're just being rused) but the anti-Sup Forums autists are equally annoying at this point.

There's not really such a thing as a Sup Forums user. There are people who post on Sup Forums and who almost certainly post on other boards too. When you see a rightwing post you're not seeing Sup Forums, you're seeing a guy who spends some time on Sup Forums because he agrees with the views there.

The modern Sup Forumsack started becoming predominant around 2013 or so if I remember properly.