Just bought this

Just bought this.

What am I in for, Ameriquacks?

Burnt tongue and loose shit.

might as well apply for janitor at this rate la




You'll prosit hate it, if you do finish you will only feel shame.

Sorry I'm pretty high.

You should just throw it away. Hot pockets are trash and this is coming from a fat ass.

Make sure you let it sit for a bit before biting in. If you want to make it go faster take just one bite so the steam escapes and it cools down faster.

Mud butt and janitorial duties.

I always just let my rage consume me and I imagine it's Chad so I stab it a few times so the heat of hell cook it thoroughly.

No pay

fine dining, buckle up bitch

They're gonna stink up the entire fucking house, break slightly on one end in the microwave and leave crusty shit on the plate, and burn your entire face when you bite into it.

All of these.

Fucking what? I kek'd and I'm not even sure why.


So our new janny is a ladyboy I see

Eh. Was OK I guess but 3 minutes in the microwave was definitely too long.

It was lava hot and didn't taste like any cheese steak I've ever had.

More like some kind of mushy burrito.

doesn't it say 2 minutes or something on the box? cmon son

3:30 for 2

t. knower

That sounds like a Hot Pocket to me, bro.
Janitor detected.

best korea has microwaves?

Yeah sure, why not? Just as long as you don't rewire it to pick up Worst Korean radio.

You either get lava or iceberg. No in between with hot pockets.

pee pee poo poo