He believes "White Genocide" is real

>He believes "White Genocide" is real

Other urls found in this thread:



It's not

>he's not against immigration from non-western countries
>he wants to gas all non-whites and undesirables
really makes my pussy dry up tbqh


One can not trust people by their flags anymore. Immigration is so high that false flags are too usual.

Just look at the statistics and see that whites are disappearing at unprecedented speed

>anti-white thread
>Canadian flag

Every time

top lel at autistic stormfront tryhards

this usually just means most americans are latinos

why do you keep posting these weak bait threads here instead of Sup Forums?

>why do you keep posting these weak bait threads here instead of Sup Forums?

Sup Forums has been cracking down lately.

They keep deleting all my b8s within 3-5 minutes and banning me for 3 days.

And many German flags are Muslims

>"Sup Forums is a haven for free speech"

>He doesn't have a brown girlfriend

enjoy your divorce, cuck

Only speech that agrees with them.

If you post anything else enjoy getting called a cuck or some turbo sperglord from Stormfront spamming his entire "Nigger" or "Bernie supporter" folder in your thread.


Sup Forums is satire anyways

Thats freedom of speech. They're exercising theirs too.

What isn't freedom of speech is "keep Sup Forums in pol", the /his/ sticky, etc. Censorship.

>What isn't freedom of speech is "keep Sup Forums in pol", the /his/ sticky, etc. Censorship

If it's unrelated to the topic at hand why is that bad?

There's been far too many threads going from one innocent topic to the discussion of how the holocaust never occurred and how niggers are not human or whatever.

Also they don't have freedom of speech either, every Transgender-related thread I keep making gets deleted and I get banned.

White genocide is definitely real. You can meme about whether or not "genocide" is the correct term but the result is the same.

In 100 years, every major Western country will be nothing more than stripmall for other races and cultures. You're gonna go to Paris and London and look for the Frenchman and Englishman and you literally won't be able to find them. Hell, that's almost already the case.


In 100 years, you'll be able to travel to South Korea and enjoy South Korea as it currently is demographically. In 100 years, you'll be able to travel to China and enjoy China as it currently is demographically. In 100 years, you'll be able to travel to Nigeria and enjoy Nigera as it currently is demographically. And so on and so forth. Can you name one ethnic group in Western Europe that will have its homeland intact in...50 years?
You can meme about the specifics of the word "genocide", but it doesn't matter. The results are the same regardless of what you call it.

>Can you name one ethnic group in Western Europe that will have its homeland intact in...50 years?
Literally every country. Maybe not Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden if you're a memelord.

>In 100 years, every major Western country will be nothing more than stripmall for other races and cultures. You're gonna go to Paris and London and look for the Frenchman and Englishman and you literally won't be able to find them. Hell, that's almost already the case.

Why is this bad?

Looks like Pakistan with another flag is back to his old tricks.

I hope that plane crashes desu

>Also they don't have freedom of speech either, every Transgender-related thread I keep making gets deleted and I get banned.
Because it's not politics.

too bad I won't be alive in 100 years to do all that shit

>mfw whites will die out in my lifetime
>mfw they did it to themselves
>mfw the only perpetrator of white genocide is white people

>Because it's not politics.

It's a social issue, how is that not politics-related?

The entire board is one big shitpost and yet MY threads get deleted?

Open the Sup Forums catalog RIGHT NOW and look at the first 20-25 threads. Tell me how many of them are Politics related, and not shitposting like MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN or whatever.


The answer is none of them. No country in western europe will still be inhabited mainly by its historical ethnic group.

You seriously don't see any issue with the ethnic homelands of a group being eradicated?

Remove the inherent anti-white bias in discussions like this for a moment. Consider an ethnic group in East Asia. They live in a nearly homogeneous society as they have for thousands of years and things are relatively well. Over the course of a few decades, tens of millions of migrants from South Asia begin pouring across the border. They look completely different, they have no ties to the ethnic group, they have totally foreign culture. Would you be upset if the natives if this country begin trying to preserve their storied ethnic homeland? Of course not. Nearly no one would fault them for that. So why does the conversation become so perversed when the ethnic homeland is located in Europe?

For people who live in france this past 3 decades, it's obvious that we'll be a tiny minority in 50/100 years.

Good post

That's easily fixed if whites decide to breed, but having more than 1 kid is seen as too expensive in Western countries and all the people who have more are almost solely white trash.

are you saying it's jews that are killing the white race? way off. it's whites refusing to procreate that's killing the white race

>It's an American making judgement about European countries he has never visited post

How is MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN not to do with politics?

I'd have to see your threads to see why they get deleted.

>How is MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN not to do with politics?

Because it's not constructive, it's just a shitty slogan shitpost.

Make America Great = Obama's Change We can Believe In Slogan/campaign.
And I'm sure Sup Forums has laughed about that for many months pointing out how dumb it is.

Just because two of the most relevant cities in the world are filled with immigrants does not mean Europe is done for forever.

>a young leaf who never travelled outside of north america tries to lecture foreigners on their countries

killing yourself would be too kind for motherfuckers like you