What do you wear?

Everything allowed, including Nike runners with regular fit jeans and a white saggy t-shirt.

Other urls found in this thread:



When? Right now?

Veja trainers
Joy Division t-shirt
Zara sweater

You are supposed to use the template

loling at your autism

have a free bump and a (you) on me


Fuck off yank



this is what i am wearing right now. except the sawker jersey has shades of grey instead red on the chest.

Here you go laddies

get a better shirt


1/16 proud Bavarian?

Svensk prep/10

I know, it's from Lidl.

no, the shirt costs $10. i got it after germany won this world cup, because my shirt only has 3 stars on it.

I'm at the office, I'm not going to risk myself. My boss is right now wandering around.

>he buys clothes from a supermarket


My mother bought it. And we're not even poorfags.

Are you niggas for real?

Basically me

>A Greek telling a German how to handle his money

I've seen it all

post bp


Nice middle/upper middle class fashion sense.

Poor fags with no class

well they certainly know how to "handle" other ppls money

you are just gay

Good clothing is affordable in Hungary right?

its almost 3am. i dont care how it looks. im just trying to be comfy.

rate my plebness

Since when having fashion sense means looking like a total snob cunt?

If i saw someone wearing that as a casual fit i would shiggy diggy internally pretty hard desu



Du är ett vandrande jagjag.




Shitposting dressed in this right now.

are you me

>pappaen hans er ikke kirurg
>mammaen hans er ikke tannlege
hvordan fǿles det å tilhǿre den lavere rang?

>Surgeon and Dentist

Why are you lying on the Internet Ole?

maximum comfy tbf

fucking come at me

do you actually have a boxer with


it's the leaf of a lily tho
>we canada now


This is the only guy I can relate to.

It's practical...

So ... boring ...

Bear Grills (Grylls?)

This style looks very military/undercover cop/adventurer

anime 4 lyfe

I wear these clothes when travelling to work, I work in a remote rural place. So not exactly an adventure, but I do spend time outdoors.


little bit hot

are you me?


Where do you get dutch flag boxers?

too casual

fieldwork is the best

in the netherlands ;)

drop the fucking cap

t. "Snakk til meg igjen og pappaen min saksoker deg" fra Bærum