
Bassline edition

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crayon pop

Hire me

eating room temperature lidl meatballs straight out of the can

I like my beats fast and my bass down low

Sounds peng haha might make some nachos x

Yesterday I rang up for a job, the receptionist said there was work available but the staff were currently in a meeting and that I should leave my details so they could ring me back.

They never did.

Now I've rang them twice today and the phone just rings and no one answers


*hires you*

>sony ericsson w810i
I had that phone

Give me more money

You make me feel fancy sitting here eating my lunch of a 150g bag of cheese puffs and a 500ml Euro Shopper energy drink

sort of want a pet gecko

don't they're shit

A lot of stuff arrived in the post for Poleaboo today

Had to sign for one of the items
He always sees me in the same clothes and knows I'm always at home during working hours

I wonder what the postman is thinking?

>sister and her bf moving in next door
what did I do to deserve this

They're all standing around the phone chatting and creasing up whenever you ring

having a go

feel like going digital is the next step in human evolution 2bh

when will women fight against the sexist, ageist, car insurance rates?

Nothing about you. He just wants a signature so he can go home

did you just get here from the early 90s lad?

Just saw on This Morning some actor on for Coronation Street with Down's syndrome
I'm as edgy as the next guy on here, but I couldn't help but think good for him

Am I getting old?

This was by far the best cellphone of my life

When they learn how to overcome objective mathematical truths.

They had one on Tracey Beaker years ago

Why are people from Glasgow called Luigis?

that's not the w810i

dont reply to him


fuck off yank

*chucks a banana into the distance and you go scampering after it*

Heh. Dealt with.

Are you implying men pay more ? Don't think they do

Bet she grew up to be a fitty lads

Are you implying women shouldn't be paying less? Sexist

hips are absolutely destroyed

dont crash into a tractor at 50mph, it hurts

/brit/ is an Australian normie general

>man didn't have a k750i

Saw my first ever glimpse of porn on this bad boy when I was ~11. Top lad from my year blutoothed me a video of Jenna Jameson getting fucked on a boat (still widely available if you search "Jenna Jameson boat"). I still remember wanking to it in the toilet when I got home.

doing a poo

>post-colonial borders were drawn wrong because different cultures were placed together causing violence
>yet multiculturalism is good and we should have it here

I was wrong.

been feeling sick for about an hour but just got up and had a massive burp and now I feel great hahahaha hahaha ahh *tries to wipe the tears away but they won't stop*

who /afraidtochecktheiremail/ here?

>he didn't have the original snake phone

haven't wanked in almost a year now
where o where did my sex drive go

i had some SE phone that would literally turn off if you bumped it. a m8 had the same phone and it would do the same thing hahahaha

that would have been like 2007 or something tho

Business idea: send our rich kids to Asia so on average whites top their IQ tests

i own a tractor. should i crash into it going 50mph?

omg that episode of rake was amazing, or maybe i just forgot how good rake was... did any of you lads watch it?

Bit of a disingenuous remark mate

>Muslims probably hijacked the plane

Ummm, I don't think so sweetie xx

Try being a little bit less racist next time x


fuck off yank

Assimilation into a shared culture can work with difficulty. Genuine multi-culturalism is a massive challenge and obstacle in basically every country it exists


are you fat? depressed?

Fuck you, I hate it when you post like that.

Afraid to check it incase I've been accepted/rejected for a job I applied to in a moment of madness

I just want to lie here with my nothingness

umm, yes!

but only if you are the stupid idiot that spams the interracial porn like almost every day

eating 2 (two) ham, coleslaw and cheddar sarnies

enjoying them very much

lads post your creps

Your population is disingenuous

got it on the dvr lad

was it a strong return?

ummm sensing a lot of negativity here :) x

chill vibes only here dude x aha !!!!!!!

>he fell for the no fap meme


No there are some ingenous ones in there. The Maori for example.


lmao so tru x

british NEETs discussing politics is like a dog howling at the moon

obtrusive and needless

shut the fuck up

the first 5 minutes were a bit weak but yeah overall it was just as good as before! :))

Thanks but I just prepared a typical 'café colonial' for my family and I'm just waiting for the pão de queijo to finish cooking

*bluetooths you a sick graff theme*

Good post but Rorke's not going to like it

very good to hear my m8

was it just an hour or was it a meme length because it's the return

i'm probably the least normie australian here

>diagnosed autist
>no friends
>never leave the house
>neet for nearly 5 years

*knocks you out in one blow*

just an hour friendo :) x

Only nonces during the working day

Haha wow someone skived their zoology class

Are you the schizophrenic Aussie? Because I don't think anyone could top him

Busting (a nut) makes me feel good

t. nonce

I'm a diagnosed virgin lads

i wonder how australian neets compare to other neets in the world in terms of how hard it is to exist.

i get the impression that the average person here is rather outgoing compared to other countries.

wolves howl for a reason spastic

dogs don't have a reason

>Genuine multi-culturalism is a massive challenge and obstacle in basically every country it exists

It didn't have bluetooth. It was infrared, you had to take two phones with the same technology and unite their 'heads'.
The transfer speed was about 5kbps

Gravy and chips is a fucking delicious combo and if you disagree you're probably a southerner

>he's unironically a neet
thought aussies were surfbording brads. i feel betrayed

more like patriarchybusters amirite ;)

watching Gavin and Stacy haha

large up pam & mick x


lifes tuff

diagnosed with BBC lads

is that the guy who went fucking nuts about the girl on the bus and like genuinely wanted to kill her? hahaha

omg temper tantrum much lol! :) x

try pilates darlin xo

southerners have curry and chips the pakis

would love to try base jumping down a mountain one day

looks like the ultimate, final thing you can do as a human being


hope you recover

live* omg learn to spell you stupid swede

hahaha okay! can't wait :)

*scratches my head*


can't seem to think of anything to post

wait a second... aha! i'm on to something!!

"doing a poo" is sure to go down well with the lads, it's a timeless gimmick after all


doing a poo


Oh Christ the damage is even worse than I thought

im sorry

not liking this swede very much