They come to your house

>They come to your house
>They kill you all
>And say
>We’re not guilty
>Not guilty

WTF?? I hate Russia now

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figures the muslim won

really makes you think

you are there singing that song, so they apparently didnt killed you all

is she talking about the UPA?

Like if you cri evertime️

Why da fuck would anyone sing that on eurovision.How da fuck a song like that can win.

winner of next years eurovision will be a muslim
screencap this

>be europe
>love muslims
>hate russia
>a muslim singing about how bad russia is

english is over, I think we found the new recipe to winning eurovision

they won because of the juries vote

>They come to your house
>They kill you all
>And say
>We’re not guilty
Who ? Muslims ? Yep that's exactly what they're doing

I guess it's touches eastern gayropeans feels from bottom of their hearts

Listen to her interview, it was a genuine song, about something that means a lot to her, it's actually personal, about her great-grandmother

Sorry if it wasn't enough dance-music for you

I think a lot of countries that have faced Russian aggression in the past, were touched by this song. When you look at all the countries that voted for Ukraine, you see a strong trend

One cannot curse all the devil-niggers simultaneously because one has only so many mouths.

>wearing clothes like that
Do you guys even know what Muslims do?

Political were forbidden, until now.

No, crimean tatars would ride into "ukraine" and enslave tens of thousands on a given raid. Then sell them to the arabs. And this went on for centuries, the total was several million.

Eventually russia finally drove most of them out to turkey, but in 1944 their remnants sided with the germans and attempted to ethnically cleanse the ukranians. Stalin basically saved them from being wiped out by the local population by sending them away.

So yeah, they're very oppressed.

yes, ukrainian anenerbe division in crimea

>Stalin basically saved them from being wiped out by the local population by sending them away.
>Russian diaspora unironically believes this

Yes I see that the butthurt belt jury gave Russia 0 and Ukraine 12 points. Very fair and objective.

I believe she won because of political feelings, which is wrong, but the song itself was really touching

I just wish the juries didn't vote for political reasons (which they almost definitely did)

Eurovision is about unity and friendship between European countries, through the medium of music and singing. One can see this from the way so many other countries voted (Balkans countries that have fought in the past, had voted for each other, except for Serbia that voted for Russia)

Crimea was mainly filled with Russians. Of course they wouldn't take Tatars siding with the Nazis lightly. The Georgian did the best thing for them when he sent them home to the steppes.

Who cares. It's only a pity Poli didn't win.


After 5 years Turkey is gonna join next year

>not already hating russia

Russia is not European. Turkey is more European than Russia

>concita sings about homos acceptance
>this isn't politics
>tartar sings about deportation
>this is politics

Blatant anti-Russian propaganda

If it was an Algerian or Cameroun singing against what the French did, or an Afghan or Iraqi singing about what the Americans did, or a Palestinian/Lebanese singing about what the Israelis did, or an Irish singing about what the British did, then everyone would have dismissed her as being political, overly-emotional, in what is a suppose-to-be light-hearted singing contest about unity, and friendship

But because it was a song AGAINST RUSSIA, everyone loved it, and it won

>Eurovision is about unity and friendship between European countries
No it's just propaganda

why not

>mfw rump-roasted ruskies

Jamala is already Muslim

>Giving a fuck about Gayrovision

german muslim from syria

The people who are against having the jury vote clearly aren't thinking it through

without jury, east bloc wins every time because east europe only vote for each other every time.

popular vote was russia, ukraine, poland.

I don't want east euros winning every year so no thanks

Yeah so now you still got Ukraine winning and almost Australia. Israel was also pretty high up on the jury.

Except Russia voted the most for Ukraine lmao

You shouldn't expect Russians to be nice. They fanned Korea, China, and US and caused troubles.
And nowadays, the Russian-Ukrainians who shot MH17 down have never even apologized (They're puffed by Russia). People with Russia's support are justified, even if they killed someone.

The Muslims have a rational view about Russia.

And Ukraine voted the most for Russia, and Bosnia voted the most for Serbia, and shit like that

This makes me really mad, literally no one here gives a shit about the Australians who died in Ukraine

Infact our ex-PM Abbot, who actually stood up to Russia, was faced with criticism for doing so

If the Russians shot down an American airliner, people in America would riot, but here, no one cares, it's like those people who died never existed

why are people butthurt that a Turk won eurovision? Her song was nice and meaningful.

whoa... so this is the power... of Ukraine...

>Eurovision is about unity and friendship between European countries,

Croats gave 12pts to us, lel.
I assume there are many undercover Serbs there.

You guys should have given 12 points to Bosnia or Croatia, but you gave it to Russia

You broke the meta, Serbia

People cry "muh anti-russia" but without jury votes Italy could have won last year and they didn't cry for "muh anti-italy" once.
also both russia and last year year's italy were both mediocre, so thanks juries

Good :)



I still think the lyrics are gibberish.

so deep

welcome to music

Literally Agitprop tier

>check wiki
>armenian mother

I was wondering why she was so brown. It all makes sense.

Such a bad lyric desu, maybe it sounds more poet in Ukrainian or whatever

> western ukraine occupied by poland
> strangers are coming

And return home.

This chick represented Azerbaijan.
The whole obligatory "modest" hijab situation is a poor people / arab thing.

>> western ukraine occupied by poland


>crimean tatars
>didn du nuffing

Preferable to some shit mass produced pop, desu.

Kek Mykola.

It's her armenian genes pushing her to play the victim. It's in their blood.

Worst part is Stalin did not finish the job. Truly a tragedy.

ukrainians have no right to complain after crowning stepan bandera as hero of country. subhuman filth.



I thought Poland was flooded with Ukrainians.

>Greece in some year in the 70s
>Bosnia/Croatia in 93
>Armenia last year

>Russia is not European
Wow what a surprise, maybe it will shock you but nobody in Russia think that they are European

Armenia literally sang a "REEEEE FUCK YOU TURKEY YOU GENOCIDE US" song last year

Dont worry, you'll sing only nasheeds in several years.