War is literally fought on French soil

>war is literally fought on French soil
>most of the fighting in the west is done by French soldiers
>France not even including in the game as a faction
>fucking US is

I need those Swedish developers to apologize to my face, and to my great-great-grandparents too.

Other urls found in this thread:


We won the war for you guys though

Are you saying that the brief moral support you breathed into the allied side by defeating some fatigued german soldiers outweighs 4 years of fighting the french had to endure?

Nahh man.

Once the Spring Offensive had failed, the Germans were buggered anyway - the fresh American manpower and equipment did help in finishing them off though.

Our royal house is French desu.

why is t*rkey involved?

>did help

Certainly, if you mean by that that it shortened the war by a month at most. As you've said, Luddendorf's offensives had failed, and there was nothing left to justify to justify that the german people be scared out by the british+french blockade in the North Sea, so even if we'd not pushed them back with american help for the last months of the year, they would have revolted inside Germany, and would've sued for peace anyways.

I know. House Bernadotte.

~Sweden, yours cuckly since 1809

Don't worry m8
France will be most likely added on a DLC for just 39.99$

As long as Russian Empire, I think

It's pretty sad that Italy was included instead of France.

>american equipment
We literally had to equip and train them

I was going to equally rant about the Russian side of things being discarded, but since then, I've concluded that the eastern front must've been forgotten because this is 1918 (I presume things to be set then anyways, since there's american intervention already) and by then, you'd already betrayed us and had left the war.

But that only begs the question: with Russia dismissed, why is there such a need for Austria-Hungary and ottoman units? It would work out better if there were still France, for France's expeditionary corps in the Balkans to be fighting the austrians, and for the british to be fighting the ottomans Lawrence of Arabia-style.

they probably just wanted some cool mountain maps

This game is gonna have shit all accurate history, the only reason it is ww1 is so that they can trick people into thinking that some radical change has happened

I guess they don't teach you guys about this, huh?

Philippe Pétain gave a speech about waiting for the americans to arrive before doing anything

>american campaign is about some random niggers
>mfw they actually dindu nuthin'

Cause he knew they were coming retard, that's beside the point in any case as Germany was on the brink of societal collapse so all the French had to do was hold the line as they were

It's a business decision. Nobody wants to play as a French queer.


Hans back off.

I'm hardly in the mood today for argument today. All that matters is to tell the american producers to fuck off.

Correct pic

You're too serious about a goddamn Battlefield game.
You'll get a mountain map, a river map, an icy map and a desert map.
The combatants and arms will propably be the same, with different skins and colors. Historical accuracy is not relevant.
Lots of countries will be added via DLC, because that's gaming standarts today.
You'll get your Verdun, Jacques. Don't worry.

They had to get a third central power into the game. Duh.

I would have though the negroid on the front cover would be more insulting to you.

Why don't you play actually good games? those have everyone and their grandma.

For instance.

It's a business decision. Can't milk DLC cash cow if all combatants are in the game already.

>French flag

because it doesn't make for great social interaction

i'll play autistic country management games by myself for hours sure

but if i'm with my bros i'm just gonna open a 6 pack and play fifa, call of, pes, counter, wow, battlefield or whatever
not some fucking microsoft excel simulator

>What is propaganda

It's fair enough. The Brits said Napoléon ate babies, Jesus has been crucified by the French (to Amerindians tribes) and Jeanne d'Arc was a witch. We did/do the same too (only it's more subtle so few people notice the unfairness).
Possibly a fair chunk of the audience for a game such as this is into "le surrender" meme so the game wouldn't sell as well.

>Brazil not a faction
Oh wow what a bunch of racists.
We wuz wwI winrs n shiet as well.
(We actually were, get rekt Germany)

Most of these games have multiplayer and actually sometimes it's the only way to play them because of limited AI.


Calm down Pierre

>mfw they decide to include the french army but only made up of africans from the colonies

I never expected French butthurt about WW1 to be at the same level as our butthurt about WW2

i know, used to have a teamspeak group a few months ago where we'd play this kinda stuff like twice a week

but irl i doubt my normie friends would be into this honestly

France did a lot of fighting right at the beginning of the war, but later it was pretty much only the USA and UK doing the fighting. And they were the ones who won the war.

Yeah no Russia and no France in a WW1 game is a bit on the nose.

I know they have to pander to the Yanks but christ. Creative liberties aside, the starting factions could at least be the nations that were involved from the start of the war your game is based on.

To be fair we did kill Jesus, French people are literally the same people as ancient Romans

A pity you didn't get quints, it would add some weight to your troll post

>Frankish Barbarians are the same as Romans
Wew lad.

I'll never pass on the opportunity to shit on the French, but this seems a bit much.

It's ignoring the French dead for the sake of nigger worship.


For information the pic real, there will be France in fact.

I want a Battlefield game set in the Russian Civil War, the title could be "Battlefield: Blood and Snow"

What do you guys think?

I think they'll put a gay transman on the front.

USA propaganda and stuff...
USA just permitted us to win faster.
But they didn't bring tanks and blinded vehicles, the first were british

I think it's funny the jew thinks about what would be the most catchy selling name
A bit generic tho desu

In 1918 (six months before the end of the war), the number of available allied divisions on the Western theatre was :
-France: 102
-Commonwealth: 46
-Belgium: 12
-USA: 5, most of them not combat-ready yet
-plus others (like Portugal)
for a total of 173 allied divisions (against 192 German ones).
Now, to be complete the US divisions had almost twice the manpower of European ones (they still had the Napoleonic square models so 16 batallions instead of 9), but this was balanced by the fact that they still needed it, lacking battle experience which they had to balance with sheer numbers. And that still would only make 9 of them.
And the Allies had other troops in the other fronts, unlike the US.

>And they were the ones who won the war.
Ludendorff recommended an armistice following the surrender of Bulgaria, which was prompted by the battle of Dobro Pole, which involved 6 French divisions and 6 Serbian ones.

Your average battlefield player probably doesn't know about the Russian civil war

I wouldn't be surprised

Generic catches normies

Blood = reds
Snow = whites
He's giving some pure pottery

Wow, some mutinies, we're sooooo ashamed

>Implying he knew about WW1 besides the fact that there was a war before "le ebin super nazi shooter xD" war


More like
>haven't we had enough games killing nazis already??

>tfw they're UNIRONICALLY Americans

We wuz celts n shit, tho, Mario


Eh... that's a bit reductionist. You can't attribute the end of the war to the one battle at Dobro Pole and say that the French are responsible because they made up half the divisions in that particular battle. Dobro Pole and the Bulgarian collapse came after a year of defeats and tactical mishaps by the Germans. And the ones most responsible for the success on the western front were quite obviously the British.

Let's face it. If it weren't for the UK and the US, France would have been curb-stomped.

Historically speaking, the roman legion stationed in Palestine at the time was made up of gauls

but that's Italian

get your stereotypes right
southern French is Marius
(like the Romans, coincidence ? i think not)

Fine, they make good cannon fodder, happy now ?

Gallipoli is one of the most famous battles in the war bro.

> Italy is an allied country

Germans were twice as numerous as we were back then, of course we'd have been fucked in that war of attrition.
We still did the lion's share.

Yes we know France sucks and can't fight.

We gave them part of Somalia as their reward.

>mfw Armeni*n genocide
>mfw we're the bad guy

nevermind, I didnt notice it was WW1

What part of "out of 173 Allied divisions in the west, only 5 were American, and they weren't as effective as the Germans yet, lacking combat experience yet" didn't you understand?

One of the most meaningless as well, bro

No it's not. That's from an American who knows about history.
I will admit Im' quite the Frenchaboo but it's because of things like this in the first place, so it's the consequence not the reason.

I think all military enthusiasts are.

Russia did more to stop France from being curb stomped by merely bordering both Germany and Austria-Hungary than the US ever did.



I wonder how much butthurt that is going to cause in Turkey

>Italy is in the game
>France not

This. WW1 was pretty much mostly Germany vs France and GB.

Everything else was just background noise or extras

butthurt already started in your country

Hahaha holy fuck France is a joke

What would your ancestors who perished in the great war say if they saw France today, and how it's the butt of every major power's joke? (Let alone the Muslims and terrorism...)

They'd probably say 'Why didn't we let Germany gas those kikes when they had the chance'.

>how it's the butt of every major power's joke?
We've been that since the Middle Ages. Never bothered us. Like I said earlier, propaganda is fair enough, and we do it all the time ourselves.

Most of those "major powers" from the past now longer exist, too. In fact we terminated several of them ourselves.
"Rira bien qui rira le dernier".

They wouldn't be surprised in the slightest, the entire world hated us from day 1
At no point in history wasn't everybody talking shit about us (out of jealousy and inferiority complexes)

Except the Polish of course

Poor France, was once the China/America of Europe. Now they are just barely above Poland in Western Media.

This has been going on since the days of Byzantium. Jealousy and wishful thinking. The butthurt in England, notably, is unprecendented since the 14th century.

We're in a better shape than we've been since at least 1815 (so more than two centuries). And possibly ever have been in 1500 years.
You've fallen for your own propaganda.

Honestly I'm more of a westerner than you even, couldn't care less what western media says
It's our media and i'm used to it being like that

Only non westerners actually take western media seriously

will only use A-H character in multiplayer

Do you get to choose though ? I wish I could only play the Russians in bf4 but i always get americans, or even worse the fucking chinks

since when you cannot chose side when you join multiplayer match, obviously I would not be able to play everytime depending on the map

how does it feel to have always been the most hated in europe


Honestly, I'm sorry that DICE did this. America's main contribution was boosting the morale of UK/France and not through actual battlefield victories.

We didn't even really get involved until after the Spring Offensive.

American here. I think it's a slap in the face. WW1 was very much Eurocentric. It seems like the game was made with marketing in mind and without regards to the countries that were really impacted by the war. Kinda seems borderline disrespectful.


Russians are still crying about CoH2 not matching their soviet propaganda.


You don't have to though, it's a Swedish game

It's always the Swedes

They're a very (probably the most) americanized people, and always do as much as possible to conform to American ideology.
Or more precisely, their own idea of American ideology.

Whether this means speak English rather than Swedish, hating on the French or electing feminists into power, they WILL do it.
Very zealously so. Crazy people.

Well, they want American money. It's a marketing decision. As much as I get a boner playing America in WW2, I don't really see the point of it in WW1. Maybe play as Walt Disney and drive around in a red cross truck or something. It's not like we were useless, we were just there for less than a year.

We're not. It's just OP. He must be very young, and will learn soon enough.
And you should not be butthurt about foreign propaganda, either. Especially the Cold War era propaganda.
We didn't want to advertize communism. So the Soviets COULDN'T have won WW2 or the space race. So, they didn't - in the media.

Just like France, or the EU, can't possibly do anything right. So they never did - in the media.

Nobody said the US weren't going to fight or would have been useless. The war just ended before they got the time to get ready.
Remember the Europeans had been fighting for four years in a completely new and unexpected form of warfare. The Americans couldn't be expected to be ready from Day One.

Also, incredible as it may seem today, in 1917 the US largely did not have an army, nor much equipment. They had to buy ten million artillery shells and more than four thousand planes from France alone, just to get started in the war.
It's not like America planned a war with Mexico or Canada, so they didn't need a large army.

All of this takes time.

>frog mad that his cunt is being represented badly in media meant to be consumed by Americans
I though Frenchies were supposed to be very intelligent.

That's actually my entire concern. This game, due to how poorly invested youngsters are nowadays with history, will define how the entire 10-25 generation of Americans will remember the first world war.

And as far I see it, they're only learn that France contributed nothing and that it was "merica hell yeah" all along.

And aww thanks we are quite smart, aren't we! You're quite cute too Spain, though don't elect podemos, for the love of God.

>they want American money
>gotta suck americock
Cop out. We don't suck it and we get plenty.