Is Spanish the language of poor brown people?


You should know better than anyone, Pedro.

Go away, moon cricket.





Si amigo.

Do Países Bajosés embrace their Spanish heritage?

Well technically we literally inherited about nothing from the Spanish.
Even now they're just a terrible economic burden of the EU, the Spanish are truly worthless.

Aay señhór

Don't lie. Duthcies are basically just Hispanicised Germans.

Whatever Chang

In the Americas it is. It's kind of hilarious how so many SJWs consider Spanish, a colonial European language that eradicated most of the indigenous languages of the Americas, a "PoC language." Same goes for La Raza retards who bitch and moan about imperialism, yet treat the Spanish language like it's their sacred ancestral tongue.

Pretty much

What a bunch of cucks.

"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."

and English to my wife's son.

Carlos I

Why would you speak French to men? Are you gay?

The Spanish will become the language most spoken, wait and see.

But real Spaniards are white European. I hope these retards don't think that living in the America's no longer means they are white.

Most spoken by poor people you don't want to talk to.

Is United States of America a good country to live?

"Latinos" are a poisonous mix of ignorant mestizo and mullato retards and white hating people of pure white (real) Spanish descent.

>still peddling the "Hispanic White" meme

Your country will disappear beneath the waters, goodbye.

No. America is shite. You already live in paradise. Just kill the leftist trash and expel the non-whites, and you will be fine.

>Expel the non whites
Yeah, you would bomb us


No? Spanish is like Latin, the language of a once mighty empire that shaped everyone in our hemisphere. Show some respect

yeah, thanks bro

Why does no one banter Holland about their queen being Argentinian?

Fuck the Spanish crown. Aztlan strong, long live the tlatoani

Andaluz the best!!!

nuke us amigo senpai we are the worst!!!! THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD!!!!!