Will America ever be apart of Eurovision? I hope so

Will America ever be apart of Eurovision? I hope so.

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>stage falling over the jewry
pls let it happen

And I hope for Canada

why do you want this? the majority of europeans do not like us so why bother? accept it

But the majority of Americans like Europeans, so why not?

I'd love if somebody entered with a metal remix of "America, Fuck Yeah."

Make your own song contest with Canada and Mexico. Let us

Would be fun. Although I worry that Americans would take it to seriously and send A-listers.

Serious question here.

I watched the performance of "1944", and I have to ask: are the songs actually supposed to be good?

Rather have U.S. than Turkey Tbh

>send Tswift
Not gonna happen, mr.Goldstein

nah it's a political contest with songs. Good songs don't win you shit.

US probably wouldn't have a very good chance regardless of who they send due to the nature of the contest.
East bloc doesn't like the U.S.

Probably not any time soon

>“No I don’t think so, and for a very simple reason: we need a domestic audience in order to bring in an act from a country outside Europe. They need to build an audience in the US. If you remember Australia and the arguments we had when we invited them – they have broadcast the show for more than 30 years, they have a huge fan base. So no, there is for the time being no discussions of bringing other countries to the contest. But this could change.”

So 30 years from now.

I guess our first song will be about how great it is to be Mexican.

U.S. broadcast the Eurovision for the first time ever this year

kek USA can win with ball bag

or the whole of the americas

Maybe 1-2 per year

Lolwut? The butthurt belt loves the US, they're obsessed with NATO to save them from the *perceived* Russian threat.

2014 had 2 good (for Eurovision standards) songs, Finland and Iceland. Don't remember the names but I'm sure they'll pop up right away on youtube.

Eurovision doesn't have much commercial possibilities because there are no commercial breaks while filming. It's no problem for european countries with National Public Television channels where it's not allowed to have commercial breaks during the show. But you don't have that in America.

>the majority of europeans do not like us so why bother?
Sup Forums + memes ≠ real life
I wouldn't say the majority though it does vary a bit across europe

do americans watch Eurovision?

Clinton voter spotted

Well it only started airing here this year.

So no, but maybe in the future.

They don't want us cause they know we'd win every year

I propose we start AmericoVision and pit all of the states and territories (and probably DC too) against each other.

We can use state songs as national anthem (bonus points if they're all up-beat versions of them), and confuse everybody with the state flags with the exception of Texas.

Here's Illinois, for an example: youtube.com/watch?v=HeIWcxP2tnI

Why doesn't the UK ever send good performers?
Their music dominates the entire world but they only send absolute shit to the Eurovision.
Why is this?

What, common folk? I'd say only you are the no1 cocksucker of amis, on the mainlaind they're not actively hated and no one will be rude to an actualy american tourist, it's just a notion in our heads about america the state that is unpleasant.

I dont want them in my eurovision tho

I want this to happen so much. we can invite Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands too