Azusa and Yui edition
I make friends with girl by offering them food. It has yet to fail me.
Why do I always get so ravenous and horny after I've been to the gym?
Literally rip my cock off watching europorn afterwards.
crayon pop
very good thread
resuming arrogant student life for a year then who knows, hopefully working for DFID lel
know it's a bit of a meme but i've heard berlin is actually live and worth a visit. What you hoping for a masters in? is it true that like almost all undergrads in denmark go onto do a masters?
Starting a business lads the days of wagecucking are over
growing a new penis currently
my transfused gecko blood is doing well
Boosts your testosterone.
she's stunning here caralad
Testosterone gets pumping don't it?
What do you lads think about my voting style:
Labour PM who loves Britain > Conservative PM who loves Britain (Attlee > Thatcher)
Conservative PM who Loves Britain > Labour PM who Hates Britain (Thatcher > Corbyn)
Conservative PM who Hates Britain > Labour PM who hates Britain (Cameron > Corbyn)
I would vote for UKIP if we actually had a good system though.
i've been there a bunch of times it's great
>is it true that like almost all undergrads in denmark go onto do a masters?
yes, and you have literally no hope of a (degree relevant) job unless you do a masters
i'm doing finance
/brit/ in a nutshell everyone
>David Cameron hates Britain
The F16 makes me erect.
Listening to this on loop desu lads.
Goo ruck girigiri I I rike u
not even remotely funny
hardcore, aren't you a bit lefty to become a wall street fatcat? mucho respect anyway, i tried an accounting course for first years this year and it was literally solid
and about the masters thing, it's sorta sad imo, wish you could provide education out of tax revenue without making them seem literally free e.g. worthless
Pretty new to this, only been going just over a month.
Does it stick around? Do I get to become HIGH TEST?
Simply wrong.
>Jeremy corbyn h...
Yeah, fair one
Would get 1000 upvotes on reddit, it's packaged and ready to go
>David Cameron and Osbourne are stating that the economy will be worse after brexit
>Every newspaper is plastering this on their front page
Brexit is over lads it's not happening.
>What do you lads think about my voting style:
>Labour PM who loves Britain > Conservative PM who loves Britain (Attlee > Thatcher)
>Conservative PM who Loves Britain > Labour PM who Hates Britain (Thatcher > Corbyn)
>Conservative PM who Hates Britain > Labour PM who hates Britain (Cameron > Corbyn)
>I would vote for UKIP if we actually had a good system though.
just called someone racist in greggs lads
Yes he does. All he cares about is his money and his chums, that's why he wants us in EU. Cameron is a shame to the Conservative Party; in no way deserving of being Thatchers legacy. Borris is great though.
Poleaboo apparently
girls girl on top
>Yes he does. All he cares about is his money and his chums, that's why he wants us in EU. Cameron is a shame to the Conservative Party; in no way deserving of being Thatchers legacy. Borris is great though.
>le boris is great because he wants brexit
>le actual competent politician is bad because he wants bremain
nah, not sure i agree
what happened
she's minging
>he actually thinks Boris wants us out of the EU and isn't just using it to further his career
>the poleboo meme still hasn't died
she's pretty in that photo at least
i called someone racist in greggs
Love this not linking to other posts and just copying them with a fedora gimmick lads.
Honestly my third favourite /brit/ gimmick.
>le boris is great because he wants brexit
>le actual competent politician is bad because he wants bremain
>nah, not sure i agree
He's decent as a person, he just hates Britain. That's why I would never vote for him.
i'm much more centrist now than i was in first year i think
>wish you could provide education out of tax revenue without making them seem literally free e.g. worthless
yeah right now when you apply you're competing with a bunch of people with masters degrees and unless you know someone or something you have no chance with just a bachelors
but why
Alesha Dixon has her tits out on BGT
The writers are getting desperate
The trans arc is pure pandering
>Does it stick around
If you lift regularly, you'll feel good and confidant
>Do I get to become HIGH TEST
Dunno, I think it depends on how your body produces testosterone and what you do before/after working out to supplement your body
I could be wrong though
Socialist libertarian here lads
well what? normally she does look like a rottweiler chewing a bumblebee i'll give you that
Why didn't you listen?
got the DWP up my arse
>School bomb scare: Thousands of UK pupils evacuated as caller threatens to 'behead children
Bet it was those bloody Christians again
Good lad.
>i'm much more centrist now than i was in first year i think
iktf, spent whole of first year reee-ing at academic economics, have tried to give up hating things without really understanding them aha
I didn't say he was great because he wants Brexit. He's great because he genuinely love Britain. You can keep us in the EU and still love Britain though (Thatcher).
So you've got a bunch of reaction images of Ozzy, you sad pathetic cunt. What I want to know is if you have any pics of him snorting coke.
wouldn't mind that x
wait he was going to behead them with a bomb?
These are what I get on compass tests.
TW: gore
kill yourself my man
>Hitler wanted peace not war
>invades poland
Ahh yes
if you don't reply to me, you will get hit by a bus tomorrow, but it won't kill you
Why did leftism fall so hard for the identify politics / multiculturalism meme?
Original leftism was pretty racist.
he was being racist
It was probably just some autistic mong doing it because he thinks it's funny.
Thatcher wanted us to leave the EU and join NAFTA
Ghost was on last night lads. Simply can't get my head around the fact that Patrick Swayze is dead. And Michael Jackson. Genuinely now have to think about which celebrities are dead and who's still alive. Makes me feel old. I guess this is how it is. Slowly everyone you grew up with will disappear, You'll see something cool or funny and think "X would really love that" and then the realisation hits you. X is dead. How depressing will that be?
did a cheeky wank in the toilets yesterday at work
DIdn't watch the video did you?
go to if you want to talk about politics.
Anyone know if he actually sent in it?
Srsly wtf?
Talk about football during the Europa League Final and all the Kpop/politico fags sperg out
>t-take that to Sup Forums
>football isn't British culture
>I find Asians attractive
Bitchniggas for real
Why is my bank promoting interracial gay marriage?
>pretty racist.
You mean completely normal well adjusted people not intent on cultural suicide?
its doable but tricky to get it right first time.
in greggs?
Too many yanks
Except she didn't. She realised that the EU was potentially beneficial for Britain; that's why she fought tooth and nail securing a better deal for us, unlike Cameron.
Britain is a gay country.
go to if you want to talk about banking
go to if you want to talk about gay marriage
we put the click on the 24 track which was then synced to the moog modular
Where my seolmates at?
Pretentious post desu
does ignoring a girl's messages make her like you?
>Lady Thatcher last night reignited the Conservative debate on Europe by calling for Britain to start the process of withdrawing from the European Union, saying the institution was "fundamentally unreformable".
>In her book Lady Thatcher calls for Britain to join the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), a decision that would be seen by the EU as incompatible with membership of the 15-strong European single market.
go to if you want to give people advice