Are black American ghettos as dangerous as the media portrays them?
Are black American ghettos as dangerous as the media portrays them?
Yeah, but they're mostly dangerous to other blacks.
In the 70's and 80's they were bullethole-ridden warzones
Today the worst parts are contained to certain areas and most ghettos are being gentrified or are pacified to some degree by extensive police-state measures
The education system in the US is also improving and minority dropout rates have drastically fallen. 30 years ago certain inner-city schools were left for dead, now they get the most funding
Most of the reputation is from the 70's and 80's. Abortion was illegal until the 70's, which meant ghetto blacks had a high birth rate of unwanted babies. Lead was still in gasoline and pipes which caused brain damage in ghettos. Crack hit the streets. Reaganomics obliterated what was left of the working class
My family moved to the suburbs of DC in the 1980's for work at the Pentagon. Suburbanites basically couldn't go into the city. Only Northwest was safe. If you went across the Potomac and made the wrong exit to the infamous mcdonalds, especially at night, you ran a real risk of being a victim of crime. Happened once and my dad did an illegal U-turn and floored it westward from the mcdonalds
I saw some footage from the late 80's from DC ghettos. Huge pack of gangsters in some ruins yelling like "WE GONNA KILL ANYONE WHO COME HERE" then camera follows them as they run to a car and kill some people insides. The mayor of DC was a retarded corrupt who smoked crack and got caught on camera doing it. I used to go to Basketball games to see the "Bullets" play and once heard gunfire from the parking lot. They changed the name from Bullets to Wizards due to the stigma of violence
Things got better though. Crime has gone way down here, and in the US. Abortion is legal, police are now doing countless patrols. Southeast DC, once a ghetto warzone, is now being gentrified and has the big sports stadium. Ghetto hoodlums still rob people, but people actually walk about in southeast now. There are luxury flats in southeast now, holy shit. Built on the ruins of 80's crack dens
The really bad stuff has moved across the river to Anacostia, around Malcolm X and MLK boulevards. I still wouldn't go there, but if you're driving through during the day, you'll survive.
Of course they are. Can you think of one place on earth with a majority black population that would be pleasant to live in?
the US?
>Huge pack of gangsters in some ruins yelling like "WE GONNA KILL ANYONE WHO COME HERE"
sounds like sweden these days
Oh, well that's nice to hear then.
Botswana seems nice.
Check out pics of NYC in the 70's and 80's. Places that are now full of white hipsters were wastelands full of burning barrels and destroyed cars
It sure does
>compare one of best countries in world to one decent one on a crappy continent
>"hurr durr y it suk?"
>The education system in the US is also improving
>common core
A meme experiment being conducted in some schools very recently (and too recently to have an effect now) is vastly less impacting than 80% dropout rates some ghetto schools had in the 80's
90% of them are livable if you don't go out at night. The remaining 10% haven't changed since the 80's and will just have to die out on their own.
>mfw I live in the middle of the white area
Georgetown or American U?
>the entire east side of the capital is 75+% black
The city used to be over 70% black in the 70s. DC has always had a huge black population since the 1800's.
I'm out of college, have been for many years. I attended neither.
I just live here in NW and work in Dupont.
It's a great place to live and I may buy a condo with my wife.
>being a hipster
Go back to Virginia desu
I'm not a hipster.
I just detest the NoVa to DC commute.
Alexandria was my home for three years and commuting into the city was a god dam nightmare. Every day.
But in the city my commute is 15 minutes if I move quickly.
The convenience of living here outweighs the extra 300 square feet I would get in a NoVa home.
AYO that's where I occasionally work at the school system :^)
Not nearly as bad as most think they are, and most are under 30. I also see you saved the image I posted yesterday.
Some are. Certain ghettos in some places like the Southside of Chicago and East Baltimore are absolute death zones I wouldn't even visit in the day.
But the media isn't an accurate portrayal of life in the ghetto. It's more normal than you'd think.
depends what media your watching I suppose
Crime is a real issue but I've walked around ghetto parts of Philly during the day and they mostly feel like normal neighborhoods with more vacant lots. Kids playing, old people sitting on porches, that kind of boring stuff
I heard three gunshots right outside my apartment on the very first night I lived in Atlanta. About two months later, my friends were robbed at gunpoint a few miles away (and they lived in the nicer part of the city), and then a week after that, my apartment was broken into.
you mean to say that the birthplace of coca cola isn't a magical wonderland of fizzy adventure?
Fuck off.
Why are 99% of world star videos some white American guy calling a black guy a nigger than getting KO'd in one hit?
lol maybe fix your country
99% are mostly coon fights.
They're actually more dangerous to be entirely honest
I live in a 30% black city.
I live surrounded by blacks and there's several black families in my home block.
I've never seen literally a nigger in my life and the blacks seems like proper people here.
wonder why there's so much racism in USA and where did things go wong there.
Black americans who have lived here for a long amount of time blame all of their problems on slavery still. This is why they refuse to get jobs, refuse to learn english, refuse to be productive, because they didn't get land and a mule because of slavery.
I'm not even using a hyperbole, black people still use slavery as their excuse for everything including why they are violent and why their culture promotes nothing but degeneracy.
They are partly more violent because of slavery though
Slavers didn't pick the weak ones
I hope you stay mad
if everyone says you're a victim you're gonna believe it
case in point
Yep. Even more so because now cops don't want to be the next sacrifice to the BLM plague for trying to keep those savages in line.
Anything less than going full stormtrooper on the gangs there is a half measure. Witnesses never talk to cops, never cooperate.
USA people should be genocided, that includes whites as well.
USA is nothing but a trash culture tbqh sempai.
Yeah if only the world was more like colombia, right?
african americans are one of the most violent ethnic groups on earth
yeah, my culture isn't riddlen with neckbears, weebs, jehova witness, gun fanatics, militant atheists, liberals, republicans, democrats, inmigrants, MTV, fox news, liberal media, SJWs, new age conventions, brony conventions, cops killing civilians, NSA, goverment killing civilians under terrorist chargers, war on terror, student debt, 50 year old infraestructure falling into pieces, stupidity on TV, having no babies, cavity search on conventions, ufo kidnapping, fluoride in the tap water, we're number 1 shit, we won WWII shit, mormons, creationism, imperial system.
USA should be nuked.
>listing weebs as a negative
How do you know all about that stuff if your TV isn't full of that garbage?
I don't watch tv but my public television is much better than american shit.
Hell, even the private colombian channels are better than the shit I see on american TV.
Hell, when I listen the radio on GTA I cringe.
I can't imagine living in that trash culture.
I keep hearing people say that the 'education system is biased against African Americans'
what do they mean by this
You didn't answer my question bud, how do you know about all of that stuff if you don't consume our "horrible culture"?
probably that blacks are usually economically segregated and thus have access to poorer schools that are constantly defunded due to poor performance and thus never improve
technically most colleges have a sort of affirmative action thing for blacks but most of them from those areas don't make it there regardless
lol those white piggus are pussies compared to dark men.
It means they don't want to realize that niggers have a low IQ and will always do badly at school so they blame it on literally everything else
>Hell, when I listen the radio on GTA I cringe.
I don't expect much of actual third worlders but holy fuck are you really stupid enough to think that's what our radio sounds like?
>technically most colleges have a sort of affirmative action thing for blacks but most of them from those areas don't make it there regardless
Most of the blacks from those areas drop out before graduating highschool
Slavers picked whoever they could, because the slavers were other Africans. They picked the ones that were easiest to get, hence the weakest.
If you weren't weak, you were a slaver.
>you don't come across american culture in Sup Forums and youtube pol shit.
So you judge your entire opinion on over 300 Million people based on what you see on Sup Forums?
what's colombian culture like
bro, don't delude yourself.
american radio is trash.
not pol, american videos on youtube.
also MTV and creationism videos.
and plenty of other videos about american culture.
good thing you don't have to live in a major city here huh
good thing you don't turn into a mexican or a black when you come here huh
The funny thing about this char is that brits legitimately believe phladelphia is comparable to liverpool.
It has well over 3 times the population. In fact Philly has a higher population than all of those cities besides london
>not pol
You literally just listed pol as one of the two things you base your opinion on.
I'm African American and not from the ghetto.
Honestly white Americans are the last to be talking shit about black culture. They just copy everything we do. Pretty much all of American pop culture directly comes from black people because whites have none.
Also Blacks were Mayans
do you want a serious question or it's just shitposting?
I just told you it's not the only board I browse retard.
you seem to forget this board is basically american and you'll learn about american culture simply by browsing here.
>you seem to forget this board is basically american and you'll learn about american culture simply by browsing here.
>Colombians use Sup Forums and youtube as their main form of education
reminder black people built stargates and space ships and traveled to other universes and galaxies before white people were invented and oppressed them
>90% of them are livable if you don't go out at night.
>american standards
>mundane american life
Just deport all blacks ,keep the qt women and the blacks with 130 IQ,use them to create the future african leaders for africa,turn the continent into an american ally
It's hard to have culture when the entire world appropriated it
I'm seriously disgusted over how race is basically like choosing your local team sports.
That's basically the entire level of discussion of race in USA.
>Sup Forums is not represenative of american culture
>american culture is somehow diferent and all the shit I wrote is a niche shit that isn't talk on Fox news and other american TV news.
Holy kek that intro...
funny thing is that africans consider black american culture as degenerate shit.
So it wasn't even a hyperbole, you literally get your main form of education from youtube and Sup Forums
That's legitimately a tragedy
I would say that the media does a bad job at showing exactly how violent they are.
Pretty much. To hate black culture is to hate American culture at this point. Literally name three aspects of American pop culture that weren't created by black Americans that isn't Hollywood.
Yeah America is pretty disgusting. Hate this cunt tree and its people sometimes.
The one in my town is just a depressing shithole of petty thievery
if you have a bit of street smarts and go there during the daytime you'll be fine
the main thing with ghettos here, are that they always seem like something is going to happen, but usually nothing will happen
they are quite a bit more dangerous than what you would be used to though, so i suppose the answer would be yes
>funny thing is that africans consider black american culture as degenerate shit.
Never seen that
all african students act the same,dress and listen to the same nigger/club/rap trash
Universities here and elsewhere have to isolate nigger dorms from people's dorms,they're obnoxious and their storey stinks
International students love to banter on niggers,except for americans who are afraid to say the word
The women have fat asses and they love foreign D
Sometimes I copy your murder rates and kill Arabs homie
Are you actually being serious or like those retarded blacks who spout shit like on twitter
are u aware youtube is not just minecraft and justin bieber shit?
I've found 80's lectures on audio synthesis from a VHS shit.
Hell, I browse american thinktanks lectures over politics on youtube.
yeah, blacks are usually happy people and have that cocky actitude.
beyond that they're cool people.
are u afraid of black people?
>Never seen that
i agree with that guy, at least at american unis, africans from africa are generally the best students in their whole country and they are well spoken and respectful people. if a bit arrogant, because they were the top students in their countries.
i swear half of them straight up said they hated black americans to me kek
Why wouldn't I be serious?
>Literally name three aspects of American pop culture that weren't created by black Americans that isn't Hollywood.
1. the english language
2. music
3. working
>the english language
>invented by white americans
nice b8 m8
I didnt know the media portrayed them, unless you're talking about rap music.
They're scarier in person than any movie will ever show.
>be me
>go to to find a pic of the scariest block I've ever DRIVEN through
>type E Cambria and C Street, Philadephia, PA
>spit out my beer
you see this shit?
just take a trip west on Cambria until you hit B for an example of some place you should never ever go
You realise that whites literally have the most culture
The world is immersed in white culture
Everything you do is literally white culture, so much so to the point where everyone thinks its just the base, its generic, its just always been there, it surrounds you
Other countries and ethnic groups cultures are literally just limited to a variety of a few shitty songs, shitty foods and shitty patterns on clothing