What extinct states do you mourn for Sup Forums?

What extinct states do you mourn for Sup Forums?

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Kingdom of France.

the USSR

feels good venice droped dead lol

Oh shut up. it was a socialist shithole where stalin would send everyone he didn't like to gulag.

Not to mention, if ussr was still alive we probably wouldn't have internet here, since we'll know "too much".

>tfw they're rebuilding the Doge's barge that was burned by niggers in 1798


>no Crete





Don't be ashamed of your national heroes, Gruzia.

White Croatia. Although not a single state but no one cares

>white croatia



>from Spain
Too easy, next!



>from Somalia
mind my pronoun, shitlord

Sanjaj naprej, Ante.

ma kurac

>from Spain
Still too easy

Glorious Kalmaria!

Nope nope nope nope nope

normal white sweden

cmon us danes are good at handling rowdy muslims

you said the same about german merchants and look what that got us.
Never again

but baby i have totally changed im a good boy now!


>editing france

for what purpose

Come ye by Killiecrankie ooooo~~~




I am going to kill myself now.

yes, I am this edgy, not even joking, fuck all of you

>that land west of the river with Kiev in it in Russian possesion

It triggers me everytime, it just looks so shit

borders from XVIIIc. look elegant, while those look like a potato

I miss Byzantium.
I wonder how would they adapt to new ideologicies and inventions around the world

But it could be nice and round :(


welcome to
>that land west of the river in foreign possesion: the country


I really do hope you choke on your boyfriend's semen and he dies of aids a week later.

You deluded degenerate faggot.


What a time it was


Tito developed Slovenia well why hate

Kosovo is serbia, I support Serbian friend !!!

The Confederate States of America

Why the fuck does Croatians have more Illyric DNA than anyone else and why the fuck don't they double down on this?? I get it, you don't want to become like the Serbs but if you exclude genocide then you'll be fine!

>Why the fuck does Croatians have more Illyric DNA than anyone else
cuz we are illyrians?
> why the fuck don't they double down on this??
what do you mean

this desu
more specifically democratic Czechoslovakia
although commie might be okay but democracy instead pls


Like claim that territory as your own? Not associating yourself with it openly? Why not have more symbol in use in public today?

hiding our kang powerlevel

cuz we're persians as well :^)
who would like to associate himself with illyirians that got cucked by romans and slavs and goths and everyone


Wow, take it easy there. You might change your whole identity to Illyrian


this too

straight outta arachosia

damn straight, preach it brudda


When romans occupied Istria and Dalmatia they settled near Illyrian villages. They would eventually fuck with them and produce offsprings and since Papa Byzantium, Papa Franks and Papa Venice had no interest in ethnic clensing, they've pretty much kept the gene pool of mixed slavic-romanic-illiric peoples for centuries.

fucckk hwan I SPIT on korean

Kingdom of Bohemia