Do you love Italy?

Do you love Italy?

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Yes. I love terroni and sicily.


Yes. My favorite restaurant is Sbarro.


I'm serious.

Yes. The north and the middle.

dunno, never been in Italia.
But I love their (fuckin good) food, and their awesome history. Roman empire best study ever.

t. le sardo or le albanese

I love Italy, Allah loves Italy

sborro or sborra means cum in italian lol

What did you expect from a Japanese guy?

Why do you use that word then, it's offensive

I use it ironically. Same with poolentoni.
South italians are friendly people and sicily has a lot to offer besides jobs unfortunately.
A lot of culture, cuisine and a beautiful landscape.

That's American restaurant though.

You can expect everything from us, flog.


>South italians are friendly people

they literally fucking created organized crime, the majority of them are corrupted to the bone, to find an honest south italian is a rare thing

open your fucking eyes, cuck faggot

I like it very much that we border this expansive, warm and storied land that is completely unlike ours. But then, there's a bit too much of Italy from our perspective, at least where it adjoins the Slovenian border, if you catch my drift.

I usually expect weird things and/or tentacles from you goys.
But you're not even a Jap proxy bru

I can obviously just judge by the things I see and the people I got to know so far.
>Organized crime
Can't say much about that, because as a foreigner I'm not interesting for any mafioso. Corruption is still common as far as I know, but again, as I said before I can't judge that stuff.

No. It's fine, I guess. But they are assholes for sending all the Africans to Europe. Stop doing that.

T .terrone

Mafia is a very small part of the population, normal people are the victim of it. Same goes for the corrupted politicians. Today in Sicily we remember the death of Giovanni Falcone, an hero of the war against mafia.

you're a tourist, terroniggers wanted your shekels, so they were kind to you. You don't know yet their real sleazy and treacherous nature.

Trust me, it's part of their culture to scam people over and crime it's in their dna. They're literally worse than gypsies

I say this to myself every day. But I can't step it up.

When I see them, and they start talking muh barilla macarroni, Buffon, Rafaella Carra, Berlusconi, il signore Grillo...

Helpless. Italy is like Finland, one of those countries that's impossible to hate on even if you train hard for it every day.

Porca madonna...

si ma lìtalia finisce al po, molti fanno l`errore di confondere i terroni di merda con gli italiani.

That guy that was blown up on the highway?

You'll know better than I do. I don't have to deal with a lot of sicilians, the ones I know are nice though.

>l'italia finisce al po
venendo da sud

Yes, and that guy is baiting anyway, ignore him, he does it every day and then writes how ebin his banter is on /ita/

Fuck off

I see. Corruption is everywhere, it's just way more common with you, I remember that incident with these hundreds of useless foresters for example. I still feel comfortable in sicily and enjoy going there, but as you said, being a tourist there is different than living there.

That's France fault for fucking up Lybia though.

Also, it's not their duty to secure the border if the EU doesn't give a shit about the immigrant problem, and specifically the northern countries don't cooperate at all neither financially nor legally in dealing with the situation.

Get fucked then.

I'm having a mental breakdown. Help me

el italiANO

Holy shit, are you guys kidding me? The Northern countries are taking several tens of times more of the migrants than you are. And we are net contributors to the EU, while you are net benefactors. The Italians are literally sailing to the coast of Libya, picking up refugees and then dumping them at the Northern border. You are exacerbating a problem that you could easily solve by turning back boats and refusing entry into the country.

I am sorry for offending southerners. It wasn't me, my mood changes like a leaf in the autumn wind. I have problems, help me.

There are so many wrong things in this post that i don't know where to begin

Have you read my link, idiot?

>And we are net contributors to the EU, while you are net benefactors.

Get your facts straight, mememaster.

>The Italians are literally sailing to the coast of Libya, picking up refugees and then dumping them at the Northern border.

Frontex is a EU operation. Also, some years ago, when nobody in the EU gave a fuck about refugees, we got fucking sued by Sweden for trying to send the back to Libya.

cheese slicing using motherfucker, I will fucking choke you with spaghetti

yes i love italy a lot

The day that you stop sending us migrants is the day I will download your stupid pdf.

they are alright I spose

To start with, you're not even in the EU, so your opinion into the trash it goes. Secondly, Italy is a net contributor.

Thirdly, the EU and international law specifically demands from Italy that it rescues the boat people and give them assistance (pretty much at the demands of northern countries) without these countries and the EU as a while providing specific and comprehensive financing, organization, and cooperation to deal with a problem that is a common problem. It's specially cringeworthy in the case of Greece, that is being turned into a massive refugee-assistance camp in spite of their financial of problems.

Like I said; Get fucked. Italy and Greece should literally open the gates and let the domino effect proceed in full force all the way to Sweden.

I asked my cab driver in Napoli if he liked Verdi's music and he said no. I thought all italians listened to opera.

I listen to your momma's moans when I fuck her hard in her ass, perro

>tfw our tour guide LITERALLY apologized to us for Napels looking shitty and told us to close our eyes as we drove through
otherwise ur fine

>I thought all italians listened to opera
>I asked my cab driver
>cab driver
I guess the answer is in the question

Welp my father is from there so yeah a bit

ayy calm down mario

I love you guys

Yes i like Italia, both south and north
