Why are Europeans ok with gypsies but not refugees?

Why are Europeans ok with gypsies but not refugees?

i was accosted by one trying to sell me a flower or something once in berlin told that bitch to fuck off. never going back austria was nicer.

>ok with gyppos


I call them roaches, to the point that my extended family use the term as well.

Gypsies stick to themselves, have stuck to themselves for centuries, don't breed as fast and have no intentions of conquering the world.

>The cucked Europe
>Not okay with rapefugees



I kinda like them, desu. They're nice to me.

>Why are Europeans ok with refugees but not gypsies?


t. Gypsy

Do you want to get curses? Because this is how you get curses.

>No intentions of conquering the world
This, if they did who'd they scam and steal from?

Gypsies are the first harbingers of summer desu. Whenevr you start seeing them begging on the streets, summertime quickly follows

We arent okay with Gypsies

>Why are Europeans ok with gypsies

Where the fuck did you get this idea?

i suppose gypsies don't spread their religion

some are catholics too

They don't really have a religion.
It's more of a culture. And no, the only way to spread Gypsy culture is giving birth to a new Gypsy.


Why? You could have went to any city and have a nice stay.

>ok with gypsies

>ok with gypsies

Here gypsies are usually very religious even if they dont go to church

your file name's a pleonasm hue hue hue hue

They're not. Everyone except liberal cucks hate them. France once payed them some decent amount of euros to come back to Romania. They took the money, flew here for free because France supported the flight costs and boarded the next planes for France. Top fucking kek.

That's not very tolerant of you!

I agree with you except for the "don't breed as fast" part. Wherever there's poverty there's high natality.

Some gippos are good people.

They tend to be of all religions. In romania many are Protestant or part of some other bullshit sect because they get free stuff from the churches, mostly sponsored by foreigners.

They tend to be very superstitious. Oldschool gippos are really superstitious and they have some weird beliefs like being afraid of rabbits.
'Sasoi' means rabbit in gippo and some of them are really fucking afraid of that word lel.

Implying anyone is ok with gypsies.
>Gypsies stick to themselves, have stuck to themselves for centuries and have no intentions of conquering the world
>don't breed as fast
Not true.
They don't have a religion. They just sort of wing it when it comes to religion.
Here they usually have Muslim last names, but they beg in front of churches, and tend to celebrate Djurdjevdan (St. George day). It's hard to find lamb in supermarkets at that time. Because tho they don't care for what they eat, they eat lamb (like Muslims) for a Christian holiday.
t. guy who lives next to a supermarket


nobody is ok with gypsies though?

I am not fucking ok with gypsies.

I am not fucking ok with gypsies.
>don't breed as fast
kek, here in Slovakia they have like 6 kids each while the average Slovak family has 1-2 because they provide a decent standard of living to them and they cannot really afford more kids, but gypsies don't mind having dirty unfed kids because they bring welfare

We aren't, you just can't get rid of them.

Gypsies are a mystery to me. All of them (99%) are parasites, and everybody (except for 0.1% leftists) in every country hate them and consider them as cockroaches, people who only steal to live and leech the society.

Yet it seems like they are above the law, they can do what they want, and every government is okay with that.

Only completely deluded people who have never walked out of their comfort zone don't want to genocide them.