Post yfw you realise Sup Forumsniggers are pretty much western muslims

post yfw you realise Sup Forumsniggers are pretty much western muslims

>share same views on women
>constantly argue about what's degenerate/haraam
>only watch "redpilled media" or "halal media"
>only solution is to glass everyone

Other urls found in this thread:

Hello newfag

watch out they have an ms paint comic for people who call them out

wrong board mate this isn't Sup Forums

Haha really, what a noob. Enjoy your stay, user. Stay away from rekt threads, they will shrivel your fragile heart

Post yfw you try to imagine a Russian saying "nigger"

It's true.

Sup Forums is satire you newfaggot

nice meme. only a true autist could be capable of creating something like this.

neegir top kek

Why does criticizing Sup Forums cause so much butthurt? You can talk about how shitty other boards are but as soon as say something bad about them they go apeshit.

hello this is Sup Forums the board you're looking for is ------------>
that way

because a good chunk of them are reverse sjw's


Sup Forums Diaspora is everywhere, especially with the Dec 2014 habbenings

>this thread

Do you not understand what satire means?


maybe 5% posters is satire, if even that. new started out as satire. Sup Forums right now is full unfiltered authentic autism don't delude yourself

I'm both a far-right Sup Forums tard and a left-SJW at the same time, depends on the society or country I'm thinking of

Quite strange desu

This really goes for anything Sup Forums hates.

>hates Jews
Yeah noticed this some time back desu