OTP edition
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crayon pop
why would you remortgage at all if interest rates rose?
lmao, nerd, go read a fucking book or something gayboy
dont make me post the reminder again
Hong Kong is definitely comparable to NI obviously
Kyary (me in the background)
>not sure if you're just trying to make me search for indian queens on google
dead serious m8 it's a village in mid cornwall
Reminder that Tony 'cuck' Blair didn't have to hand over all of Hong Kong, only some was on the 99 year lease but he did it anyway because he hates Britain
”Sleep is nature’s restoration period. While you sleep, your body restores your immune system, your nervous system, and even your muscular and skeletal systems. Certain hormones and brain-related proteins also restore while you sleep. So, if you don’t sleep well or enough (or both), your body doesn’t get the time it needs to rejuvenate itself, and it slowly lags behind in its optimal ability to function — over the long haul, you function less than optimally with many systems affected. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to immune dysfunction and disrupted hormone regulation.”
got a cute little willy
o shit
Yeah because the Northern Irish are known for not attacking England when they don't get what they want, aren't they lad?
o shit waddup
you're a big guy
May watch some anime desu
Post the most depressing album you know
hate my flatmate
moving out in seven days
According to this, your Buy-2-Let portfolio only comprises a two bedroom semi-detached in County Durham?
Care to explain?
”Drink some warm milk. Milk contains some of the amino acids (particularly L-tryptophan, a precursor to the sleep hormone melatonin that your body creates) that help you sleep. A half-cup of warm milk is often all you need to relax.”
>pure dreadnought fleet
>upgraded them to fighters+bombers carriers just in time for a war
turns out bombers and fighters are FUCKING GARBAGE
Looking a bit fat there lad.
Why are you still spamming this when literally noone cares
a white population doesn't guarantee a fucking working society you Sup Forums shithead. i live here and i'd argue that some of those unionists are worse than niggers.
just report it
janny will do his job
>tfw every game i start i just get locked in and eventually fucked over
i'm the worst politician ever 2bh
Hong Kong itself was never on lease, just the out territory
but China made some idle threats and Blair totally capitulated and abandoned the Hong Kongers to tyranny and a slow death + assimilation
disgusting really
tfw your internet reputation is getting ruined
very good
Hard to compare due to the conflicting economic models between the period of globalised capitalism at present and the dirigiste policies of the post-war consensus desu
Oh look, it's a Sinn Fein cuck. I hope you know that people like you are the reason we'll never actually unite with the Republic. You're killing Republicanism here, with a lot of help from the nigger fag muslims down south.
people keep appropriating my internet gf gimmick
I'm pretty good at negotiations in Football Manager desu
>Reading Jap news about the national gyoza festival
>Says that in Fukushima they made ones without pork for muslims
Truly nowhere is safe
>wash hands of Northern Ireland
>Ireland gets 'united'
>deals with that shit and we no longer have to
>world congrats us for being cool
>Anglo Irish relations become stronger than ever
>lads again, (even though we gave them a fucking mess)
0151 lids
shut up
”Take a look at these examples of what sex can do for the body:
- You live longer. Men who reported the highest frequency of orgasm live longer than men who had less-frequent orgasms.
- You have a reduced risk of heart disease. Research shows that men who had sex three or more times a week reduced their risk of heart attack or stroke by half.
- You can get some exercise. A regular bout of sex burns around 50 calories — about the same as walking 15 minutes on a treadmill. The pulse rate in a person who’s aroused rises from about 70 beats per minute to 150. However, don’t substitute sex for other forms of exercise. You would have to engage in sexual activity for many hours to achieve the same aerobic benefits as other options.
- You experience a sense of well-being. Levels of the hormone oxytocin increase during intercourse and in turn releases endorphins, which can give a sense of well-being and can even reduce pain because of the action of the endorphins and the pain receptors.
- You get sick less. People who have sex weekly have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which can[…]”
Excerpt from: Brent Agin. ”Healthy Aging For Dummies”. iBooks.
Please fuck off you cunt, literally just spamming
What's the name of that grand strategy game that's posted on Sup Forums a lot?
7913 lids
business idea
boost productivity with an influx of cheap immigrant labour but also cut wages using the voter base we've just imported to pass it through
i don't vote for sinn fein you shithead. this two party system we have here is killing any progress this country could ever hope to have
europa thingy
i just made a nazi empire (literally aryan empire) and picked military 2 + xenophobic
i've been roflstomping everyone pretty much
Spent some time on Sup Forums recently. I don't understand how they can be like that all the time. I'm quite right wing myself, but I can switch off when need be. They just seem so miserable over there, and there's nothing they can do behind their keyboards.
I am an idiot
does masturbation count?
Now that we're on the subject of Northern Ireland, whatever happened to mad Gerry tweeting the word nigger?
They take themselves too seriously
Fuck off yannk
Reminder that it was Thatcher who began the agreement, Major was the one who finalised it, and Blair was only the one who had to deal with it.
Europa Universalis IV, AKA Autism Simulator 2k16
cannot WAIT for this 2bh
cornwall mentioned. do you live near north or south coast?
Their entire belief system is based on pessimism basically
im this close
anyone watched this car crash?
>Autism simulator
Casual out 2bqh
crusader kings 2 - middle ages
europa universalis (3) - 1400ish to 1800ish
hearths of iron 3 - ww2
i used trash the last time and was told the same thing
what even is the proper word
Monopoly. Oh wait, that's not a game; it's Tory Britain.
Correct. The 40 year old "LOOK WE'RE DOING THE OPPOSITE OF THEM" grudge is causing some serious fucking issues and genuinely killing Republicanism. SF don't seem to have grasped the fact that working class Catholics don't want abortion. They don't want fags. They don't want niggers. They don't want pakis. They don't want muslims. Nationalists and Unionists are the exact fucking same, except one is nationalistic for Ireland and one is nationalistic for the UK. The sooner Republican parties realise that, the sooner we'll have a united Ireland. Although I don't particularly want one right now thanks to those faggots voting for fag marriage.
from FALMOUTH area but moved up north (near st austell)
at uni elsewhere though
don't know why i'm asking really, pointless doxxables
need to see more of the so called "kernow", any places you'd reccomend?
So I'm at work and I go over the road to buy some Imodium at Morrison's however it looks like every single drug in the medicine aisle requires you to be over 18 with valid id or look over 25 years old.
Is there a recent law passed on this or something?
This is stupid
do not reply you stupid fucking yankee doodle
Nothing. He came out the next day and said "Not my fault you cunts didn't get it" and everyone moved on.
>- You have a reduced risk of heart disease. Research shows that men who had sex three or more times a week reduced their risk of heart attack or stroke by half.
people who have sex more often are more likely to be in good shape in the first place
>- You get sick less. People who have sex weekly have higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A, which can[…]”
same thing
The bit with all the water supply and power stations was the bit that was on lease you plum
if we'd tried to keep it they'd have just shut all the water and power off til we handed it over
When will these superhero films die?
”Oats are full of antioxidants, vitamin E, selenium, magnesium, fiber, and many other bioactive compounds. High fiber oats lower cholesterol, aid in good digestion, and may help your memory performance. The high fiber and protein content in oatmeal helps to slow down digestion and promote a slower and moresustained release of glucose into your bloodstream. This controlled release of glucose keeps you feeling satisfied from hunger longer.”
Excerpt from: Brent Agin. ”Healthy Aging For Dummies”. iBooks.
That's not Aisha
its unhealthy to be continuously angry and antagonistic
desu anyone who takes politics so seriously and lets it dominate their existence is a human tumor
its hardly as if I blather on about anarchy and faith or get immensely triggered when someone says something I don't agree with.
like mate of mine was talking about how his girlfriend would get an abortion asap if she ever got pregnant by him and never wants kids ever
I don;t agree with abortion but I didn't get flustered at him, just said if my gf was pregnant I'd ask her to keep it.
not a big fan of the tories ngl
not reading any of these posts so you might as well all stop posting
queen of mena more like lmao
me nan's a white walker lads what do?? ://
Fucking kek he's gone completely mad
Going to try and convince myself to become a fanatical spiritualist and believe in Chi and all that shite
wish me luck
Oh fug
I didn't know that was a thing and it looks good too
>Tfw I take Haas F1 to the constructors championship within 2 years
neither is that ugly commie slag
my turbo pleb sister does
Their belief is literally based on memes
that swede that is spamming is the guy who spammed cuckold and poopoo
report him lads
reminder that im the official swedish poster of brit
of course