/cum/ cannada uhmerica mejico


/lat/ desu


what happened?

USA is gay

hi senpai

Haha what rhe hell? I was thinking about hiring free canadias to work to save the finlanfs economy when i was at sauna today. What a coinsidence

He fuck you

Good night, enjoy the rest of your day.

I was thinking about hiring some finlabds to FUCK OFF

Fucking russia with their dickposting

Treat everybody as you would have them treat you, and you will have less trouble with them than you have had.


Happy Victoria day fellow patriots


y-you too

Lena Paul is my new favorite porn slut

Me on the left

God save the Queen!


Do you know what this is?

What you use when theres no toilet paper around.

>Blacks chimping out on twitter

What about this time?

It's what your gf makes you lick clean you fucking cuckold

One of the officers in the Freddie Gray trial was found not guilty

A cop not getting life in prison for doing his job

Why do we share a general with these jizzrags and commies

We should be /nato/ or /1stworld/ or something.

Those numerals though?

What mexicans smell like?

Niether of them did anything wrong. People lie about medical conditions all the time, and Freddie was your average drug addict nigger theif.


The cold war is supposed to be over putin

the non-commie Mexicans are generally fine desu and the commie ones just need to be ignored until they go back to /lat/


hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, the burger club's two blocks down

/cum/ is a board of peace

good golly miss molly

Where did this meme come from?

What's for dinner, /cum/?

Goddamn it. It's so hot right now I want Autumn back. I'm blaming Trudeau for this.

fried pierogies with onions and sour cream


i dunno

/cum/ I just checked my grades, it's all good


Does Witcher 3 chug as hard as some people say it does? I've got a 4790 and a 980. Should be enough run it maxed/60fps?


>half-breed 3

You have any more of these memes?


You should do fine if you turn off nvidia memeworks and the like

>you should do fine if you make the game look like shit

That's what i'm gonna do to you, canada

hairworks is absolutely NOT worth performance hit desu.

Tendies and tots with a can of surge to wash it all down. Might have a twinkle for dessert

all canadian girls are thots

>apply for 5 jobs, really want 4 of them
>don't get any of those
>get the shit safety one I wasn't that interested in
Fucks sake. Oh well

Might go down to great clips and get my shit fucked up because I just don't care anymore and my hair keeps falling in my eyes

pizza with onions and sausage

Governor McAuliffe about to be BBTFFFOOOOOOOO by the feds

Mac & Cheese. Tomorrow hopefully some pork shoulder and rice

hairworks isn't worth it

>dealer says theyll be around at 5

>is almost 6

>just started to rain

just want some Dude Lmao ok?

this is an 18+ website

drugs are bad for you, user

I wanna Fuck Canada

Smoking alone while rain patters against your window with something comfy like nu-jazz playing is the reason god put us on this earth

*Fuck Canada

>implying most redditors aren't stoners

All Sweden men are cucks

Hey, fuck you Vladmir Anton Wodkin

most redditors are either dorky psuedo-normies or genuinely underage, so not really

>genuinely underage

so they smoke weed

where are you going this summer /cum/



>will work for free
Who wrote this?

smoking dank is the MO of the dorky pseudo normie

Back in the states senpai

What to do now /cum/

Ar labu nakti

Vad gör dig?

Japan never payed for their war crimes
Sooo yeah...

get a burger

one of your cousins outside a home depot

I just noticed I have more people who like me on okcupid than people I like

How close am I to normie?

>americans thinking they're übermensch

jeg elsker dig

>2 (TWO) nukes
>literally no other country in history has ever been nuked even once

I'm ashamed to say I actually just did this right before I posted.


Men jag är ubermenschen. ;-;

not enough

Fuck off cuck

>2 nukes
>re build the city
>Ok you're free to go

>Get all their country plastered
>Ok re-build it
>Whoa whoa whoa, you're not going to go that easy
>Spend for the next future generations self-hating each other and get castrated

>Film enthusiast
>Sup Forums
>And a cuck




Examine yourself and stop projecting . It is extremely transparent . You wish you we're Swedish

>You wish you were Swedish
kek no

Why is Sup Forums so fucking awful
I'm not just talking about the shitty quality of discussion, that place is rotten to the core. You have the same 10 or so games being discussed every day and anyone who tries to discuss anything else is either ignored or accused of being shill.
Of course, you can always make a thread about feminism and get guaranteed replies.
The worst thing of all though is that no one wants to acknowledge that this is Sup Forums's biggest problem, they'd rather blame shills and women for ruining modern gaming instead of their own jaded, pessimistic tastes.

Sup Forums immigration
That's why

any american male care to explain why white american girls are obsessed with interracial relationship and want a mixed baby?