Average american 34 years from now

>average american 34 years from now

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Hahahahahha what a bunch of Negros

Haha no they would look mexican

Also average Bulagrian RIGHT NOW


It doesn't work like that

>average Hungarian today

Why do your flags look the same?


America will be invaded by Aliens that like to dress up in human costumes?

mexicans are literal shitskins, browner than the brownest arabs
no we aren't polish girl in diaspora


>average bulgarian in 2016


Beautiful eyes.

That's not true. The woman in the OP is heavily negroid.

Negroids population is mostly staying the same and no race likes breeding with them.

The surge in nonwhite demographic is hispanics. The largest percentage of interracial marriages is white and hispanic.

The Average American in 34 years would look like this.


she's pretty. dark skin+green eyes is a nice mix.

looks good to me


>dark skin+[any nondark color] is a nice mix.

too bad 99% of them do not have such colored eyes

>he thinks no one likes to breed with blacks as millions of white american women crave for bbc

>in 34 years I'll be in my 60s

Terrifying. I don't even plan ahead a year down the line.

why are americans in such denial about getting blacked on industrial scale, komshu?

The BBC meme is just a meme. All dating trend statistics show that hispanic, white, and asian women do not like black men.

Regardless, there's a difference between FUCKING and BREEDING. Nearly all of the interracial BREEDING is between whites and hispanics.

They don't. Jews force it in media because it is still taboo. All polls, surveys and even the marriage statistics show blacks are the least desirable race here.

Bulgarians are brown subhumans.

they live in the delusion that their pathetic ""values"" are important to their women
>dating trend statistics
Such reliable sources to be trusted on

desirable in a way to live with , men of other races feed and look for their women while the black male fullfills their sexual dreams

If this site has shown me anything, it's that white people are really really butthurt about fucking everything. White people spent the last few decades vehemently denying they were racist or that America had any race problems. And they choose to start "resisting" when America is already 65% white in the form of voting for Donald Trump and watching anime for some reason.

I love watching the decline of white America, there hasn't been this much salt from a group of people since 1453.

It's really rare, only extremely promiscuous college girls and white trash landwhales date black guys and if they do it's always the stereotypically retarded alpha black dude who walks like a peacock.

The most common interracial couple in America is probably either white dude + Asian girl or white dude + Latina girl. But since most of Sup Forums loves Asian girls they don't have a problem with it, in fact it's the opposite.

>all these people in denial about women going for the BBC


Hispanics largely don't go outside their own culture. Nobody mixes with Hispanics except other hispanics

black guys seem to get the best women in america desu

You guys need to remember 'hispanic' isn't a race/ethnicity but denotes anyone from a Spanish-speaking country. A brown Indo-looking Mexican woman is just as Hispanic as a green eyed caucasian girl from Spain.

The majority of white/Hispanic marriages are probably among ""white"" (i.e. primarily euro ancestry) Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites.

They don't though. In the rare event they pull it off the girls is usually hideous or retarded white trash.


on wikepidia says that cubans are the most likely to mix with whites and that place is majority black/mulatto so fail again

Average american already probably looks like this.

Learn the difference between average and most common, it could save your life one day.


Wow, Americans age really well.

now im very proud of asian not atractive

just because the majority of Cubans are black/mulatto doesn't mean that they're the ones mixing with whites. Not to mention every dating and marriage statistic disproves what you said

black don't crack

it's much more fashionable and edgy to fuck blacks though

This desu.

I live in a primarily black area and the white women with black guys I see are either 300+ lbs or look like they smoke crack.

That guy's 50% black at best...

You can also look at Marriage statistics and find that BM/WF marriages are 1.3% of all marriages.

marriage is fucking irrelevant blacks don't stick around, whats more important its the amount of white girls they impregnate and leave and those numbers are much more robust

> A brown Indo-looking Mexican woman is just as Hispanic as a green eyed caucasian girl from Spain.

>average Bulgarian male

>whats more important its the amount of white girls they impregnate and leave and those numbers are much more robust
Actually no since mixed race children in general are barely 2% of the US births, let alone mixed race children of a BM/WF

You can stop projecting your fantasies now.


maybe in Sup Forums fantasy land

It went to 2% from almost 0% very quickly though.


This woman has a black father and an Indian mother, she's considered mixed race/Black american.

You can stop now shitposter-kun

is this a problem somehow?
we'll basically be mestizos that can't get sunburns

Nice to see we wont be fat anymore.

Correction, 5% of all kids have biracial ancestry, that includes Asian, White, Indian, Native, Black, Latino etc.

So most of them mixed Latinos?

There's no way the typical American woman will be that hot.
>Dat curly hair.
>Dat golden skin tone.
>Dem bright eyes.
>Dem DSL.

Pretty much, that or half-Asian. Half-black kids with a white mother are maybe 0.8% of newborns

National Geographic will publish anything for attention.

take that back

Do hispanics in the US get BLACKED regularly too or is it just an anglo thing?

They do their share of BROWNing but I doubt they get BLACKED very much themselves.

They must he statistically insignificant because Hispanic/black or black/Hispanic couples aren't even on here.

I heavily doubt this. I won't think interracial marriage will ever become so popular to become the norm. Race conflict will continue for quite awhile, maybe even intensify. Considering most didn't expect Trump to get the nomination, anything can happen in the next months and years.

Also, I wouldn't consider the average interracial child to have those eyes or that hair. Though I'm interracial and have the eye color (but not the hair color) in OP's pic, my sister doesn't and I don't expect most to have it either.

>White/Hispanic couples are more than 3 times as big as Black/white couples

>race is literally called blazin

>Blasians are an actual thing.

Everything on her face is fucking giant
nose, lips, eyes, forehead
it's like a caricature

Lips maybe, but I don't see anything else big.

The eyes are too big
t. Slanteye

so you would have kids with a woman whos been sleeping with multiple black men? ah okay

The kids don't get any blacker...

If she hasn't cleaned her vagina since, that would be a whole different story.

Something like 1/3 of all Hispanic marriages are to a white person

completely and utterly false

You know way more half-Hispanics than you think

Interracial fucking has always happened

Until the 60s, WMBF was hugely common

Black/Hispanic is more common than white/Hispanic proportionally

She will have brown eyes, not green


>pic related is a daughter of Strom Thurmond and a servant of his parents.

But not interracial marriages. Some slave owner fucking a slave on the side =/= the social endorsed and voluntary race mixing we see today.

It's an effect from the curve of the camera lens, Hans. You're German, man. You should be able to pick up in this sort of thing.