What are your thoughts on this?
What are your thoughts on this?
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>shit we need to sell more guns
this is cold war 2.0, war by proxy 2.0
only the name and places change
totally bs
Trump will fix it.
This. America is trying to build up alliances in Asia to counter China.
it's like you want to lose again
Obama and:
At the very least, I hope this helps to contain China.
Too late.
China already won.
getting really desperate to sell your weapons
schlomo coltenstein isnt happy
>shaking hands with a communist leader in front of a statue of Ho-Chi Minh
Speaks for itself really.
Why? So, they don't influence others in the region. Chinese expansionism into the south China sea needs to be stopped, and Vietnam can help us.
Allowing China to become more powerful is against US interests. That simple.
When we gonna arm Cuba?
when the good ol Cubans in Florida allow it.
Is that really a question?
let me guess, you are Chinese.
A normal westerner wouldn't even ask such a stupid question.
Arm them?
Again who exactly?
The vietnamese are against China, so I get that.
But the Cubans are not relevant at all, anymore.
actually I'm just memeing
Sounds good to me tbqh
t. Zhao Zhiquan
For fuck's sake we have to contain China or lose our hegemony.
use a real word please
No thoughts on irrelevant countries
Good point, Luxembourg.
Honestly, can America win a cold war with China?
Reminder that the based gooks like us more than our oldest '''''''''''''ally''''''''''''
Why not?
We have all the advantages.
Economic, Military and political dominance.
Europe, Latin America, East and South East Asia are all in America's Side.
China only has a Russia in economic recession, North Korea the hermit kingdom, and a bunch of irrelevant and extremely poor african states.
I think we have it all in the bag.
if we can't get rid of our guns why shouldn't we give them to someone else
>United States
Fucking Frogs make me mad.
>I think we have it all in the bag.
Yeah. You're right. Time to shut this chinky business down.
Liberals and Immigrants.
Even if the US completely falls apart it could still pull the plug on the planet with nuclear submarines.
Doomsday soon.
Samson Option soon brother
Fuck the ozone layer
People who don't like fat retarded countries
Glorious Socialist Republic of Vietnam will be inspired by the ghost of Ho Chi Minh to wage People's War on the filthy Chinese imperialist dogs.
You realize we have almost no missile protections system?
You realize our military is not copper plated to stop EMP's?
America is fucked and its written across the wall
We will be EMPed soon and our entire electric grid will be gone in seconds.
Our entire system is vulnerable to this and the government would rather be manipulating oil fields by creating ISIS that went rouge than focusing on the home front, which is the reason why Russia hates us and will have to EMP us as 40% of their economy is based on the distribution and manufacturing of crude oil they get from Syria and else where.
>when the countries loving US are mostly poor 3rd shitholes or low IQ
Fuck off Yao, you fucking sleeper cell
>Italy higher than Poland
This is only symbolism desu
American arms are too expensive and sophisticated for Vietnam. Moreover, buying them would anger China and Vietnamese don't want that. They're taking it slow
But yeah, this definitely means the US is pivoting into the Pacific
Removing some retarded relic from a half century old war doesn't signify a change in policy.
Believe me, it does
Together with TPP, Pivot to Asia is a new American foreign policy doctrine
Thank fucking god she won't be elected, bitch is literally Soros with a vagina.
greatest ally
What? How is maintaing American power bad for your country?
You only benefit
Nah, the next cold war will be completely through internet warfare at this point.
She's the same as Obama, only even less popular with US allies
[freedom intensifies]
>Living in America and not liking America
Trump is isolationist
Britain lost its superpower status and decades that followed were very painful for her people. She used to be one of the poorest Western European countries.
>Britain lost its superpower status and decades that followed were very painful for her people. She used to be one of the poorest Western European countries.
The old European empires faded because the empires they had cost more than they generated. America doesn't really have that problem.
>The old European empires faded because the empires they had cost more than they generated.
um, no, they were massively profitable
I think its a 66% americans win and 34% china wins.
>than focusing on the home front
American citizens are armed to the dick with weapons to the same degree sometimes even better then the typical US solider. If america gets attacked on its own soil citizens are a threat also.
Continuing to prop up China at the expense of our domestic population is actually really shitty for maintaining American power.
Thus far, China has been economically completely dependent on Western capitalists (especially from the US) wanting absurdly cheap labor at the expense of national development. They've been completely reliant on Western and American investment to keep their expansion sustainable.
The problem is, in the last two years especially, they've been diversifying their economy and making it more independent and less driven purely on cheap exports. If they manage to pull off this transition, and sustain it by exploiting Africa, China will be a completely different beast by 2050 assuming they don't suffer apocalyptic plague, famine, or environmental collapse/rebellion.
The US economically propping them up never was a viable long-term arrangement, and our shitshow leaders know that, hence the recent insane push for mass immigration no matter the cost.
>um, no, they were massively profitable
More blood and effort than just pure money. India was still profitable in 1947, but Britain couldn't spare the troops or political willpower to reassert itself.
American strength is in its vast network of alliances. Dollar is the main reserve currency, only FED can issue it. That makes America defaulting on its debt almost impossible.
If you lose this position, then your country will be crushed by it.
I pray that it never comes to that.
Better the devil that you know.
That sounds suspiciously like current America
Well you basically just admitted yourself that it was the World Wars and not loss of profit. The British Empire in particular was driven by capitalist ambitions and business opportunities.
Bases are a hell of a lot cheaper and easier than running a country like India or the eastern half of Africa. I read somewhere that its called a "light footprint empire"
We're in an interesting spot. Clinton wants to keep the status quo, which is and will stretch us to the political, demographic and economic breaking point.
I'd like to say that Trump's plan is a million times better, but it's basically damage control with a lot riding on how that investment in damage control pays off in the long term.
He wants to pull the Roman method of outsourcing our centralized military hegemony to member states that are affiliated with us while investing like a madman in domestic development while expanding our armed forces in the hope that when shit inevitably hits the fan (as it probably will, before the middle of the century,) we have a shot at staying a superpower. There's a fuckton of ifs there though.
There was also a bunch of nationalism and secessionism that took loads of time to fight like the Boer wars. But you do have a point.
I foresee corporate warfare, too.
Muh vidya was right all along.
Well yes that is the lesson learned from the decline of the Brits. Best not to just completely annex the regions you hold economic hegemony over, lest you be unable to maintain control one day.
t. Zhou
>But Mr Obama said the embargo decision was not related to US policy on China. "It's based on our desire to complete what has been a lengthy process of moving towards normalisation with Vietnam," he said in Hanoi.
Deus Ex soon brother
Popularity of candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump makes it apparent that American public is tired.
It's only a matter of time.
I'm not really about it though. Multipolar world with ascending and declining powers means we'll see more conflicts. This configuration would be explosive.
That would be a fucking tragedy.
Like it or not, the post Cold War world has been more peaceful than ever before
You'll have no shot.
You retreat from tge world stage and then it will be over in a decade.
The Vietnamese have a long history of hating the Chinese and actually like us despite our shared history.
This will mean US weapons manufacturers can sell their product in a new market, so yay for new business and jobs?
It's already happening. Your elite is incapable of persuading the public about benefits of maintaing an empire.
I'm only curious whether civilization will surive the inevitable conflict.
It's going to be interesting to see how it pans out to be sure, so far our role as world police (even if it's been more soft power lately) has only distanced us from most other cunts and made Americans bitter as well as polarized.
Our current strategy is unsustainable, and Trump's policy (depending on how far he's able to go with it,) is the metaphorical nuclear option.
Sup Forums will have it's nationalism and >white(r) America, but in terms of how it works out, or if it even does remains to be seen.
>army size is decisive in modern warfare
brb off to buy fallout shelter
Fuck off Vietnam is our buddy.
Wanna team up?
Three cheers for the red, white, and blue & white, blue, and red.
s-stop it
Well it's already been going on for years.
t.Someone who is a consulting engineer on infrastructure projects and had my company's servers hacked by the Chinks.
>tfw literally no-one would be able to stop us
>bomb the 3 gorges dam
>millions of chinese dead instantly
This will be the greatest thing ever.
Trump is a result of 24 hour news cycle. People think something bad is happening because it creates a sense of urgency.
Democracy will kill the last great empire. It wasn't that good of a system after all.
Trump has no solutions only loud mouth
It'll be okay lad. Trump is all about nation-states and Clinton hates Russia. You'll be fine as long as you don't go full Hussar on Germany.
>tfw found out Poland has a larger military than the krauts
>millions forced to evacuate
>hundreds of factories flooded
>water surging through the streets of Shanghai
>You retreat from tge world stage and then it will be over in a decade.
Well we don't want to hand the Spics anything of value. They'd just fuck it up anyways.
>Phase One of World Conquest: Beautiful Friendship
>People think something bad is happening
There's plenty of bad things happening here, it's not just memes, literally bad shit across the board.
>Democracy will kill the last great empire. It wasn't that good of a system after all.
Democracy is great, it just should be kept to landed voting.
>Trump has no solutions only loud mouth
His domestic solutions are god-tier, (he won't be able to actually do most of them, but it's the thought that counts,) and his non-traditional stance on foreign policy has some good points.
His problem is that he's trying to solve Problem A using the solution to Problem C. I honestly don't think he can pull it off and have it work.
these images put tears in my eyes
brb enlisting for Trump/Putin joint liberation
It would be a great banter if Vietnam starts embargoing USA the moment USA stopped embargoing Vietnam
MUH LEGACY is a great thing though. It forces presidents to do necessary shit.
There's a fuckton of things Dubya cucked the shit out of, and Putine hasn't made things any better, but you have to give credit where it's due.
>Indian nationalist in Russia posting pro India and anti China posts
>tricking the thread into thinking Russian (80% of pop. Favorable to China as of 2016) wants to work with US (their greatest enemy) to fuck up China
>we could have let Russia into NATO
Literally the stupidest mistake was passing on an alliance with Russia
Why the fuck are Russian people so pro-Chinese? They have to know that China is waiting for Russia to collapse so they can take Siberia.