
Fuck London edition

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crayon pop


i was just kidding you faggots


>Boris has a bus
>Nicola has a helicopter


What do you expect it's a big city

really didn't like that bit with hodor at the end

not my type of brit

>The London Borough of the North East

London is a dump.
Good for coke and East European hookers and fuck all else.

>Kids toys


that's expensive

falmouth mentioned

This is per head not total, shouldn't matter on the size


This is the only life that endures and is true, since it is transmitted without being lost in the perpetuated tradition of subject to subject. How is it possible not to see how loftily this life transcends that inherited by the animal, in which the individual disappears into the species, since no memorial distinguishes his ephemeral apparition from that which will reproduce it again in the invariability of the type. In fact, apart from those hypothetical mutations of the phylum that must be integrated by a subjectivity that man is still only approaching from the outside – nothing, except the experiments to which man associates it, distinguishes a rat from the rat, a horse from the horse, nothing except this inconsistent passage from life to death – whereas Empedocles, by throwing himself into Mount Etna, leaves forever present in the memory of men this symbolic act of his being- for-death.

Just got unbanned la

why do yanks have such daft names?

white yanks: dylann storm roof
black yanks: laquisha dakwuandrix tyrone

>Infrastructure spending is like playing a card in Magic that grants a +0.2 bonus to growth for the next two turns
wew lads

might have enjoyed the programme more if 90% of it didn't take place in unlit rooms with everyone wearing dark clothing desu

especially action sequences

idiot drivers

despise people like this
I go slower on purpose and refuse to let them pass me when I see some cunt going aggro behind me

why can't people just relax, driving is so calming

Nice to see she got work after Rab C. Nesbitt.

/brit/ sk8 crew when

Thought that was Susan Boyle in the thumbnail


I have a painfully eastern euro name lel

Something along the lines of, Alexa Turmoyov

doubt anyone here can even stand on a board let alone skate

if they can its probably a longboard

*shoots the other swede in the thread*
you fucken done now
*wipes forehead clear of any sweat*

reminder that im the official swedish poster of brit

>Children's rucksack


>action posting swede

dear god

Man’s freedom is entirely inscribed within the constituting triangle of the renunciation that he imposes on the desire of the other by the menace of death for the enjoyment of the fruits of his serfdom – of the consented-to sacrifice of his life for the reasons that give to human life its measure – and of the suicidal renunciation of the vanquished partner, depriving of his victory the master whom he abandons to his inhuman solitude.

Need a gf who just wants to get stoned, have sex and listen to Peter Frampton

absolutely LOVE runtposting

literally on par with the ballbusting gimmick when done right

i do faggotboots 2bh, easier to stand on them

>Man’s freedom is entirely inscribed within the constituting triangle of the renunciation that he imposes on the desire of the other by the menace of death for the enjoyment of the fruits of his serfdom – of the consented-to sacrifice of his life for the reasons that give to human life its measure – and of the suicidal renunciation of the vanquished partner, depriving of his victory the master whom he abandons to his inhuman solitude.

haha Scots

Never seen anyone on a long board in my life, must be a yank thing 2bh

Probably better at skating than you as well


but i shower everyday

*hits a sick mctwist over a helicopter*

>Probably better at skating than you as well
probably because I can't skate to save my life :^)

b a n t e r



>The confrontational annoying unliked autist king I went to uni with has managed to get a gf

This wasn't meant to happen lads.

What happens if you go a really, really long time without a wank or sex?

Do your balls start to ache or anything like that or will you just eventually cumming in your sleep?

Longest I've gone in my adult life is about 2 weeks and I could have murdered some cunt by the end of it.

ballbusting is the best gimmick to come out of /brit/ I think, a well put together ballbusting post is unbeatable (unlike my nads, ladies)

You get the urge to tell everyone you can on the internet about it and brag on Reddit



dumb bitch lmao

Going on a bender holiday with the lads in Magaluf. Looking 4wrd to the Beers, the Birds, and the Banter

lads what's cooler, cars or motorbikes?

Unironically went once and there were loads of Scandinavians and Germans

I'm going kavos gonna be sick

Says here that Britain needs immigration because of it's aging population.

genuinely thought clapping when a plane lands was a meme


m8 pls

if you go to shagaluf you just drink cheap voddy and redbull

There is no other way of conceiving the indestructibility of unconscious desire – in the absence of a need which, when forbidden satisfaction, does not sicken and die, even if it means the destruction of the organism itself. It is in a memory, comparable to what is called by that name in our modern thinking-machines (which are in turn based on an electronic realization of the composition of signification), it is in this sort of memory that is found the chain that insists on reproducing itself in the transference, and which is the chain of dead desire.

wheeey LAD

Cars. Motorbikes are for tryhard edgelords.

How else do you thank Aelous for a safe journey?


was on a plane once where the whole tin full of melts started going bonkers

tbf I did a couple of whoops but only because I'd spent the whole flight chatting to a fit girl and she was into it

Jagerbombs faggot.

Tell JK I'm still rollllinggg

who /ibiza in the summer/ here

stupid paki

We currently have a below replacement birth rate

If the birth rate stays the same (it probably will because the government are scrapping child benefit for more than two kids) and you want your standard of living to stay the same or increase we need immigration - see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_crisis_of_Russia

Now personally I will be voting to stay in the EU as I'd prefer this immigration and labour force top up to come from eastern and southern europeans - see: independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/european-immigrants-contribute-5bn-to-uk-economy-but-non-eu-migrants-cost-118bn-9840170.html

They are european, christians, net contributors to the economy and are more likely to move back home eventually - less pension and healthcare cost

If you'd prefer for this immigration to come from india, pakistan and china then by all means voting to leave the EU is in your best interest

Only in the winter for me


nah, you're alright

have a watch of the inbetweeners film though to get an idea of what to expect

>the other swede poster has friends
im out boys

>Boris Johnson, who once wrote and spoke eloquently in favour of Turkish membership of the EU, said only three years ago: ‘I’m probably about the only politician I know of who is actually willing to stand up and say that he’s pro-immigration.’

He has also called for an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
This raises the question of whether a Britain outside the EU, perhaps even hungrier than now for cheap labour to sustain its economic growth, would be any more willing or able to introduce real limits on immigration than it is now.

Source: dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3602912/MAIL-SUNDAY-COMMENT-Brexiteers-logic-begins-crumble.html#ixzz49OPbPS2w

Who, then, is this other to whom I am more attached than to myself, since, at the heart of my assent to my own identity it is still he who agitates me?

His presence can be understood only at a second degree of otherness, which already places him in the position of mediating between me and the double of myself, as it were with my counterpart.

If I have said that the unconscious is the discourse of the Other (with a capital O), it is in order to indicate the beyond in which the recognition of desire is bound up with the desire for recognition.

In other words this other is the Other that even my lie invokes as a guarantor of the truth in which it subsists.
By which we can also see that it is with the appearance of language the dimension of truth emerges.

very brave


Where did ballbusting-user go? Haven't seen the doe in months

Literally talking to so many girls I can't keep up replying to everyone

>believing anything bojo or farage say

you look good in this pic x

it's nov with the bigger man sound

teach me english, user
teach me the most difficult English sentence you've ever read, user

>Vote Leave is hoping to secure the backing of British Asians by telling them that if Britain quits the EU, it will mean more immigration from elsewhere in the world.

>The official Out campaign is drawing up leaflets aimed at Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu speakers arguing that a British exit from the EU would help to stem the flow of Eastern Europeans into the UK — allowing more incomers from Commonwealth countries to take their place.

>Saqib Bhatti, a board member for Vote Leave, said English-language leaflets had been sent out to Muslim voters, while others in different languages were set to follow. The pamphlets argue that people with EU passports can just “walk in” to Britain.

>“South Asian immigrants have ancestors who fought in the world wars, they sacrificed a lot, they speak the language, they have the skills, they are well educated,” said Mr Bhatti. “But they find it hard to come in compared to other individuals from Europe who may not speak the language, understand the culture or have the skills.”

>The leaflets also emphasise the increasingly far-right tinge to politics in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Denmark. “We don’t want them influencing our laws and our policies,” said Mr Bhatti. He also said a leaflet from the rival Conservative In campaign promised to stop non-EU families from coming to Britain.

Source: next.ft.com/content/94adcefa-1dd5-11e6-a7bc-ee846770ec15

The picture is from the article


is that a hoof?

yeah, that happened when I got tinder

got too lazy to bother replying or even starting convos

yes :3


Going to bed lads, someone tuck me in? :3


Play this at 0.5x speed


WTF? i hate brexit now!

>perhaps even hungrier than now for cheap labour to sustain its economic growth

>Immigration doesn't reduce wages
>Cheap labour is necessary for economic growth

*tucks u in*

yea sure
*throws a fucken frisbee at you*
heh every time

Just a little remind that Tay_guevara has deleted Twitter

Ah yes

>tfw turbo manlet autismal dweeb friend who does nothing but play videogames and talk about videogames, watch anime, cries and has panic attacks regularly, avid redditor in the worst way, has zero ambition, and has been trying to finish his undergrad for 8 years has a gf and lives in his moms basement with her.

Preaching to the choir son.
Same hymn sheet and that.

*fucks you in*

this general is a lot better since I filtered most of the normie shite