Remember that kid who wanted to become a pilot when he grew up?
No wonder why he wasn't that clever.
Pic related.
Remember that kid who wanted to become a pilot when he grew up?
No wonder why he wasn't that clever.
Pic related.
I flew 14 hours straight from Chicago to Incheon (Chicago was a layover btw so really more flying from that).
Imagine if you could get 8 good hours of sleep on an airplane, wake up all stiff because you're in a seat and you still have 6 more hours to go.
Never again
why the fuck do they go to the north pole? what am I missing here?
Wouldn't mind getting a pilots license just to fly small aircraft as a hobby desu
the earth is a sphere
I do. It's really easy to get. Got my multi-engine and commercial. I maintain flight hours with the Civil Air Patrol and have done 3 search and rescues. AMA.
>american education
shortest path
flight plans are not made by pilots anyway
Well to be fair, that's the shortest route but not the actual flight route. The actual flight route would take them over southern Greenland, not the North Pole.
You're mssiing the following: >American education.
emirates pilots get treated like royalty
What did op mean by this?
How much did you pay?
$30 hour/40 hours of flight instruction = 1200 for instruction.
$20/mo for aeroclub membership.
That's to get private pilots license.
Multi-engine and commercial are more expensive but if you are just looking to fly 172's and such then that's fine. I paid for it with CAP experience and fly local routes for a contract company.
Nice thx
I thought it was going to cost 3 or 4 times that amount. I really should consider this more seriously.
I was in the Air Force (not as a pilot) when I got my PPL from the base Aero Club and the costs are ridiculously low. They only do PPL though not multi-engine and commercial. However getting the PPL is the most time consuming so therefor I saved a lot of money.
11 hours is my personal record. It all depends on what kind of seat you've got. When I flew with KLM on economy I was lucky to get an aisle seat and no one next to me so it felt pretty spacious all things considered.
do you even /trv/ bros?