Why do Aboriginals look black?
Why do Aboriginals look black?
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Coz dem is niggerz
Because their melanin is on fleek.
>your ethnic group lives closer to the equator = your ethnic group is typically exposed to more sunlight for generations, for many thousands of years
>you develop a mechanism to protect you from the sun.
>lo, your skin color is darker
how many abbos are left?
Above all, are they humans?
from 1:30 on your sides will never be the same
australia is fucking terrible in terms of sun radiation and heat
even white australians will start to turn darker naturally in some centuries
convergent evolution
blonde hair = white people
everyone was originally black, but people changed once they settled
these fuckers never had time to settle because literally everything in oz was trying to kill them
What the fuck
Cuz they are
Is that a map of sunlight?
based on this people from the congo and coastal nigeria should have pale skin
eskimos are fucking sub human, fuck them for ruining so many montreal parks
Yeah but only direct, here's a total one
See above, but Coastal West Africans are actually a bit lighter than for example Sudanese
Isn't Nigeria fairly successful for a sub saharan country?
Why no data for Northwest British Columbia and Alaska?
How are half abbos a thing? Which absolute mad cunt looked at that and thought "hey bby wan sum fugg"?
desperate omegas
so all aussies
Looks OK to me actually. Feminine all right, would fuck. I prefer my own race and Asians though.
They are some light skin igbos but yeah I have to agree with you. That's a pretty shit argument.
not really
the north is dragging the southern coastal parts down though
Don't ask me, didn't make the map
AFAIK in that general region, Ghana is the best one. But overall the whole area (even Liberia) is a bit better then what I refer to as the "4th world belt" just north of it (Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Somalia)
what if they did?
In the 1600s it would've been shipwrecked dutchman, and from post 1800s convicts (potato niggers).
Hot climates make black skinned people with flat noses and big lips.