Bravo, India!
> India successfully tested its first-ever swadeshi or indigenous space shuttle today as its scale model - the Re-Usable Launch Vehicle - Technology Demonstrator or RLV-TD - was launched from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 7 am. Nearly 20 minutes after its lift-off, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) announced, "mission accomplished".

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t. Pajeet studying in Russia because he was too dumb to study in US/UK/CAN.

If you throw enough shit some of it will stick, didn't know that applied to space though.

nice butthurt from """countries""" which even don't have their own space programs
stay mad, irrelevant usa-suckers

lol..indian..making things that have been done

kek, germany is that weak it cannot even launch rockets in a space
why, germany? what holds you?

Chink here
How does it feel that we are superior to you in every facet of existence, Pajeet?

NASA already cancelled their space shuttle program for safety reasons and fucking India is still going to try that.

It won't end well, I can assure you that.

Whitey here
How does it feel that we are superior to you in every facet of existence, Wei?

>USA flag

You sir are not a chink. You are an american above all else.

>US Flag

So superior that you need to stay in US and not China.

lol fuck space its just empty nothingness we got our own problems on earth like starving africans or poor muslim refugees. we should like literally fix everything wrong on earth before we go throw a bunch of money at the nothingness that is space :3

Asteroid mining may be a real industry in the future, with some having estimated profits in the trillions.

>It won't end well, I can assure you that.

It is fundamentally different from the Space Shuttle and designed to be initially unmanned.

The design is an air breathing scramjet which could store LOX from the atmosphere and then use as fuel.

we're better off investing that money into fighting social injustices and the top 1% :)

>a shithole that shits on the street praising a shithole that shits on the streets

>Turk roach
>pretends to be Dane
>compares his host master's race to a single country's people

>Pajeet may end up colonizing the moon or creating nuclear weapons in your lifetime
>All those poo in loo jokes you made might come back to bite you in the ass when he takes your country's place as a world superpower

>A shithole that is actively getting worse

Didn't you rocket blow up on the ground and kill the 21 '''''intelligent''''' hues that built it?


we are basically in stone age when it comes to space, need to invest more into it, way more


No. Just relevant countries. You can stay on Earth.


>All those poo in loo jokes you made might come back to bite you in the ass when he takes your country's place as a world superpower

We'll all just hide in the bathroom, they'll never look for us there.




>You sir are not a chink. You are an american above all else.
confirmed. i don't care if you're a shitskin or yellow gook. you're american.

but fuck mexican illegals. get them out.

>>Pajeet may end up colonizing the moon or creating nuclear weapons in your lifetime


space racism already


Actually looks pretty cool.

How are they going to scale it up though? The space shuttle had rockets around it, if they make this single launcher any longer it'll snap in half or something.

underrated post
