stop appropriating our culture you saxon bastards edition
Other urls found in this thread:
janny's gonna do his NUT
are kev
Lads please tell me which thread all of the shit went down in.
Been running on 6 hours sleep a night for the last 7 months
What special powers am I gonna unlock?
no ARE kev
fuck off saxonss reee
do you think a species of hawk with the best vision could see the storm spot on juipter from earth
report this shite early thread
any other Youtubers I should listen to along with based Molyneux lads?
Kys Yank cunt
one day I will aim to spend an overnight on the peak of mauna kea and wonder how for thousands of years before electricity this is what the worlds population could see every night
Anyone seen Hot Girls Wanted?
Feel kinda sorry for the girls in porn. Not only does it destroy any chance of a decent job afterwards and have a massive social stigma, but there's so many girls that they're expendible and the fees they can charge has massively decreased to hardly anything - and that's in the US.
I imagine it's even worse for the poor Eastern European girls on dodgy sites
It's not that long and not all encompassing. I still fap to porn from times to times and using pictures (it's better if don't have too much variety though, thing of it as a virtual porn mag)
women don't really get that aspect of things, tried to explain to a female friend how seeing women dressed sexy can physically hurt even but i'm pretty sure she doesn't get it
if you want to get better with women the first step is not care about what they think, if you try to cater to them you are fucked since you are seen as subservient and disposable
you have to value yourself (or pretend to) and what you think more than them and any sort of relationship you have with them
if they still click with you after than, you can b urself
Woah what's the bald guy doing there? I thought he was cool.
old thread is on page 3
I would swim in her piss
Dave Rubin
literally a stolen gimmick
they could've just become normal prozzies, they want the limelight
>caring about porn stars feelings
Pity is the last mountain for man to climb
Hot Girls Wanted? Why not just watch The Trolling of Wannabe Pornstars and be done with it?
is chemicalwire legit lads
based sargon?
im rubbing my balls to christy mack
HE will be along soon enough to sweep up this mess.
missed aisha shouting us out
might just end it all lads
Feel sorry for the lads who weren't there at 2:00 AM when Aisha posted here
Kev was literally stolen directly from /eire/ though.
never heard of it, is it like Exploited College Girls?
i'm a 24 kv yo
still socially competent and not autist because i'm french
i was born smooth like a babe's bottom
lads let's try to summon janny
Too lazy atm too as well, think I'll try and steer clear of porn and possibly not wank for a while just to see what happens.
Got some coke and pingers for the weekend so might throw that into the equation
looks like a fucking doll
>all his advice boils down to 'just b urself'
>tfw Aisha, Sara and Rosy all become redpilled /brit/posters
Electoral Commission is going to declare the government illegal tomorrow lads
Yeah, I went to bed
Which I'm doing right now
noight noight
we all know that's not true
slightly concerned we haven't heard from poleaboo for a couple of threads
could properly batter the lot of you
meet me at 3am under the big ben if you want to get fucked up
yes I think I have seen this
night night lad x
>tfw 6'4 and built like a brick shithouse
if everyone on /brit/ was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
addicted to shitposting lads
was going to shower 20 minutes ago but can't pull myself away from the (You)s
Jam Incoming!!!
Hopefully he's been arrested after he sent death and rape threats to Aisha and Rosy.
>Anyone seen Hot Girls Wanted?
>Feel kinda sorry for the girls in porn. Not only does it destroy any chance of a decent job afterwards and have a massive social stigma, but there's so many girls that they're expendible and the fees they can charge has massively decreased to hardly anything - and that's in the US.
>I imagine it's even worse for the poor Eastern European girls on dodgy sites
Yeah well
I shit in shithouses
I would pay you to do that to me.
i was kidding kek
what i mean is don't have a filter
just say whatever you think that isn't absurdly racist instead of being yourself i.e an autist scared to be disliked
the drug use on /brit/ is actually impressive
the first thing to do is get other people with you to jump the tallest fucker
that would be you
pretty sure you are just memeing though
>is there any chance you will say the size of your amazing boobs
Remembering the time my brother went on Jezza.
Burnt my finger on my toastie maker and it really really hurts ow :'(
>the cuck meme has left Sup Forums
This means everyone has to stop using it, right?
did he put summin on the end of it
this is such a bizarre image
Is that the legitimate origin of the name?
I used to love battering benders like you who thought they were tough when I used to box
I'd shred you like lawn mower through grass
Nah man, I'm short but broad shouldered as fuck. Can throw a decent punch and never had anyone able to break out of my headlock - the school rugby captain once passed out trying for a bet.
who are you quoting?
you wish, cuck
having a w-
nevermind, not doing that anymore so I can become an alpha
Eat Barnacle Chips, They're Delicious
>the drug use on /brit/ is actually impressive
It's a weird one, I think the DNM has suddenly introduced nerds and neets onto drugs.
Never used mandy or coke before and got this from a street guy so it'll probably be shit, but used to get some fucking amazing speed from the DNM.
Using cuck is on the same level as using arrow in the knee and le
Titanic just starting on sky greats
this swedish poster is quite the normie
i know from our general
i recognize him from this alarm thingy on his phone, so you can tell that he has to get up for school or work
from the previous thread i learnt that he has over 300 tinder matches, many of which he screenshot and post in sverigetraden - and as of now, here
he works at friends arena in stockholm
i remember that some arab girl wanted to meet him up for sex, so he is definitely not a virgin
he is probably tall and handsome
what else
Watching Never Let Me Go and getting some heavy feels desu lads ;_;
its always been complete rubbish
kind of odd how it completely replaced "Fag" and "nigger" as the go-to Sup Forums tier insult
Me irl
Just kill yourself.
>he is probably tall and handsome
I thought Swedes were that by default?
I'm unattractive as fuck, but fortunately I'm in a country that's full of ugly cunts
you can keep saying that
but you will never make your son not black
you done sucking yourself off or do you need some one to help you finish
Me irl
What film should I watch lads? Just want something to distract me for a few hours.
i am the 45%
Nobody uses faggot any more because they all fap to traps.
The fight against Zeus inside Gaia's heart is DOING MY NUT IN
A Scanner Darkly
haha tja brooooooooooooooooor! ^-^ tillbaka med dig i sverigetråden vi behöver återuppliva den :D
I used to be able to satisfy my wife, then I took an arrow to the knee.
Tyrone takes care of her needs now.
zootopia just came out on kat lad
listen to a podcast instead
very unneeded response