What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>postnational state

non sequitur?

You should have quoted this as 2016 because THATS THE FUCKING CURRENT YEAR

are those headscarves his new thing

ive seen him in multiple pics wearing them now and its weird

Canadian version

If he identifies as a Muslim woman that's his right, shitlord

You talk as if you're not living in the current year.

I honestly can't tell if this guy is a genius or out of his mind.

What's with this Aunt Jemima-looking maple-maggot?

>postnational state
Was he being ironic? Is this quote even real? Are you memeing me right now?

Well I googled it and fuck me, its legit

>not being a postnational state

Get with the times sheeple!

>all of these butthurt white people

A majority of Canadians voted for Trudeau (he has a majority government you fucking faggots), and even more than just a majority support him. Only the two out of ten Canadians that are still conservatives ever after a decade of harper don't support Trudeau

I don't support Trudeau. I voted NDP.

In my opinion conservatives are normal people, liberals are loud autists and minorities and NDP is the only thing that made Canada an OK place to live in.

Please god tell me this is a joke.

>believing in God

Fuck, you're so backwards. You must be a virgin.

Wait, he actually wears this thing on his head? What the fug? :---DDDDD
I thought it's shopped at first. How the fuck this retard ever got elected? Were Canadians swayed by his handsome face?

Then what's the fucking point of a state? Just a fucking administrative region?

Fuck off you French cunt.

Someone assassinate him already.

Being a big corporation obviously

>Doesn't believe in God
>even though own PM might be the actual devil


Welcome to globalisation and non nerds having internet. I bet this cancer is only going to get worse.

Nerds are a bigger cancer than non nerds

I talked to a girl at my university who only voted for him because of his looks.

Well we need a state so that they can rob normal people through taxes right? The peasants need to pay their dues. Other than that no, we are post-state lol.

>not building your identity around media you passively consume that soulless multinationals have bought the rights to

Not on the internet

It should have never left universities.

>We're not a nation with an identity!
>...but we want all the same activities of a nation with a white identity, including taxation, borders, government, foreign relations, and infrastructure, while denigrating the white population and flooding them with foreigners who don't pay into the system :^)

I dunno man, internet was pretty chill back in the day.
Now it's like a fucking blog of pseudoscience butthurt over nothing and faggots getting acceptance.

he's prison justin now

>How the fuck this retard ever got elected?

Most Canadians weren't happy with Stephen Harper, including most Conservatives, and Trudeau was the most likely candidate to replace him.

Can you even smoke weed yet?
I mean... cmon wtf leaf?

Lmao do you know how our voting system works? Only 32% voted for dude weed man. Also it was an anti Harper vote and weed vote. Trudeau will only stay in office one term if the cons can get their shit together.

Marijuana legalization is supposedly coming in the spring of 2017, but I have a feeling that's not a hard deadline.

So theres still time to blame marijuana for terror attacks on canadian soil.

What about the whole UN thing. I swear stoners are delusional. I want legal weed but Trudeau is a fucking idiot (or simply another dishonest politician like usual) and made it seem like it would be an easy process and immediately "realized" that he couldn't do it as quickly as he promised. He son't even decriminalize it so it's going to be "sorry I didn't follow through with any of my difficult promises but vote me in anyways and i'll do it". And idiots will still vote for him even if there's a good conservative or (maybe even) NDP candidate.

>but Trudeau is a fucking idiot (or simply another dishonest politician like usual)

To be fair, I think he's genuinely stupider than he is dishonest.

>people vote a naive cuck feel good man into office

Ya, international pressures is one of the reasons why it won't be a simple process.

I can actually foresee the NDP including marijuana legalization in their next election platform (after Trudeau fails to implement it), capitalizing on their traditional charge that the Liberals "campaign on the left and govern on the right".

Why do colonials get riled up when their identities are discussed? You're the face of post-nationalism. The state beyond state. You can't have it like Europennies, with cramped, frustrated and dying people. And picturesque castles too

Even this shithole has more of an identity than Canada. The issue is out of your hand. Toss yourself into the world. Go out, fuck all those Chinese, Punjabi hairy pussies. I know I would. You live in big cities with all sorts of people, and you DO NOT take your GOD GIVEN right to slay immigrant pussy. I would be out there, RIGHT now, fucking the brains out of some Balochi/Vietnamese/Lebanese/Marathi/Chinese girl

>tfw women around the world want the D of our PM

>that bandana
I literally laughed so much that it somehow gave me hiccups.

B-b-but. I don't want to slay immigrant pussy. I just want an attractive white girl that doesn't act like a man that I can start a family with.

the "man" is an international embarrasment

Pls kill him thx

This was our last PM. Any questions?


bro tier/10

>the fucking bandana again
Oh shit I can't breathe send help

Harper didn't appoint rookie MLAs to his cabinet just so he could say it was "gender balanced", and he didn't refer to Canada as a meaningless blob identified only by multiculturalism. Harper's daddy also wasn't Mick Jagger, which is a plus.

plus hes bro tier

> Identity

The state of Hawaii alone has more "Identity" then all of Canada combined.

Hawaii has the most identity of almost all US states.

Nah, Texas, New York, and California have a tie for cultural impact. States like Pennsylvania and Nevada have their niche's here and there.

Hawaii actually had a culture before the void of culture known as anglos took over.


This is fucking amazing, i can't even express this in words, it's just so perfect!!!!!! This is exactly what Canadians are hahahhaa no identity, no anything. Canadians literally aren't anything hahahahhahahabahhahahhahahaha

>I'm proud of my Canadian ident.. oh wait



Louisiana kind of has a distinct thing going on as well.

cultural impact=/=identity
id argue hawaii and louisiana have the biggest identity
hawaii has many identites: hawaiian native, anglo, japanese, mixed
its a very diverse bunch of islands


>pm says canada is not a nation
>it's just an arbitrary "thing" of people
>it means nothing, really so there is no point to it
why then are Canadians allowed to exist? If that's the case, the Canada has no national identity, it becomes a Territory, not a State and should be annexed promptly by the UK or the USA and exploited for resources.

Is Trudeau only perceived as a beta cuck on Sup Forums?

Whenever I hear him criticized on the news it's for being movie star-like or even arrogant

Needs more Canadian to beheaded

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama are basically the same thing.

>the news
more like the jews haha

Mostly Koreans, Japanese and Hawaiian natives. White people show up the frequency of black people everywhere else.

he looks like fuckin julian from tpb

You're enjoying the self destruction of Canada bit too much.

No one really give a fuck about him in Canada in real life 2bqh.

"I just want an attractive white girl" nuhnuhnuh
Stop being a faggot. I live in the prairie, you live in the jungle. So much potential, and he wants to raise picket fences. How old are you, for fuck sakes...

When I go to the ice cream shop, I stack as much flavours as I can. Buddha said (probably): Love all flavours of women and make sure you express your love towards them by inserting your member inside them. Don't you get bored of the same taste every fucking time? You can have your vanilla. Vanilla is delicious. Vanilla is my fucking favourite. But you can't eat vanilla for the rest of your life. CHOICE is democracy, brother. MULTIPLE choice life is a good life, a healthy life

Yesterday a Bengali chick, today a French girl, tomorrow a Hmong girl. They can all show you all kinds of loves. All sorts and flavours of loving. It's a true multi-fucking-cultural experience

not exactly vermont but not samoa-japan either

this fucking idiot.

> people in developed cunts think the fact that they live in a good country is unrelated to the values they hold

> they think its all trivial and nations dont mean anything, but are useless

It amazing to think that politicians once only needed to care about Canadians. Now they need to pander to every muslim/indian/chinese they've let in. We are literally trash, dumping ground for migrants. At least when we expected Croats/serbs ETC. they came and didn't expect to be special. But Rajesh comes here and bitches about not getting a job because he can't speak english/french and it's racism.

Fuck this shit. My grand parents came to this country expecting nothing and worked their ass off being proud to be part of Canada and brought them and their family into successful upper middle class Canadians without any handouts. This country is fucked and I hate not being able to do anything about it.

Cultural pluralism, IE canadian mosaic identity or some shit.

Its some PC garbage invented by his dad to please the French during quebecois seperatist years but not really followed. Sure we have a bunch of different ethnic groups but canadians born here more or less are engulfed within mainstream north-american culture.

He literally means that Canadians should have no identity and that Canada basically shouldn't exist as a sovereign nation with its own people.

This is ignorant, most asians and latin americans born here assimilate. particularly true with ones who go to universities and so-on.

what do you even base your opinion on? the fact that its not white people?

I hear you. I have friends from EX-Yugoslavian countries and they are actually GRATEFUL to have the opportunity at a new life. It was hard for them to just fit in but they did it without needing special treatment or pandering. Watching Trudeau dance around in muslim garb is just sad to say the least.

nope you are wrong.

canadians literally need to brag about being a world-citizen and a shining example bringing peace and tolerance to the world. our international identity is literally trying to show the world we are some kind of shining example or something.

its a sweden mentality here, we aren't the most important country so we go out of the way to be the most "moral" whatever that means.

Wow. That really sucks. You're going to be a footnote in history. While millennia from now people will study our rise from simple group of colonies fighting for their freedom into the greatest super power of its time to it's tragic fall when we put a woman in charge.

Yup .History set in stone

No. I have nothing but respect for most Asian immigrants and they tend to integrate well. The issue is with people feeling entitled that the society in which they immigrate into change to fit THEIR culture rather than adapt and take advantage of Canada's society. Even religions such as islam are being pandered to regardless of their direct opposition to western values, and if you oppose this you're just being intolerant. For example demanding the Niqab be allowed for citizenship when hiding your identity is considered a social taboo here. Immigrants should want to be Canadian and come here expecting full well that they will have to adapt to us.

Assimilate to what? Read OP's quote again. Our politicians since the first trudeau have destroyed any kind of Canadian identity we had in our short existence. Tell what i'm being ignorant on?

yeah, our foreign politics is dominated by small fry syndrome. its pathetic that our national radio anchors need to explicitly say our biggest election turnout was motivated partly by the US elections.

its alright though because our domestic policy usually revolves around making the country as liveable and decent as possible.

what the hell are you talking about. canadian identity in southern ontario literally revolves around cheering maple leafs/canadiennes.

if you mean a distinct anglo identity, its been long consumed by american culture long ago.
yeah i agree with you on all of this and the niqab thing as well, but north american/american culture is the best example of assimilation in probably history.

in most of europe people will still identify as a ethnic minority even if they look/speak the national language for 3-4 generations. in canada /the US it isn't the same.

So being Canadian is about as being as non-Canadian as possible?

What is Canadian?

>Postnational state
Lmao fucking what

Sup Forums, I would always laugh at you and your ridiculous statements, but with Trudeau's election, plus all the events going on with the political left in the states, I just have no words. Our own PM is a privileged-as-fuck man-child who gets a free pass because he has prostrated himself on the alter of feminism. He is leading our country to ruin, and I just don't even know what to think anymore. You guys just don't understand how fucked things are up in Canada right now, and they're only getting worse.

Anglos, at least culturally. In Quebec's case, French.

Basically cuck: the nation

>You guys just don't understand how fucked things are up in Canada right now, and they're only getting worse.

>NDP is the only thing that made Canada an OK place to live in.


-Trudeau 2016-

How do you sport a faggy bandana and still be based?

Did he actually say that?

BASED as fuck if true

I think it's to so solidarity with Native Americans

What a piece of shit desu
He wants the past gone.

That's paraphrased and completely out of context


>tfw keeping the WORST part of the nation-state

He was based as fuck really. He proritized helping working Canadians and told feminists, corrupt natives on reserves, and countries encroaching on our arctic territory to go fuck themselves.

white girls are shit m8 do what the slav says
desu I just hate that they push this "post-national" shit yet low key of you're white you don't get to enjoy it or shamed if you do.
sick of this self denialism and guilt tripping over utter bullshit.

also what is the point of the state at this point even? it seems all it does is haphazardly try to justify its own existence through flimsier and flimsier means.

This is pathetic and achieves nothing. Literally a 15 minutes amusement for nonwhites to laugh at some white cucked dude.

Canada is shit. I wish we never discovered it