How are girls in your cunt?
Autistic, bipolar and qts...
How are girls in your cunt?
Autistic, bipolar and qts...
I can confirm...
Women are the new men.
Happy and insane
How can I get an Argentine gf?
1- Turn off your computer
I- Go outside and find and get an Argentinian qt
I- Go outside
II- Buy a airplane ticket
III- Travel to here
IV- Find and get and Argentinian qt
Be rich.
If I knew that I wouldn't be here m8...
be balck
racist, fascist and literally better looking than any other cunt
reggaeton-lover whores with fake smiles
a lot of them, even the cis ones, have penises and actually have raped a few guys over the course of the last decade. this may be special to my state tho
> will never have a nazi exile aryan qt
Whats the point of living
Know dog
What are you waiting for? Post bestonian qts...
we dont know
They like benis
tell them you are mexican
they will jump at your cock
(mostly) religious, lots of them like to cook, sweet and very hairy
Many qts, many boring cunts.
>you will never be estonian
Why live
wow, anzu poster hasnt showed up yet
also pic related
women are the same everywhere.
You can't just say other countries are like Poland my friend.
your female population is made up of instagram whores
Instagram ban soon
Loose and promiscious af, I pity the cucks who marry them tbqh
met an argie girl at a festival in my town
she has hun bf, they live in london
she was uggo though