
The last thread ever edition

Say your farewells

Other urls found in this thread:


about time, been waiting ages for my go




Post pic of the biggest slag you know

Like has shagged everyone slag

>bright as day out

then in half an hour it will be night



hope jani's too busy wanking to cuckold porn haha


Oh, lads....


I walked bob dylan up on stage
who the fuck are you?

we had good times lads

but it's time to move on

Because you're a loser with no life. You're slowly but inexorably careering toward mediocrity. You've never achieved anything. You're an ideologue, a child, a teen. You think you know everything. You think the world can be encapsulated in a few trite sentences.

You've been led astray by American pop 'culture' and propaganda. You've yet to reach into your deepest depths and find out the true meaning of life. You think life is a picket fence with a Labrador and a wife, when really life is something much deeper. It permeates our very being yet you, a child, don't realise it yet. Every single second your life ticks away, even the moments you spend on this Burmese tile-sharing agora. This is your life ending and you see fit to trot out a banal line or two about the weather.

got an exam at 9am

can't sleep
what do

Just broke my fucking headphones dancing around the room, fucking jack's fucked.



Plotting a tug of the little man downstairs

r8 the gf lads




getting that "imagine life together with any girl who shows you any attention" feeling atm

>1.85 MB

have a word with yourself

>9am exam
sixth formers OUT



ah yes

3rd year uni got an exam 9am wednesday tbqh


Lads ;_;


heading past the point of no return lad

need to do something drastic before you end up a total sadcase

*has a word with myself*

I do that everyday and I'm talking to like 10 girls right now

Either you're that sort of person or you're not

>Got too much respect for my boss to wank over her even though she's fit.

upload pics

>when you can't decide if it's a slag folder image or a fap folder image

one on the right became an escort

>Why do you have those big black bags under your eyes user?


turn on bbc the queen has died

You absolute bellend I thought it was another one

*whispers cute things in your ear*

getting that feeling too actually

Every night imagine sleeping with a gf

Imagine finding out about it from a Y*nk. Disgusting.

think I might redoing the emo teen phase again (at 22 no less)

started listening to heavier rock music, being moody and depressed and having increasingly nihilistic opinions

*fucks your mouth with my ear*


*apply willy on the back of your knee while you sleep*

listening to BBC asian network

tune youtube.com/watch?v=oy3MzLRKRik

i fall asleep by making up stories about finding and getting a gf

>think I might redoing the emo teen phase again (at 22 no less)
>started listening to heavier rock music, being moody and depressed and having increasingly nihilistic opinions

goodbye /brit/

I'll miss u ;__________________;

keep it down


d-dont go

What the fuck man shes gorgeous

good lad

Jews? Nah, not a fan.

all me

As Cicero said, you are little different than a slave if you have to get up in the morning and toil until sunset in order to eat.

>muh jews

getting that "imagine having sex with any girl who shows you any attention and has big tits" feeling atm

goodbye brit

Real life GTA, ladettes.


he's right you know

girl on the left (other big slag) got in a fight with her and posted a screenshot of her backpages showing her arse and tits on facebook kek

sadly i can't find it anymore


Anymore story on her user?

you realise most of us have this banter in real life as well?

Don't be such a drama queen.

Besides it's for the best.

fucking hell why

photo circulated of her fucking herself with a gun a few years ago, or so i've heard (she would have been underage) (fuck off detective)

What is her name Canada I want to look up her escort page

migrating to /lat/ for the summer

1. The Bank of England is independent in its monetary policy activity, it's inflation target and QE decisions are independent, and claim to the contrary is you just speculation
2. She didn't manage inflation through demand by causing unemployment, the unemployment was a side effect of monetary tightening
3. Cost-push inflation can sometimes resolve itself but not if it effects expectations so heavily that unions factor it into their wage bargaining and suppliers factor it into their prices. Expectations matter
How are you failing to understand such uncontroversial, A-Level tier economics?

Back then:

>alri, mate. have you got the time please?
>yeah, it's quarter to ten, fella.
>cheers. might just get to the chippy in time before it shuts. warm night tonight
>it is, yeah. a bit unusual for this time of year
>i won't complain, mate. i prefer it to the snow and cold.
>i don't mind the snow, especially at christmas. little daughter loves it
>aye, i'm getting on now, that weather doesn't agree with me bones
>haha. i guess i've got that to look forward to
>yep no fun getting old. anyway cheers, lad. take care
>you too, fella. bye


>ere bruv
>i said ere as in COME HERE. like NOW
>how can i help you?
>giz ur fone. hand it ova
>i haven't got my phone on me
>hand it ova or i fuckin cut u, innit
>i haven't got it on me. i've just popped out for 10 minutes to pick up some nappies and formula for my baby daughter
>u a fuckin fagit whiteboi? haha
>i-i-i haven... fuck! you've stabbed me, what the fu... arghhh
>tyrone, chek 'is fuckin pockets
>i-i-i have... i-i-i don... arggh
>he ain't got owt, jamal. just dis twenny
>i-i-i need tha...
>where's ur fuckin phone? where's ur fucking cards? bank cards whiteboi
>i-i-i only have that n-note. i said i...
>i told u i fuckin cut u
>please, i have a baby daught... no... arghh
>fuckin fagit whiteboi. fuckin lyin 2 me. u know who i fuckin am?
>tyrone let's split. dis fucking fagit is dun
>p-p-please, i'm bleedi... ugggh... p-p-p...

Yeah, not sure I agree with this multiculturalism lark. But at least the lefties feel better about themselves and their white guilt complex.


tfw no big tit girl has ever shown me attention except my mam

let's not get ahead of ourselves
>can't post most of my material because muh 3 MB
fuck you moot

dude slags lmao xDDD epic titties Sup Forumsro XDDD

fuck off back to Sup Forums, children

>tfw have learnt Portuguese
>tfw /luso/ has shit bants

samantha mcdonald, good luck i was never able to find it either

wind your neck in lad

might become a male escort and earn big money

all in your head that you racist cunt
never happened in the real world it didn't
refugees welcome


in hindsight being born was my first mistake

post bum

>might become a male escort and earn big money
By escorting other hideous fat beasts to the local Burger King?

Jesus she really packed on the pounds in the last few years

oo ask.fm/heyy_its_liv/answers/137706024602

got that blowjob technique nailed down have you

just need to find yourself s corner now

not a bum mate. I'd only fuck anus

>never happened in the real world it didn't

fuck off already

she had big tits and arse but slim waist too, now she's just chubby all over

mistake implies direct control of one's action you uncultured anglo swine
you didn't make a mistake because you couldn't make a choice
educating you is becoming all the more tiring
my intellectual superiority grows exponentially

does it still count as nofap if I wank but don't cum lads

i'm asking for a friend

just saw a black man die in real life lads

not sure how to feel right now

It was your parent's mistake. You didn't ask to be born.

Take your anger out on them. Burn it all.

you should feel good one less dindu

saw a black dude and his friends getting arrested today outside a student house lol, probably a drug bust