Christian lobby group wants to block all online pornography for Australian internet users

>Christian lobby group wants to block all online pornography for Australian internet users
>This is common behaviour from Christians throughout the world

Why do y'all pretend Christians are any better than Muslims?

Ignoring the few muzzies that blow people up, the rest of them have similarly retarded conservative views as Christians

Other urls found in this thread:,_January–June_2016

Christians don't brutally murder innocent people, marry children, or completely destroy countries

neither do 99% of Muslims

On what planet? ayyy organized religions are cancer cults :DD

Why don't you look at the effects of pornography and those suppliers of it and come tell all us right wing conservitives how great it is for the public and individuals afterword?

Porn has tremendous negative effects not only on a persona level but on a society mass public level too.

Pornography helps destroy the West and its values

Why am I not surprised to find an australian loves degenerate porn though?

Christians don't support the death penalty for homosexuals or people who leave the religion, and they also treat women quite a bit better than Muslims do

Bullshit all muslims countries have issues with islamism terrorists.

>neither do 99% of Muslims

A large percentage support the radical ideas

Where are the proofs?

Go back to Utah faggot

Do they not cover these statistics in any basic social science classes at European Uni or did you not go to school?

They never try shit like that here. And at worst in America or Australia you get annoying fanatics, but how many of them blew themselves up?

Right, Im a masonic mormon cult member

Even our most radical christians, that want to abolish our democracy and women righys, say it's up to the people to decide if they want porn or not.

Wow went from tipping cross to tipping fedora pretty fast there

They teach that shit in uni? LMAO

Christians are fish from the same pond that bore Islam. It's natural that they share many ideas on decency and how to force it upon sinners.

>all muslims countries have issues with islamism terrorists
by definition a muslim country is islamist because it has elevated islam to the state level, so it must believe in islamism
but and in all hardcore christian countries, we see christian terrorists
this is also true of buddhist and hindu countries : there's always a radicalized fringe, which the government "will get around to dealing with"
so really, you should have generalized and said that when states become religious, they become intolerant of outsiders

They don't actually. He's just retarded and got them off some shill site some Sup Forumstard probably sent him to.

Maybe elliot rodger could have looked at some porn before going ooga booga D:D

They do all three of those dingus.

If you are not nice to Christians then they will radicalize and kill you so it's better to be nice to Christians and let millions of Christians into your country. You're not a Christophobic monster, are you? :^)

I want Sup Forums to leave.

>Why do y'all pretend Christians are any better than Muslims?

are the christians slaughtering civilians and blowing up shit to impose what they want?


Maybe he looked at too much porn. Really, do you think that Rodgers would've spent so much time worrying about girls back in the 16th century?


Bullshit. It's much higher then 1% you dirty leb, not to mention how many silently support it. You people are horrible monsters that will be removed

Those times you had even less distractions. And getting married was more important.

So the 99.9% of Muslims are responsible for the .1% who actually do something?

I guess we should kill all Portugese people if a Moor blows something up.

and we want Muslims to leave, now you know how it feels

60% white
87% white

Natural selection would have kicked in before he grew up or he could have just you know... do what people did in 16th century when women were just women you know.

Stop bombing schools and hospitals when they launch a bottle rocket and maybe they'll eventually quiet down.

>it's only .1

Yeah .1 % somehow made every single Islamic country a hole hole, committed terror in nearly every country around the world, and created a refugee crisis so bad millions of Muslims like yourself are running to leech of Europe from only .1%

Have you no shame you lying dirty Muslim piece of shit

0% white

I wouldn't be surprised if this went through lol, remember half of NSW and QLD have lockout laws kek

I shittalked both. They're as bad as each other

He's defective because he was a Eurasian raised by white dad + yellow mom. Those kind of relationships cause all sorts of problems genetically

>bottle rockets
>schools and hospitals

Literally we dindu do nuffin the religion.

I'm pro bombing anything as long as it kills a couple of you.

no one has any problem with porn here so idk

190 million+ whites
50 million+ whites

>muh percentages

Finland, 99% white
population 5,4 million.
Your point? You think you're whiter cos theres more of murrilards or something? AYYY LMAO XD

And they want you to leave THEIR land, you Ashkenaz fuck. You're not related in ANY way to the original bani Israel. I probably have a stronger genetic connection to them and I'm 100% white.

>every single Islamic country a hole hole,
Every Islamic country is a hell hole? Holy shit you're deluded.

>created a refugee crisis
lmaoing @ ur life

Bro, please. No one cares about Finland. You have the population of a subway terminal for a reason.

Whiter than New York somehow.

>Some grannies are petitioning the government to block access to pornography
>This is literally no worse than formally executing people for apostasy and beating people to death for allegedly burning a book


Stop being intentionally obtuse for the sake of making an argument. Muslims are fucking savages. The most violent of radical Christians on the fringes are often driven by diagnosed mental illnesses and STILL struggle to hold a candle to the brutality achieved by rank-and-file muslims mobbing together in broad daylight. These people are ANIMALS, and any suggestion to the contrary is plainly ridiculous.

Hey just let the kikes fuck off to their desert. Their diaspora will become non existant and world peace will ensue or we can nuke em roaches in their desert. Just let them kill eachother like they do. fuckem all

paganism>>>>>>>>>>abr*hamic religions

I care very much about Finland

>I probably have a stronger genetic connection to them and I'm 100% white
Sure you are, Khalid.

>he thinks jewish terrorism has never happened

Not sure if you're just pretending to be retarded but.

USA Total Area 9,857,306 km2

UK Total Area 242,495 km2

I can see your bait, kuchiki byakuya


Yeah there is a reason, You think living in japan is cool? weeb pls, overpopulation is pretty cancerous

Why the fuck would I lie about that on this vietnamese etchings website? I have nothing to gain. Plus, if I were Arab, I'd definitely have a stronger connection to them than Ephraim Yudekov over there.

This is a good point. Most of NYC looks like Africa or some Afghani black market.

Openly violating international law to get revenge after they shoot a bottle rocket at you, nice.

I'm Libyan you paki fuck, no one is gonna be live you're white. And yes the Russians here often look as dark as mizrahim and Dan testing prove you're wrong and a dumb piece of shit

>Islamic countries aren't shit and I'm 100% white
>there's no refugee crisis, the muzzies just leave their amazing countries for fun

No it's is you who is deluded and I'm lmaoing @ you not only being a paki abomination but being ashamed of it and pretending you're white

>percentages are irrelevant

Jesus fuck, Americans. You make it heard sometimes.

>in a country with ~4 million square miles of space
Khan, I...

Muslims today are what Christians were 300 years ago

All organized religion is shit

And I'm not an atheist either so fuck off with your men in hats

Four people can accomplish more than one person can. Surely you understand this much.
44% white including Hispanics

Never said or implied that Muhammad the rapist

Except I'm 75% middle eastern you dumb Arab in denial cunt. Go home paki

>bottle rocket

No it's a bomb you dumb Muslim shill faggot, it kills people and we aren't cucks like Europe. If a dirty mudslime bitch kills one of ours we kill 1000 of theirs. Go cry to the millions of Terror groups and Muslim cunts breaking international law daily instead you crypto Muslim subhuman.

Not when they're busy getting shot by black people.

Christians 300 years ago didn't have polygamy and kings blinding their rivals so they couldn't gain the throne.

I dont see a problem with it. 4 square meters of space seems a problem tho. like in japan or rest of the planet where niggers spawn uncontrollably.

You're not even allowed to go to Muslim countries so I'm not surprised you're so scared of them.

>there's no refugee crisis, the muzzies just leave their amazing countries for fun
I never said this, you're a retard if you think it's not the west's fault though.

>75% middle eastern
What's the rest?

Because there are Christian organizations in Croatia and they're not out there to ban pornography for Croatian internet users

You people live in Australia, just attribute any stupidity to the sun hitting people in the head

How about a turban?

I wasn't joking, you know. I'm actually surprised it's as high as 44%. Manhattan is the exception but all else is like you're in Haiti.

How can one man be so scared of Muslims? Do you think everyone who thinks differently to you is a Muslim boogieman?

>If a dirty mudslime bitch kills one of ours we kill 1000 of theirs.
What a truly civilized people you are.

Oh, I thought you were trying to say it's white with that picture.

Except Israel is like 60% people from Muslims cunts who were kicked out of their homes and ran for their lives from savage Muslims. Including most my family

>it's was the west that made them violent rapists!

Yep sure you're 100% white

Dad was half Italian Jew

But my gf is Russian Jew and her dad is literally darker then 90% of mizrahi Jews I meet. Ashkenazi Jews usually still have obvious middle eastern features unless heavily mixed and they're not European and still belong here.

lmao you're still arguing

what are you? bagan master race?

And my family are refugees from Northern Ireland where Catholics were murdering people just for being Protestant, I don't think all Catholics are murdering sub-humans though because I'm not an edgy fedora tipping Sup Forumstard

>World A: 500 muslims and 100 whites
>World B: 2 muslims and 99 whites
>le world A is better because it has more whites xD
This is middle school level math, holy shit, kill yourself


There's a huge difference between fear and hate. I don't fear Muslims, I know them for what they are. I read the Quran, my parents are don't Muslim countries, and I live in the Middle East. I know Islam and hate it for what it is.

>civilized people
Yes, much more then any mudslimes. We aren't gonna take artacks on our citizens. If they don't like it then stop attacking us, till then they'll continue to die

It's the core of Islam you fucking idiot. Killing Protestants isn't a part of Catholicism. It was a conflict the happened over time. Meanwhile killing none Muslims (especially Jews) and spreading by force and rape is island core. Terrible example from a lying paki

I'm closer to Transcendentalism than anything else

>It's the core of Islam you fucking idiot.
>I read the Quran


>Colombian education

Marriages were arranged.

See you're obviously a Muslim shill disgusting paki

Yes I read your horrible book, why do you assume I haven't? Anything to deny islams evil huh

>Meanwhile killing none Muslims (especially Jews) and spreading by force and rape is island [sic] core.
Literally no. Actually read the Qur'an, you'll find it says the exact opposite of what you said.

>Why do y'all pretend Christians are any better than Muslims?
Because they're on completely different leagues. One wants you to not be degenerate, the other wants to blow you up to pieces for drawing a fucking cartoon while agreeing with the first part as well.

See for instance:,_January–June_2016

Lying peace of shit. See everyone knew you're a paki.

Just because you mention peace 100 times doesn't negate the 500 you mention violence.

I'm on my phone, someone post this shill violent verses from the Quran

And then I post the ijma on the meaning of those verses, completely negating any and all of your arguments. You harbour a lot of hatred in your heart, I feel sorry for you.

>the other wants to blow you up to pieces for drawing a fucking cartoon while agreeing with the first part as well.

Stop pretending most Muslims want this. It's just not true.

t. abdul al-jazeeri the nazorean

>Ahhh no this was a mistranslation hmm

How do you reconcile the fact that Mohammed preferred to diddle 9 year old aisha over all his other wives?

I want to see numbers behind these baseless statements like "most Muslims". Most Muslims may not perpetuate these barbaric acts, but most Muslims are not all up in arms like Christians were for westboro Baptist church. Most Muslims are a bunch of hypocritical faggots with no room in western society. Their values are quite simply incompatible.

You realise non Muslims were completely tolerated and respected before shit got fucked up right? They even preferred them to not convert so they'd get tax money from them being non Muslim.

There's literally a verse about beheading unbelievers

What fucking context could there be for that??

You've been caught, you already lied about being British and none Muslim, just get the fuck out of here. I've had to deal with Muslim my whole life, you can convince me with your propaganda you fucking shill.

>100% white

Well according to polls by pew forum of very large samples and the people Muslims elect and the message they preach in none Muslim countries we know other wise.

Right that's why the pagan, Jewish, and Christian populations of the Middle East were wiped out.

No one is buying the paki curry smelling shit you're selling. Try tumblr where they don't know what you do every day.