/balt/ + /ausnz/
Other urls found in this thread:
Worst tsar since peter the prussian
tsar tsar went to a bar
lost his virginity and keys to the car
hodor? :DD
my neighbors are gonna love me eternally, blasting this on max volume
Hopefully we split these generals soon
hopefully your guts will be split into maggot nests soon you fucking worthless animetard
you know what to do loser
I'm gonna have to have some breakfast soon
Ironically that image was created by a weeb...
How long does it take to die from that
2-3 weeks
i hear it's just a snap and you're gone, or if your neck doesn't snap it will take some time to suffocate and die
a former gf of mine told me his father offed himself with a plastic bag and it took about 15 minutes of agonizing pain, but eventually it worked
I forget about the snap, always think its just choking/suffocating for a couple minutes.
>father offed himself with a plastic bag
Thats a painful way to go.
the guy had terminal cancer so...
i haggled him some weed to make it easier, but even that didn't help him much so i understand why he took the easy way out
Also, it's George V not Nicholas in the op.
Fair enough. I'd personally go for a cyanide pill or an exit bag
Hello good morning or afternoon as it now is
that is not nicky
/ausnz/ + /lat/ when?
memes + banter = perfection
Please take them
t. FSB Weeb Force
I'm not the only one You contribute absolutely nothing to this general, you just are..
agreed, honeymoon phase is over and its dead
You aren't fooling anyone, kremlin spy
/balt weebs on suicide watch xDDD
You're dumb.
t. salty weebshit
right gents, time to feed the bed bugs!
Don't think that you can get to me.
This meme union will end one day.
Night m80
1. your cunt
2. do you support fag marriage?
haha homo :DD
It's 2016. About time we fix this mediaeval system
Gay marriage?
only with trannies
>I'm 22
When the fuck did I get so old? What happened to all the 22 year olds that were on this site when I was 18? What's going to happen to me?
hi Lithuania
Don't really care
Wait, how old is the average poster here, specifically on /balt/ + /ausnz/.
I'm 24.
>>I'm 22
Me too but I'm not a faggot
Tell me gramps whats it like being that old. I'm only 20
Thought it was going to be a cold day but it turned out all right
I'm 18
When you get to that age, you'll piss yourself every morning and shit yourself every night.
You'll love it.
>Stay in neetcave till 30th
>emerge as a grand mage
nearly 26
life hasn't started yet, have become significantly more of a shut in when all my friends moved away
might as well hold out for a miracle though because after extensive study on how long it takes to die even shooting yourself in the head takes 2 minutes
>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming.
What did he mean by this
>nearly 26
>life hasn't started yet
>24 May 2016
We're almost there
kek nailed it
good mornin gboysl.
How is day going for you pals?
Have to make a fucking poster for a joke of a unit at University, will take like 2 hours tops but I just can't be fucked
What kind of poster m8?
Just a 'scientific argument' type thing displaying the various perspectives on the question, 'Can 3D printing save lives?'
is this real life? You seriously gonna do that?
I mean it probably can, but its stpd.
This sounds like a case of smart but lazy
Yeah it's fucking ridiculous, everyone who is enrolled in a science based degree is forced to do this unit and it's just a retarded waste of time
Sums me up pretty well tbqh. I'm dropping my course end of this semester and got accepted to start a new one next year so I've given up on a lot of the shit that I'm doing right now
where is "Sometimes"?
Thank you.
Normalfags I would appreciate it if you could please leave, thank you :)
Btw is this some anime reference? I dont get it. I only do it sometimes cuz of the coldness in winter.
No, I think I'll stay :)
Nah, I do it most of the time. In winter cause the cold, summer not so much. I think it has to do with not being attacked by spooky things
Australia is gay.
Rude post.
i sleep with a pillow over my head
Litva is also gay
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the people that aren't complete failures :)
This is why we shouldn't let fucking Serbians drive all our trucks full of produce
haha you got me, pretending is fun though.
Know of any good beginner Russian textbooks for a decent reference?
you're australian too though lmao
Why over the head
habit at this point
Go on
Exmpl;. From my COuntry wich doesnt speak russian buy first graders Russian Textbook.
You don't speak english either
its just example m8, buy one from UK or smth.
Gonna learn some ancient livonian, brb
Isint it just Latin?