Depression edition
Who /depressed/ here
Depression edition
Who /depressed/ here
Other urls found in this thread:
posting here I guess
I'm depressed
>that utter shit Canadian one
gib details
i can relate
canadians fucking suck
>unironically being a brit
Oh jeez, this fancy new "final /brit/ thread" meme is too dank for me.
He actually thought it would be funny in his head.
Why are Canadians so reddit?
i was depressed for a while (srs)
much better now, since i have gone above and beyond investing myself for my future and the hard work is paying off finally
hang in there
Did kegels last night really hard and now I have this weird perma-semi what do I do
what's a bong? why are you called britbongs?
Imagine having a loveable face
brit doesn't exist anymore losers
it was disbanded by parliament
we have New \Brit\ now
get one of your students to suck you dry
i give this thread my official stamp of approval
>Unironically being a CanUCK.
yea same here familia, short term feels dont matter so much to me right now
Don't worry leaf the custodian is on his way
should've just made a normal thread u got first
Imagine having an enjoyable adult life
hello r3ddit
tfw dont have a gf to go to the movies with to have an excuse to go watch movies like finding dory
What did she mean by this?
xD absolutely ebin my Canadian friend! Good show, sir! :^) *gives reddit gold*
Suicide inducing
this gay depressive one has won out
Depressed because I don't have friends
means you should put "tinder" somewhere in your future posts so my filter gets you
this canadian is either 13 or a good shitposter
Delet this
>tfw I literally cry myself to sleep every night
the late night /brit/s are the most robot friendly sort
I am /depressed/, got to stay alive because of my parents though
really hate living
But old /brit/ was /new/brit/.
Fucking newcunts.
All of my friends are getting married in the next 12 months and I've never had a gf
If you're unloveable like me, stay indoors
Canadian posters somehow manage to be even worse versions of Yanks.
I'm not depressed but kinda middling. An okay girl wants to be my gf but I Just kinda wanna fuck her but at the same time if I reject her then I won't get anything so she's basically blackmailing wtf
Wahey who here /despondent/
diagnosis depression.
on tablets for it now
Can't finish this fucking math test lads.
18 questions, 25 minutes, but the questions are complicated.
Like, there'll be a table showing costs, prices, and sales of three products, and you have to figure out how much the company would increase (as a percentage) its profits if product C were to reduce material cost to $4.25, and increase unit sales to 250.
not a fan of some of my country"men"
that was /Brit/ Cl𝑎ssic
i pass out drunk every single night. consider it a success if i don't wake up fully clothed
>Dont really like most of my m8s
>Dont want to go back to the billy no m8s lifes
(also get spooked! :3)
not a fan of all of them if I'm honest
don't have any friends either lad
what are your interests?
need someone to little spoon for me
Do you sleep well?
I can't sleep more than 4 hours when drunk
Don't feel much of anything anymore. Suicidal ideation is starting to feel more like actual suicidal urges. Life's getting worse. Think we're coming to the end boys.
post it lad i want to solve it so i can feel good about myself
not a fan
cry about it some more bitchboi
How can I live off benefits or get by on the minimum lads?
I'm fucking miserable and just want to drink myself to sleep everyday
Right here fäm.
Slamming vodka helps.
How long have you been doing this for?
Growing more and more confident that I'll never enjoy another day in this life as much as the days I've already lived. It's just getting worse and worse as I get older, probably about time to cut out and spare myself more misery and humiliation 2bh.
It's a legit option if you're really depressed imo
hit that until you don't want to hit that anymore
and then quit
that's what 90% guys between age 15-25 do
godspeed you depressedlad, may you find the release of true death
>tfw almost 25
Whatever happened to thinks are easier when your older, college best years of your live etc
We're all slaves
Sleep and shit post here
I get the answers right, but I don't have enough time to do them all.
It's the numerical test from here:
You have to sign up though. I'm doing it for a job application.
that happens because alcohol fucks up your sleep pattern. the body adjusts over time and you can sleep fine
over 5 years daily
normies FUCK OFF
So basically when you die its just like before you were born? And then when the universe restarts ill come back, right?
yes lad
you're 25 you've seen korea and can shitpost fluently on /brit/
chin up dick up
Yanks too
so lads.
I think I've found a fit girl who actually likes me.
she was biting her bottom lip when she passed me down a hallway.
shows nervousness etc as she feels sexual tension and doesn't want to goof up infront of me
how do i make a move now?
when you die you wake up imo t︃bh
literally crying right now lads
just had sex with my gf lads
shit was so cash
6 beers and I get a hangover
just be yourself
Any lads want to sleep well should download this app
it helps trust me x
None of your stories ring true lmao
Alri lad
not reading that shit
>she was biting her bottom lip when she passed me down a hallway.
this is so stupid
real life is such a fucking meme