Can we talk about Romania?
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what why
I don't feel like it and I think no one else cares
Ceaușescu did nothing wrong
wena nido
I care user :3
what comes from Romania?
Gypsies and underage sex slaves
He put his retarded wife, who dominated him, in positions of power and let himself be lied to by the secret services, who were enjoying a lot of privileges because of him. If he had actually stopped listening to them and looked at how the country was doing, we probably wouldn't have killed him.
He also didn't stop starving us to death after we paid our ww2 debnt because he wanted to start his own bank and turn Romania into a creditor nation.
Gypsies, mainly. But I was surprised to see romanian eugenii and cozonac in italian supermarkets.
good nest
i was born there
sounds good to me mang
can you redpill me on moldova and romania's relationship, like why they aren't unified yet?
Stopped there for a bit whilst transitioning between flights, looks like a real piece of shit
Post more of your guns.
How are teh qt's? Can I smuggle one with me to amedica
my image of romania
>Rhythmic Gymnastics
>raped and killed Jap girl
>bruce lee(manhole guy)
>sebastian stan
I'm not Romanian bby
But I got a Romanian AK with a Romanian bayonet to go with it
Romania stole Chad's flag
Hei rainerii katso miun tuplaat.
why don't they live in germany?
>accidentally posted pic without bayonet
How hard is it to get an AK 47 in your state? Where do you take it if you wanna shoot it? How many gun deaths are caused by legal assault rifles?
Not memeing or playing the Enlightened European, just interested
Gee, I wonder...
Romania is formed out of three principalities: Tara Romaneasca (Wallachia), Moldova and Transylvania. Moldova used to be much larger, but got sliced in half by the russian empire in 1800. During the nation building movement of the 19th century, Moldova (the western part) and Wallachia both elected the same prince (domnitor) and united, becoming the United Principalities. Then we elected a german relative of the Kaiser to become prince, who took us to war with the turks for independence, turned the Principalities into a Kingdom and engaged us in a lot of realpolitik, which culminated with the first world war, when Transylvania formally united with the Old Kingdom. All of this happened while the eastern part, which we call Basarabia, was part of the russian empire. When the revolution happened, they seceded and formally united with us, and thus Romania Mare was created. This lasted until mid-way through WW2, when Nazis and the Soviets partitioned us and gave half of Transylvania to Hungary and Basarabia back to the russians. And because we were allied with the nazis (don't ask), we reconquered Basarabia later and pushed further east into Ukraine, conquering and incorporating lands east of the Dniester that had no ethnic romanians and that we didn't want. Then we lost the war, and Basarabia was taken by russians once again.
This lasted until the 90's, when the soviet union collapsed and Basarabia (Now Rep. of Moldova) declared its' independence. We didn't unite back then because we had just overthrew our own communist regime and the whole country was in political and economic chaos, so we couldn't afford it. Now we're not uniting because most of the ethnic moldovans who want to unite have migrated here anyway and what's left are hohols, bydlos and russians brought there by commies who hate romanians and call us fascists, even though we literally keep their state alive just out a sense of brotherhood.
Oh they used to, Tojo
>those numbers
they do, they just dont register as gypsies but as germans or whatever ethnicity.
We enslaved gypsies in the 14th century, but we were too retarded to both castrate them and not liberate them. So they bred like rats and kept their shitty culture even after we gave them freedom and the opportunity for a better life. Also, communists gave them romanian ids, so the reason the numbers aren't as high in germany is probably because they're registered as """""""romanians""""""".
No problem friendo.
I live in Idaho, getting my AK was easy. Have money in account, order it online to a licensed gunstore, fill out backround check at store and pay transfer fee (usually 15$ or so) and take home rifle.
Where I can go to shoot, Im not sure on the specifics but afaik anywhere far enough out of town. I have these neat lava fields I can hike around in and shoot.
There are very, very few assualt rifle deaths in my state or country overall, legal or otherwise.
what about UK?
Very insightful write-up, thank you!
So Moldova and by extension its former empire is pretty much just Romania right?
Nicolae Ceaușescu?
thanks for the long write. its a very fascinating story
now I get it. thanks balkan friendo :D
Not just him. Just the PCR (romanian communist party).
Ceausecu wasn't the first communist leader. Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej was before him. And Ceausescu saw it more as socialism and was enamored with the idea of socialism, and he hated the russians and soviets besides. He made a lot of good decisions, but his bad erased them all.
Sounds really nice desu, not up to speed regarding our gun laws but I'd like to own a Hand gun at least and I think it should be a basic right. But then again check my flag and you can probably gauge my chances.
Where in Idaho? I have family in Boise desu they emigrated before WW1 and we've kept in touch ever since.
I'll keep posting for upboats, bumps, and attention
Lol, it's always Boise. I live in Idaho Falls, the toe of the 'boot' shape that is Idaho. 2nd or 3rd largest city I think.
German gun laws are a shame, especially with the many quality firearms Germany has produced over the years. I'd love to get my hands on a Mauser 98k or an East German AK.
How hard is it to get a handgun there?
I guess. Despite being split from us, it's still mostly similar to us, besides a severe bydlo mentality instilled by russians and actual russian diaspora who doesn't speak romanian. Then there's Transnistria, which is another long story.
Also, I wouldn't call Moldova an empire, but they were strong once and they were blessed with a really great ruler, as was Wallachia 100 years prior. Were it not for the Ottoman invasion, we could've both probably advanced much further.
Our laws are just a huge clusterfuck unfortunately. One of the strictest set of laws in the whole world. I guess we just gravitate to extremes, in the past we were arguably the most militaristic cunt and now we're the polar opposite.
What's the weather like in Idaho right now? I've only been to Boise as a kid hence my recollection is spotty but I loved the landscapes, the City itself was meh. How much time do you spend on the cliche picturesque roads surrounded by vast, open nature?
I can't see your flag's detail so I thought you are Croatian or Slovenian. i'm sorry Slovakian friendo. it's so fucking confusing.
We're at the tail end of our couple weeks of spring before we move into summer.
I wouldn't say cliche or picturesque, but there are some really nice spots around here.
Pic related is my dog at a spot on the Snake River, about a minutes walk from my house
It is a NATO
romanians are good people
Niggers of the Romance group.
I know that Ionut Cercel is their de-facto president.
>Hey, Romania, are you Latin?
>Moldova used to be much larger, but got sliced in half by the russian empire in 1800
everything Russia touches turns to shit
The Latin myth was propagated by some pseudo-intellectuals in the 18th-19th century, followed by successful attempts of forcefully introducing French words as a replacement to the Slavic ones.
We are the whitest from the Balkans and that means we haven't had any Ottoman influence (besides D*brogea of course). But where does the whiteness stem from? That's right - the Slavs.
That guy is deluded. It was 1812 actually.
>That's right - the Slavs.
Only 15% of romanians share R1a-m458 aka slavic.
The highest contributor to romanians whiteness is from thacian tribes, who were majoritar in balkans, same as nordids in north europe.
I have seen you spread this propaganda some weeks ago too.
Romanians arent even close to slavs,if we wpould, we would have looked like russians/ukraineans/poles.In Romania, even the very white looking people have a different anthropology comapred to that of slavs.
Give the world another Vlad please.
are you saying Romans weren't white?
they were
But roman was more like a citicenship.
I go to Romanian Baptist church every weekend.
I thought you were colonised and mixed with Romans to make sure you wouldn't rebel against the empire
A huge part of my family has eastern and southern Slavic looks. The smaller part has some Germanic and Altaic features, but I am mostly Slavic. And we look like Ukrainians and Poles, because we are all Gorid. I am mostly Gorid as well.
>thracian tribes
Reminder that after all those invader waves the Thracians who had inhabited our territories before 272 don't matter in the slightest.
Mixing happened inevitable lately but this was not the purpose.
The inhabitants were romanised by the superior culture.Indeed roman legions were placed here and you were forced to speak latin.
>A huge part of my family has eastern and southern Slavic looks.
I dont care.
>southern salvic look
you realise that bulgarians and yugoslavs are just slavonised thracians too?
>The smaller part has some Germanic and Altaic features, but I am mostly Slavic. And we look like Ukrainians and Poles, because we are all Gorid. I am mostly Gorid as well.
Ukraineans,russians and poles are not mainly gorid, not even close.They are baltid variations.
Romanians dont even look close to gorids.
In order in Romania: Pontid > CM > Med
>Reminder that after all those invader waves the Thracians who had inhabited our territories before 272 don't matter in the slightest.
all those "invaders" were a really small numbers and didnt settle.The greatest invaders were goths, and even they didnt settle.
Yes, I can approve that, Pontid and North Pontid are the most types often amongst Romanians.
And that stands for?
No, that's really rare, and if so, it is find only in secluded places from our country, in the most southernmost parts, such as Dobrogea which has had huge Ottoman influence, but legit not in Moldova and Muntenia.
>North Pontid
North pontid no.
North is really not synonymous with romanians.
>And that stands for?
>No, that's really rare,
I think you should get out of your R.Moldova(who was breed by russians/hohols) and get back to Romania
>my family is x so this country is x
Dumbass, from a genetic standpoint the slavs didn't make that much of an impact, we're a thracian template with slavic, turkish, nordic, etc add-on's
Spotted the D*brogean.
I guess you meant Germanic, and Germanics and their Norid type are really rare here in Romania.
>you should get out of your R.Moldova
What does Republic of Moldova have to do with what I said? Besides from one of my grandmothers nobody has black hair from my family, and she has it because of the Altaic background. I refuse to think my countrymen mostly belong to that shitskin "Mediterranean" type.
I rarely see any Mediterranean people, the predominant types are Carpathid, Pontid, north Pontid and Gorid; and nor have I seen when I have been in Bucharest. There are a couple of swarthies, of course, but they are a like 5-10%.
>I guess you meant Germanic, and Germanics and their Norid type are really rare here in Romania.
the Goths were originaly Nordic. They migrated south, absorbed a bunch of other Germanic tribes and created their first kingdom in Romania.
>I guess you meant Germanic, and Germanics and their Norid type are really rare here in Romania.
germanic != nordic
>What does Republic of Moldova have to do with what I said?
R.Moldova was breed throught ages with slavs and starting with 1800,Russia exported romanians in Siberia from tehre and put ukraineans.
>I refuse to think my countrymen mostly belong to that shitskin "Mediterranean" type.
And that was like 1500 years ago IIRC. The Goths had come here before both the Altaic/Mongoloid invaders and the Slavic folk.
And yes, the Germanic type is really rate here in Romania.
Sooo....when are you guys gonna give us back Transylvania? This prank has been going on too long already, haha.
I know you guys hate Székelys with a passion, so why not let them go? :^)
Who gives a shit you dumbass deadbeat neckbearded faggots? Here , we have a board for your strain of autism
We're Romanian and that's what matters, in our retarded focus of the past we are losing sight of the future we want, you fags are trying to find worth in yourselfves by joining a certain group, try doing something of worth if you want to have any as a person
Because you can't make an enclave in the middle of a rival country. There will burst lots of conflicts, as in Nagorno-Karabakh. Although there are no enemy powers to cater to Romania and Hungary - and NATO would quell any conflict, it is going to be bad for our countries and for the economy whatsoever, there will be extremist pricks on both sides.
Why so arseblasted, mate? We're just discussing phenotypes!
>I know you guys hate Székelys with a passion, so why not let them go? :^)
Romanians dont hate anyone, its that we dont like people that constantly attack romanian state.
80% of romanians dont even know whats a szekler
>Sooo....when are you guys gonna give us back Transylvania? This prank has been going on too long already, haha.
when you give back all Tisa to us
But we aren't violent anymore. Hungary doesn't even have an army. Just two hundred morons prancing about when some ceremony happens. Plus even if they tried drafting men, the first thing that would happen would be a major rebellion against Shitesz, since everyone hates them with a passion.
>when you give back all Tisa to us
This is bait. It's a damned good one,but it is still bait.
Dude Hungary isnt getting any land.Its over since Mohacs for you :)
While Romania will unite with R.Moldova in 2018 most likely, and call it Dacia.Watch it happen.
>b-but we aren't violent anymore!!1
Yes, but your countrymen from far east have chimped out on our national day. Overall, the average Hungarians have the same violent behaviour that exists amongst all the Slavs, and won't hesitate attacking south Slovakia or central Romania if they had the occasion. I'm talking about the irrendentists living here and in Slovakia.
Mate, in both 1523 and 1687 it was the Austrians who fought. Therefore the Austrians lost and respectively gained territories, the Hungarians barely did anything. We had no alliance to cater to us thus we have thrived only by yourselves - and you can see that nowadays, we didn't lost 2/3 of our territories as soon as Austria didn't cater to us anymore.
I like Romania and Romanians, they are our Slav brothers after all
>wanting to annex the poorest of shithole you can find while you are still poor as shit
not only you will get invaded by putler for transnistria but youll be paying for it
who cares who fought, its important that hungarians dick only gets erect when they sit on 4, since Mohacs :^)
the last time happened in 1919 :))
>wanting to be united with the literal Africa of Europe
There is a fight right now, and who will support R.Moldova unification with Romania.The unification is inevitable.The first who does it, will have complete dominion over Romania.
mate we aren't slavs...
>not wanting to rustle jimmies
we owe this to R.Moldova.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
>mate we aren't slavs...
I know, but I would rather think of you as Slavs than a bunch of gypsies
We are Slavs here and there... Do I have to argument again? Serbs aren't legit Slavs either from your standpoint since southern Slavs are "slavized thracians" in your opinion.
Russia will nuke you though. They really have it out for you guys.
>MOSCOW — As American and allied officials celebrated the opening of a long-awaited missile defense system in Europe with a ribbon cutting and a band, the reaction in Russia on Thursday suggested the system had raised the risks of a nuclear war.
>Russian officials reiterated their position that the American-built system imperiled Russia’s security. But the public discussion in Russia was darker, including online commentary of how a nuclear confrontation might play out in Europe, and the prospect that Romania, the system’s host, might be reduced to “smoking ruins.”
they are just barking
Dude fucking Szekely's are making bombing attempts and having qt 8 year old girls recite Speeches of war against Romanians, even worse than American niggers
Leee big bad russian nuke, Putler wont do shit because pulling a nuke out of his ass will fucking kill himself, he's cornered from wvery direction and NATO has him fucked 100 times before he even tries
He's a bear in a hunter's world
>implying NATO is more powerful than Russia
I'm LMAO'ing @ your knowledge, Russia is a threat now for us and you can't deny it. NATO is also a threat, flooding us with "tolerance".
you are slavic tho.
Cine imi poate recomanda niste romanuri noi romanesti (dupa 2000 si mai bine dacă e dupa2010)
Din pacate am inceput sa-mi uit limba nativă dupa 12 ani in strainatate.
in what?
genetics?Around 15% are.
>Dude fucking Szekely's are making bombing attempts
"bombing" he was using fucking fireworks for chirst's sake. Very serious business. Arabs are laughing their asses off.
>he just realizes NATO and Americans aren't your friends
Whew boi. A bit late, but better late than never.
No.The bomb would have killed dozens.Him and HVIM also wanted to bomb the gas bus under Transylvania and blame it on us so Russia can attack us.
Genetics? Around 75% have eastern or southern Slavic background.
Language? 15%
Genetically we are more Slavic than you, gorilla.
caucescu is alive and well it seems
>Genetics? Around 75% have eastern or southern Slavic background.
Dont talk if you dont know.
>Language? 15%
In lexic*