Alcoholism edition
*does a poo*
it isn't the bump limit yet you FUCKING MONG
Good thread
Will pass out in a minute so be good /brit/
Making a G&T lads
at school I had a choice between rugby and badminton and I chose badminton so I was inside, warm, and it was like 30 girls to 3 boys
who /blindsideflanker/ here
fuck off foreigners
>no winter
its literally 16 rn you cunt
>not 2nd row
when will you learn?
How do I stop worrying/thinking about stuff outside of my control?
*falls asleep*
lol go play soccer or something, kid. the men are talking.
Took badminton for my PE credit in college
I fucking loved that shit, especially when I got good enough to play those damn Chinese and win
2 Year anniversary of Elliot Rodger's death
i played second row up until year 11 except I was only 5'11 while we had two guys who were 6'6 and 6'5 respectively so I just went for blindside which was my other played position
preferred flanker tbqh
>Want to drink
>Have to wait for the doctors to open so I can get my repeat prescription note that I lost
>fuck off foreigners
>on international board
Me and the bf, I'm the one on the right
So, any luck with girls so far lads?
Can I go to your wedding on Saturday?
>tfw I read thay arrogant fuckers autobiography
some funny stuff in there though
Lol at this site memorializing him
>For U.S. men, the average life expectancy is 76
>another four decades or more of this shite
16 is fucking sweltering to be fair lad
>being 36
hello grandpa
his manifesto is one of the greastest things ever written hahahaha
it could honestly be turned into a comedy
como andan lads
no-one cares about your blog posts
He was a selfhating racist.
Typical half Asian
why did you reply to him
Really need some top lads to post their favourite Shakira songs
>Typical half Asian
haha ha ha hmmm
*looks into the mirror and performs daily routine of covering face in milk*
Because it was ironic
Why the fuck is the aussie footy team called the socceroos
The whole lot of them need FOYing
>when you make a post that gets a bunch of (you)s
The last thing that makes me happy desu senpai.
Think i'll take up smoking
want to die but too pussy to do it straight up
White father?
Describe them
nah white mum and 1/4 russian 3/4 han dad
>4 yank posts in a row
Death by smoking is a meme.
Nah, doesn't do it for me when it's a cheap (you).
business idea: doing a poo for money
Yeah, going through the whole thing of him being a massive prick and then getting beat up and humiliated was funny
all me
*lays down the boogie*
*plays that funky music til I die*
one was french the other was polish
Nice. AMWF is better tbqh
Religion, by its very definition, is a meme.
the story of him at the party is honestly something I could see happening in a comedy movie. I actually thought I was reading some sort of joke that someone had put out and said this was his manifesto
>he didn't play british bulldog during breaks at school
its all a huge joke. these fucking dead shits are just inherently beta and go around projecting that on being half white half asian (or as i've come to call it -- sunlight yellow). they need to grow up. I especially don't understand their angst if they live in a new world nation.
Great thread
cats or dogs lads?
are you gay mate? looking for a cute asian to bum
>he didn't play four square during breaks at school
I always wanted to. I always said shit like "c'mon lads, you could use some heavy hitters like me to take em down."
They said "Fuck off user you fat cunt. Noone likes you".
Do you visit /r/hapas?
Dogs are lads.
no and i've already got a boyfriend
So is your mum's fanny: it's all over the internet and everybody's seen it already
I never EVER reply to >hurrr look at lisicki posts
that jpg is honestly brilliant.
I have never known the touch of a woman lads
no i literally did not pay it any attention until people started plastering this shit all over Sup Forums
forty (40) keks
Always fun when a big fight happened at school and everything started shouting "X and Y are fighting" and literally hundreds of students form a ring around then cheering
Real human bean, and a real hero.
Just be thankful you haven't known the touch of a man
I'm not responsible for it. .
Never actually watched GOT, are there any lewd scenes featuring Maisie or Sophie
hahaha JOKES BOYS im not actually a cute girl hahaha you know what im like (;
You must be new here. Fuck off jf.
Are you the same Aussie lad from earlier that made fun of me for skipping PE by hiding in the toilets eating deep frief mars bars? If so fuck off.
the feds wanna shift man
>in 4 hours and 24 minutes I will begin my new job
Fucking scared lads what do I do?
No but I've got some VERY lewd Maisie pics if you're interested
no thats me
nah lol not me
I see that you too watched X-men Apocalypse.
mate fingered them both outside an underage disco in carlow
have a wank
went for a cheeky flight earlier lads
Walk in, give the owner a firm handshake and look him right in the eye.
pump darts
how i constantly smoke and drink but remain healthy? loads of vitamin pills? i don't plan on living past 40
I remember last year I was really depressed about work. I was at the dinner table with my family and I just started crying for no reason. I didn't cry at my Uncle's funeral when they all did. At the dinner table they didn't even ask what was wrong. They just ignored it. It was surreal, like a David Lynch film.
This is /brit/. Couple of years ago we would take exception at even Irish lads posting.
Feel honoured we tolerate you.
Shut the fuck up fatty
Don't just say that, post them
Wow, exact same time!
all me
that's what i had understood
"im not gay and i already have a bf as a man"
kek as they say