What goes through your mind when you see an Oriental?

What goes through your mind when you see an Oriental?

What are you thinking?

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ugly chink

>Bad drivers

That's about it.

Wow, is it 1953 again and nobody told me

Depends on the oriental

yeah, basically this

>"I want her to teach me her language, while also having intense sex with me"
This goes through my mind whenever I see a solid looking foreign woman

>please talk to me.... good god give me a chance, give me the grace.... just a few words, just some of your thoughts, just a little bit of your mind..... i think that we may be more alike than anything that's ever been possible, but we're not close at all..... please change that.... please change me..... please.......

>don't find them all that good looking
>somehow want to procreate with them relentlessly

my brain is weird

we honory japs don't consider ourself as oriental, so this word reminds me of something dirty and mysterious like india or china

so you have fugly bitch fetish. i say it's ok

but you are shit like china and korea (india is a whole another level)

I get flashbacks to the Boxer Rebellion

a few thousand dicks
every day is a struggle

>asocial, distrustful, bitter, generally a "heavy" person
>extremely rare chances of finding me outside my habitat
>a natural in caring for children, can calm even the shittiest babies
>outright stunned my former colleagues once, when I got up while we were sitting in a cafe, stopped a woman from hitting a small girl on the diapers and explained the little girl why she can't run around. She just sat afterwards, next to her mother
>my mother almost got a heart attack when she saw me putting the neighbour's two year old to sleep in record time - the child being a completely undisciplined creature
>impregnation is my main fetish
>imagine what would our child look like whenever I meet a woman
Move over, make space on the awkward bench

"hello fellow citizen"

>fucking paraguay calling Japan shit

Is that a hapa

Wanna have sex with orientals Insha'Allah

Yellow Fever is a mental illness. Their faces are so gross looking.

i thought it's Croatian flag lol

>sideways vagina

what about it, shitty leaf?

I'm not so interested in the raising part, just the making. Good on you for wanting both.

maybe youre a third world shithole? How does it feel to wonder where your next feel is coming from or if the water your drinking is safe?

>please be my wife


How do you even have internet?

my water is perfectly drinkable. How does it feel to be the laughing stock of the entire Sup Forums because your country is an SJW joke?

google satellite balloon fell here and ever since then

>some anime NEET virgins on a lightly populated internet board make leaf jokes about a country, but it's actually a nice place


>a country is impoverished crime ridden 3rd world dumpster, and no one cares about it


In my experience Hong Kong are normal, easy to be friends even if they are depressed because of insane housing costs and bad job market. Japanese can be weird as fuck, very socially awkward and shy, but always polite. Thai act very nice on the surface but seem fake and it's hard for me to trust them. I think they don't ever express what they are actually thinking. Chinese you have to be careful around because they can lack common manners and social etiquette, can be very selfish and vengeful. Korean men are either bros like Hong Kong or xenophobic assholes while many Korean women are superficial 'party girls.'

>tu quoque

If I find them attractive/handsome -
I wonder how much plastic surgery they had

pretty good
spot on
sounds about right
no, they have manners but extremely pragmatic ones, they can be extremely friendly and welcoming but they walk into everywhere with the assumption that people will hate them for being Chinese and don't have the time to waste to prove everyone wrong, so they just prove them right instead, kind of like how everyone on Sup Forums comes off as an asshole because we don't have the liberty to explain why political correctness and other social expectations are based on cool kid rules/bandwagoning and not actual objective morality. It took me a while to realize this too, but after dealing with Japan's intense harmony-preserving bullshit I found it more welcoming that sometimes people don't give a shit about harmonious things are as long as they have some defense against being labeled as assholes
>Korean men
true, and the divider is usually how sexy they are. plain guys = bros. sexy guys = 2cool4u. nerds = netto-uyoku
>Korean women
don't know about party girls, but superficial for sure. they are so ridiculously shallow that they will lie about their tastes in men or money so as to vainly project an image of being deep and caring people. "I don't care for sexy, super attractive men" = "I want a sexy, super attractive man with a personality, but I know I'm not going to get it if he sees me for how shallow I am"
still, they can be very friendly if they don't sense you want to fuck them, which is hard because Korean feminine culture is completely built around maximizing fuckability. plastic surgery, expensive clothes and makeup, aegyo, etc.


>honory japs
So you are not really japanese?

no a chakma

Are you explaining the differences between all the different Canadian subtypes?

I think of it as an old, antiquated label from the 1800s

Is Paraguay bad country? I'm just curious..

Taiwanese have either this whole melancholic, brooding type or act all edgy "I have connections." They seem to want to be at the center of the party like extroverted Koreans, but have Japanese mannerisms and etiquette, at least the Hoklo. Some are open and honest, some act two-faced similar to Japanese. However, those who came after the 1940s tend to act like modern mainlanders in the present.

I honestly don't know what you're talking about
I'd say they have the pragmatic personality of Mainlanders with the sense of etiquette of Japanese

pussey or boipussey?

ugry fat

WTF who is this mother fuckkker???!!


who even uses that word for east-asians anymore?

don't even know why it's considered offensive, sounds cool as shit. we should adopt the british method and call indians asian and east asians orientals

ugly, souless and two-faced

I once saw a japanese qt tourist when I was on a trip to Austria
Never seen anyone more butifel irl ever since

We call Japanese orientals because they are east of us.

Either that they are really ugly, or really hot and I want that hot Asian puntang.
If they're a male I generally assume they are smart and successful.

Apparently chinks were called an even cooler word


nothing, it's like looking into a mirror

this. I've been mistaken for an asian multiple times.

Alright fuckers,we need to clear this up.

Just what part of the world is considered oriental?
Be as specific as possible.

Everything east of the river


The Rhine river, that is

we call you korea because you are toooo much korea.zambia is also called korea.

If it's an asian man I tend to think "lol he's short".

If it's an asian woman I tend to think they're hot but I wouldn't want to procreate with them because I don't want an Elliot Rodger for a son.

If it's the squinting kind, I wonder how he sees.

I literally need to wank every time I see an attractive girl of the orient. I've wanked 4 times today already and it's 2pm.

>an oriental

If it's Far East, I think how they resemble fishes.
If it's Middle East, I want to fucking kill them.

I think they're awful

I have friends who work in the Galleries Lafayette, every single day chinks come and ruin everything

They come with entire buses, thousands of chinks everywhere, then they all come and take out all the clothes, try them out in the open, leave them everywhere on the floor, spit, drink, fucking eat inside the shop, they smell like shit, they're rude as fuck, ugly, push random clients, insult people, they don't leave any tips, they are loud, they act like fucking MONKEYS

But they all buy 20 ugly Louis Vuitton bags and 50 Chanel perfumes for their family so "it's ok"


I live in a city who has a university near where people from all the world go to study

The first things I think are
"Am I paying education for these fucking foreigners?"
"Holy shit they should FUCK OFF"

>"Am I paying education for these fucking foreigners?"
Other way around m8, in Australia at least.

whaddya mean? are foreigners paying for your education?

hey mate... c-can i join FFL? desu

>But they all buy 20 ugly Louis Vuitton bags and 50 Chanel perfumes for their family so "it's ok"

would you rather they stole them or something?

my heart and mind starts racing and I get incredibly nervous when I see them. I start looking at their tiny bodies and imagining myself holding them, or what their soft hair would feel like, or what it would be like for her to be my girlfriend and to kiss me. then I start thinking how I don't even have a job and that it's rude to stare and then I get sad

Of course my friend but the whole point of FFL is getting French citizenship which I don't see why you'd want anymore
You probably have it for free already, and why would you want to come to this shithole anyways

In Britbong land, non-EU residents pay extortionate amounts to study (far, far higher than natives pay) and their money often subsidises uni running costs.

I just want the FFL money's, retire after 17 years of service and open an XXX club in Poland or Holland (if there won't be sharia law by then) with sluts and flowing alcohol

>honorary japs


>Japanese can be weird as fuck, very socially awkward and shy, but always polite

This is just a meme. Especially the "always polite" part.

>no, they have manners but extremely pragmatic ones, they can be extremely friendly and welcoming but they walk into everywhere with the assumption that people will hate them for being Chinese and don't have the time to waste to prove everyone wrong, so they just prove them right instead, kind of like how everyone on Sup Forums comes off as an asshole because we don't have the liberty to explain why political correctness and other social expectations are based on cool kid rules/bandwagoning and not actual objective morality. It took me a while to realize this too, but after dealing with Japan's intense harmony-preserving bullshit I found it more welcoming that sometimes people don't give a shit about harmonious things are as long as they have some defense against being labeled as assholes.

What a fucking great post.

Chinese care about money and don'f have this two-faced fake kindness. Everything is about pragmatism in China. HK takes it to the extreme and so they come off as very rude.

Chinese, like me, feel like everyone hates us so we don't really care. Money will get us through the door either way.

Many Taiwanese are similar to wealthy Mainlanders.

Funny enough, most of the Chinese that came over to Taiwan 1945-1950 were the wealthy Chinese.

t. Nigger

most of them were just Fujianese in general
I don't think Fujian was a particularly rich area in those days. NE coast has always been where the money is at, since the 20th century at least.

I can see the comparison. The wealthy Mainlanders I met when I studied in America were pretty welcoming, down to earth people. Other than being loud and somewhat cliquish, which the rich white people were anyway, they didn't strike me as dirty people at all.

>Am I paying education
Your parents are

Those girls are not orientals...