Special guests: Amerifats and strayas
Let's see how we do niggas, pic related are my results.
If you don't post your first try you are a fucking faggot.
Special guests: Amerifats and strayas
Let's see how we do niggas, pic related are my results.
If you don't post your first try you are a fucking faggot.
Might as well solve this while my sweetcoofe videos are downloading...
thanks for the invitation
this game is cool
and i lefr superhard mode
africa ver
Oh come on, i know amerifats in general are idiots but the ones on Sup Forums would know better
it shitty becasue our school was like the only one where we actually learned geography and had a test in which we had to name off every existing country
that was in seventh grade tho
t. Sup Forums veteran
Come get some.
Not exactly hard.
Kind of terrible with Africa, though.
100% in 1:28.
80% of my knowledge of Europe comes from Sup Forums
Hard as fuck on my phone to be honest
I always get Montenegro and Macedonia confused. Other than that it was easy.
I know I could ace Africa and Asia though.
Knowledge of Africa is lacking
to prove i'm not full of shit. asia next.
Also, Brunei, Bahrain, and Palestine aren't even on the quiz.
Come to think of it, Africa didn't have Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Comoros, or Mauritius on their test.
lel forgot the picture
fucking shitskin countries always throw me off
they're missing transnistria
Yeah, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan screwed me up as well.
Try doing all the African Capitals
Ugh, haven't bothered to learn those yet. I can do Europe, South America, and North America/Caribbean. I keep forgetting a few of the Asian ones, too.
couldn't find Montenegro and accidentally clicked Czech republic instead of Austria fml
its not my fault that europe is so small and clogged up.
Ok, let's see you do asia.
45% in 6 minutes
reee i accidentally clicked on germany instead of france
long live europa
Did this a few hours ago for Sup Forums, a bit drunk as currently.
I think I did the best of anyone yet
I think this justifies all those hours I wasted in map painting autism simulators desu
I'm not good with Africa
I'm surprised.
I thought I forgot half of south-eastern Europe.
Sorry, bros.
98% 1:58
Confused Monaco for San Marino.
Try this one.
Fucking san marino!
And i misclicked bosnia
Hmmm... where?
Seeing as you asked...
Most of my mistakes were due to stubby fingers on my tablet for the smaller countries
Montenegro is the one that cucks serbia out of sea access. The serbs were right pissed when it declared independence.
Macedonia is itself cucked out of sea access
Uzbekistan is cucked out of caspian sea access. Turkmen and kazakhs do have ports.
try European cities now
got lucky on the switzerland ones desu
How about US states?
So what now?
95% 2:05
Congratulations, it's autism.