My janitor acceptance email STILL hasn't arrived yet

>my janitor acceptance email STILL hasn't arrived yet

This is the end lads, I really need this job. My mum said if I don't find employment soon she's going to kick me out to the streets.
I've checked my spam folder. REPEATEDLY. When is it going to arrive?!


La, it's not going to happen. Get a job in argos or sumin.


What info did you have to send to apply?

I don't like argos though, I was always told you should find a job doing something you love and I love Sup Forums and want to help make an improvement in our community


great thread tbf

But, you won't get paid. You could sign on and say that's Sup Forums cheques.

What's welfare in UK like? Last I heard it was £60 every 2 weeks.

>£60 every 2 weeks.
Dude that's not even enough to live here in the third world.

You should come to Ireland then. €188 every week. Which is still a shite amount to live off, but I guess it gives the incentive to work.


180 levs a week is what men earn here in a relatively high paying job, and 1 pound is like 1.50 levs

It's £255 a month but used to be £112 every 2 weeks
That's for the most basic benefit though
That's quite a lot, surely you must be claiming for something else to, e.g. being a mentally ill mong who has been declared unfit for work?

Does the government provide housing too? There's no fucking way you could house yourself and afford food on that little.

>1 pound is like 1.50 levs
Finding it hard to believe >Bulgaria's currency is this strong

Well fug mate
I'm sorry I did everything I could

meant 2.50
euro is 2 levs, pound is around 2.50

Oh shit, let me collect my Irish welfare and live with you.
Nope, that's for any Joe soap who has no work. It's only €100 if you're under 21.
Carers allowance is €240, and the sick pay is more or less the same.

You better belive it. There's on average two families a month being made homeless in my area a month.
There is free housing, but this is Ireland and everything is done arseways.

Stop making fun of Janny, he's doing his best and that's all that matters

Pound is like 2.30 fampai the fuck are you talking about