>Lelbourne, Ausgaylia
Lelbourne, Ausgaylia
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Why don't you go play kinect adventures cunt?
t. Gaytorian
This is cucknada tier holy shit...
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Uhm Melbournian here, this isn't tolerant. Delete this please, I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't though
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
Dis nigga
>pyne btfos auslags
don't worry eventually they'll run out of things to "apologise" for
the self aggrandizement is pathetic though i'm still wondering where the 21 century went so wrong
OY! Whatchu talking the piss for cunt?
Go shag a roo in your mamas basement you piss smelling fokked up nelly nabbler!
Surely the bit about internet speeds has to be fake but it looks so real
who taught you to talk like that lol
What's that about internet speed
Whatchu think you've got a hard life you weak bellied nob niggler?
I can give you five reasons to stay away from here, you an that slack jawed belly scratchin corn cob face o' yours!
We aught to feed you to the spiders at the bottom of the waterhole fer all the good you'll you nip nack swabbie mate! yeah?
Yo momma
Full article about internet speed
>Labor headed into the 2013 election promising its NBN would deliver download speeds of 1Gbps through a network mainly consisting of fibre to the home.
>The Coalition's version aims to have significantly slower download speeds of 25Mbps, but was pitched as having a smaller price tag and earlier completion date.
>In the wake ofAFP raids over the leaking of documents showing cost blow-outs with the network, Mr Pyne was asked on Q&A if the Government regretted its policy.
>"Absolutely not," Mr Pyne said, "And there has not been a delay of the NBN".
>Mr Pyne, the Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry, said the Coalition's NBN would cost "$30 billion less" and "it will all be finished by 2020, not 2024 as Labor was promising".
>"[People] simply didn't need the speeds that Labor was promising, but it was costing an absolute bomb.
LMFAO there's no way Liberal's getting reelected
>"And there has not been a delay of the NBN".
lmao as if it matters, next PM gets the boot in two years and there'll be another election
Oy! Don't fuck with me cunt!
I've been in more scuffles than a roo in heat! You come around here you're gonna find out the five yards o Sydney you know what I'm saying? You fokkin cunt I'll wheel yeah out into the desert and spitshine your nuts fer the ants to feed on yeah?
This. Holy lel
sǝǝɹbǝp 081 ɹoʇıuoɯ ɹıǝɥʇ buıuɹnʇ ʇnoɥʇıʍ ʇsod sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ 11ıʍ suɐı1ɐɹʇsnɐ
i turned myself 360 degrees and walked away
Homosexuals today, pedophiles and zoophiles tomorrow. This is progress!
there's nothing wrong with this
gay people were given unjust jail time and criminal records stopping them from getting jobs
>implying homosexuality is a 21st century phenomenon due to "degeneracy" of christian values
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
Tfw the non cuck party doesn't want to spend money on the Internet :(
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
Come the fuck on the only cuck party is Greens. No one wants refugees, in fact apparently you want to send them here.
Liberal is the straightup retarded full capitalist hope you don't want a house what the fuck is technology party and you'd have to be fucking stupid to vote for them.
Western Australia=Best-ern Australia
t. American
I don't know what that is
>That bar at the bottom of the screen
Fuck I hate the fucking Libnats. Anybody that votes for them is a dense cunt.
>We'll either elect cucks or idiots
this is why I'll just go for little meme partys
You need to come out of the basement friendo. They don't want refugees.
>not labour
what the fuck is this
He's growing and maturing. Pretty standard for most people over the age of 18.
That's their name.
For some dumb reason they're called Labor.
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
oh now that i even think about it that's right
what the fuck
YES, we do
Fuck I hope not. I hate them so much. Between this and all the shit that Abbott did, fuck the lot of them.
And this is why all three major parties don't get it.
When did they change their stance on that? I thought they were still being gay cunts about it.
>Australians don't need interbutt speeds
I agree!
Literally all I care about is better internet, who gives a shit about anything else
fuck this shit """"""""""country"""""""""" tbqh
>fuck this shit """"""""""country"""""""""" tbqh
it's only shit (and getting shittier) because of total stagnation and apathy
boomers sucked the life out of this country
They want to do basically the same thing as Liberal, even considering relocating boat people to Canada which would be fun for bantz.
>Despite Labor coming under pressure in recent days, there are not huge differences between the two major parties on immigration policy.
>Labor leader Bill Shorten has pledged a "more humane and safer approach to asylum seekers", but remains committed to offshore processing, regional resettlement and boat turnbacks — as does Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull.
Apparently Pauline Hanson is tipped to get back into Parliament though. She didn't lose by much in the electorate she went for in the last state elections, and she's going for a Senate seat this time.
>Australians claim that Canadians are Americanized
>They spell labour without a 'u'
Nothing but Kangaroo Americans you lot.
Our Labor party was directly influenced by the US labor movement so they took the Americanised spelling and stuck with it
Our labour party got cucked by a "Canadian"
There was also a time in the early 20th century when Australians were experimenting with Webster spelling. A lot of packaging and advertisements from the period use "flavor" and "color"
>implying its not the back and forth debt that labor accumulates and liberals selling stuff to get back to surplus.
You're both full of shit. Both of our major parties are fiscally continent, relatively speaking, and overall the burgeoning educated middle class that the baby boom gave us was good for our country. We also have less of a demographic time bomb than the yanks and so on, but to get super to really cover our arses at some stage a giant intergenerational bait-and-switch will be required.
>Whaddyamean I can't take it out as a lump sum?
Historic apology proud to be an Australian today
He never mentioned it was. Just as pedophilia and zoophilia aren't either. Yet all are degenerate and are only practiced by the mentally ill.
As a libertarian, this is good. I don't want some commie dictatorship that you antifa authoritarians crave, you fucking pinko.
translated as:
>I'm a libertarian, notice me
Super cool retort. I'll go lick my wounds and reconsider my political stance.
>Australians buying French subs
>Australians apologizing to the French
Aussies are getting chummy with the frogs lately.
+10 shekels have been deposited to your GG account
Thanks Hillary.
>I may be a faggot-loving liberal but at least I'm not the 67th United States Secretary of State!
Damn! Australia does it again
>i criticise leftists
>you post SAlt photos
>american education
Is it hard to breathe as well?
>i criticize* leftists
Show me the post in this thread in which you "criticized* leftists"
I got all the ausfags in the thread mixed up. My bad, m8
No hard feelings, cobber. Sup Forums is much better with its IDs.
Yes my toothpaste friend?
U want some?
I want those digits
>faggots, pedophiles, and zoophiles aren't degenerate
Which, if not all, of these are you defending, faggot?
>Australian politics
Who cares?
and i'm for legalising zoophilia but won't deny it's degenerate
But that's wrong
Shorten has openly said that he wants to double our current refugee intake
Your sexuality spits in the face of pro-creation, your one and only natural purpose on this earth. A faggot is no man and should never be treated as equal to those of us rid of such a mental illness.
People interested in global politics
Anyone the policies affect eg. The Arc of Instability, close neighbours, any major power in the Asia/Pacific region
So does you not getting any women.
>your one and only natural purpose on this earth
a *tip* to you fellow atheist from reddit
He wants to increase it incrementally to double in 2025. Liberal wants to increase it incrementally to a lesser amount that I can't remember but it's only planned up until I think 2018 so it could very well turn out about the same in the end.
And the 12k Abbott was taking in was on top of the regular intake.
weird, just earlier you spouted that Labor didn't want to increase the refugee numbers at all, and now you know all about it
don't need to cite anything about the 'liberals' m8, I don't care about them, they aren't a part of the conversation, and even if they were, don't see how "Ex Prime Minister" Tony Abbott would be relevant
Your one and only natural purpose on this earth is to pro-create. This is objectively true. Not sure what argument you were trying to make here because I'm most definitely not athiest. Although, athiesm is certainly a cut above faggot loving faggots, such as yourself.
I wasn't even aware of humanitarian intake when I wrote the first post. I had meant to say they don't want refugees any more than Liberals and they're both being very careful about who they bring in. The Abbott thing followed through with Turnbull so it's still relevant.
Weird how you talk so much about how procreation is the only purpose and if you don't procreate, you're "degenerate" but your images are showing retards that procreated or raised kids.
>Australians don't need internet speeds labor plan promised
oh so you wrote the post without knowing about the topic you were adamantly arguing about, and passing off as fact? Nice
Ahh good, keep brining up other parties and their policies when they aren't part of the discussion, noiceeee
We gotta stop Baird!
Nah you don't vriend
>Ahh good, keep brining up other parties and their policies when they aren't part of the discussion, noiceeee
Let's see the first post i responded to
>We'll either elect cucks or idiots
Wait, there are TWO adjectives in this post. TWO. Not one, but TWO. I wonder what the other one's about?
>if you don't procreate you're a degenerate
Choosing to not have children isn't degenerate, to be mentally ill and turn 180 degrees on nature is degenerate. But you are right about the image. Faggots did not create the monstrosity you see in pic above, they were/are only used as exploits by the real men in power. It comes as no surprise to me, a mentally stable individual, that someone like you, a severely defunct product of jewish brainwashing, would like to see zoophilia legalized. Waste of human resources, m8.
>playing by the rules of the nature-jew
>Choosing to not have children isn't degenerate, to be mentally ill and turn 180 degrees on nature is degenerate
Mate it literally has the same outcome