Why are Russians so cold? :(

why are Russians so cold? :(

Cyka blyat

Shit map
Being fake faggot doesn't make you more emotional

>More emotional than brazil
Finding this graph kind of hard to believe.

>Hurt feelings: the continent

how fitting

Madagascar being apparently full of sociopathic monkeys

>current year
>still having feelings

Met some Americans while travelling in Europe though. Holy fuck. They would not shut up. Like they sit near you in a plane and spend 2 hours of flight time telling you about their family, favourite jacket and what they ate for breakfast.

those maps are allways shit
russian are very emotional
just look how butthurt they are here on int

I don't understand this map, russians and their language is emotional plus they say what they want without thinking.

ITT we post emotional civilized canadian people

they also calling it 'the hunt'

It's bullshit, Russians are very emotional, literally southern Europe tier. When I was in Spain it felt like home. We are Latin American country which is in Eurasia by an accident.

Btw why are maghreb countries so cold while mashrique are not?


This. People have difficulties with self-control here.

>We are Latin American country which is in Eurasia

we know that

Conceal don't feel

>Russians are very emotional
The map shows everyday public emotions i suppose, not after alcohol drinking.

How come every Russian qt I've ever met has been a completely emotionless autist? It feels like talking to one of you faggots from Sup Forums.

Because you are British, do not reveal emotions to the foreign horde.

What units does emotionality count with?

cut wrists

Aw :(. But one Russian qt sent me a bunch of nudes and said she wanted to be used by me, but she was a complete autist, what does that mean?

She was a whore who wanted to be fucked and that is all. You seem autistic as well.

Russians are generally the nicest and most friendly posters on Sup Forums

>tfw small talk with a Russian
>How are you?
>They spend 15 minutes describing their life to the point of meeting me
Wew lad

Emotions are dependently arisen within a cause and effect continuum.

Why would I identify with them?


It is ok, I am autist as well.

This map is shitty tbqh fàalamaàfalm

Emotions are gay.

pls tell me (i'm an autistic idiot) how i should answer on suck questions

such i meant

>How are you?
>Not too bad, thanks, you?

That says nothing though. Why bother asking the question?

they call it "le being polite" or something like that

Just say 'good thanks' even if you're not.

It's what I do.

2bh it's a fucking stupid question though, and people only ask it out of conformance to social niceties. It's completely meaningless, you can never answer it truthfully, the other person doesn't ACTUALLY give a shit how you're feeling. And so, you can only ever answer it as such:
"I'm great, you?"
"I'm okay, you?"
"Not too bad, you?"
"Can't complain, you?"

It's a fucking pointless question, mate.

That's why it's called small talk.

seriously how the fuck they calculated this thing ?
how the fuck european countries be more emotional than india?
a literal meme map

Well, it's retarded, and I can't do it. I'm not good at lying or pretending.

>we have less emotion than chink or nip


>It's a fucking pointless question, mate.
why do you ask it then?

I personally don't. I'll only ever ask how someone is if they're visibly sad.

>100 men from every country answer on the question: are you emotional? (yes/no)
> 36 of them say yes
>russia gets 36 points
or more probable that this is just random numbers

It's pointless to ask if they're visibly sad
wtf ahmed abu bakr almafnaki

I ask it so they will open up to me about it and get it off their chest, duh. You spaz.

if they are visibly sa,d why not ask why they are sad?

We neither say good nor bad when answering such a quastion. We don't tend to mention these words. We usually say "normal".

Well yeah, you say "what's wrong" or "what's the matter", not "lol how u feelin today m8 what a lovely day innit"

>Russians less emotional than Japanese
>Koreans less emotional than the Japanese

maybe kimuchis look so unhappy?

But they have surgery to make them look permanently happy.

>not 0

you have kimochi

we have just kimchi

>literally southern European tier
>when I was in Spain
>we are Latin American country

It's time to stop drinking vodka

b but you guys have super cool kimchi hero

Heh some people have called me stoneface because I don't really show my emotions and one person said that I could be a poker player because of that kek.

congratulations! You are autist

i heard a translator here said that the russian way of feeling is similar to the brazilian, that'si why russian books are sucess here.

so are you my friend :D

>USA and Canada more emotional than Brazil
>Italy as emotional as Germany
