
Brexit edition

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ok when are you leaving?


atleast we hav each other rite /cum/-chan ?


why usa is so gay??

I know, that's probably the only reason I still push myself in life. I'd like to be someone my entire family can be proud of, not just for her but for myself as well. Just turned 20 a month ago
ty friend

You think we are a petty people. You're mistaken. Americans by nature are quite passive until you get personal.

“When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.”

VOTE Brexit.

is that photoshop?

>Not being part of the la raza
Is that you hodgetwin?


No, it's 100% authentic.

No it's a genuine tweet he sent

Hell O's

>And force, my friends, is violence.

Wrong. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Friendly reminder it's called pop not soda or c*ke

Balk is welcome here

me on the far left


I really have to wonder if George Lucas knew what he just wrote when he put down that line. He actually may have, since the Jedi Order IS characterized as overbearing and flawed in many ways.

But I think he's just a dumb-dumb.

> trump tweets are genuine.

It's actually called zip zop zibbity bop fizzy fuzzle sodi pop.

>tfw no American "buddy" to take me on a long road trip in his beat up Silverado while we banter respectfully about how im a dirty Arab and hes dumb American but deep inside we know our friendship is eternal as we sip on a carslberg out of an icebox he brought along for the trip

why even live


6 inches is big enuff

me on the far right

down here we call it "refresco" which could translate to refresh
i have no idea whose idea it was to name it like that

in the north we have the american-wannabes who call it soda

oh rly, didn't know trump wants to be cancerous. lel

Can i join? Im Whiter than most of you guys.

I think what he's implying is that Sith literally make deals in absolutes. Yes or no, no compromise. He's just a shit writer.

is there a mexican janny among us? why the anti-canadian agenda?

Are you whiter than me


I like it. Your north sounds horrible then

No pagans.


>why the anti-canadian agenda?

This. When will the oppression end?

▶be american
▶get shot

I want to shoot every single Ameritard on this god dummit Earth.

But arent you the really pegan ones? America worshipped the Animals till 1700 or such.

I was the first un-cut in my family in who knows how long, and I wasn't exactly properly educated in maintenance.
I don't think I ever really realized what it entailed until I had sex. Hurt like a motherfucker, which probably made me last longer, and luckily for me she was on the pill, clean, and didn't blow me beforehand (goddamn, did I dodge a bullet there), so after I finished inside her she didn't have much chance to notice my literal lifetime's worth of smegoo.
I was 18, so it might not be too late for you.
Maybe take a warm bath first.

What makes you say that

There is, probably that annoying URSS chairo

>Balts yet aren't divided between Russia and NATO
Loosing faith in humanity, lads.

Too bad Putin banned freedom.


going outside to find this owl with my headlamp. I may or may not survive the encounter

>waiter asks me what I want to drink
>tell him "I'll have a coke"
>he replies with "what kind?"


Why is bourbon the greatest whiskey on the planet? I picked some up earlier and it's fantastic.

Also, why is the britcunt /cum/ active and the one made two hours ago by an American dead?

ty u2

Hell, there’s no God in Mexico. Never will be. We are dealing with a people manifestly incapable of governing themselves. And do you know what happens with people who cannot govern themselves? That’s right. Others come in to govern for them

Well as i know And probably would all agree my all ancestory were white. As for Multi-cultural and multi ethnicity nature of America you have a change of probably 20 precent to have atleast one of your ancestor who was not White.

>I am to afraid to approach these sexy ass negro females because i afraid they have been pounded by some huge thicc gorilla tip.

it's not that bad

The janny is from Jalisco. I've just recovered from a month and week ban for calling him out.

Words can be censored, but not knowledge, you filthy brown fuck. Maybe if all your friends weren't being beheaded everyday you would not be so jumpy at every verbal attack.

Stay safe, Hulliskoe.

daily reminder that American girls are the easiest on the planet. and if you are a virgin American male above the age of 20 then you should dip your upper torso in acid because there is no hope for you.

the freaking finals are finally finished.

Meant to post this spurdo

I am the 80% yay

trust me i am the dna test master i spat in a VIAL oke???????

I-I didn't mean anything by it. P-please no ban senor

Does Canada have God? Is he cool? Tell him I said hi

What is the best region in the U.S and why is it the South East?

Why is NASA so lewd?

hello lads

Being white will not save you from Russian invasion, haha.
Because you're British colony.

>why is it the South East?
because I live there

I wonder how many drawn dicks exist in outer space

An unpaid volunteer?


i think the jannies out to get me guys...



should have died along her mother

Janny is fat, igly virgin. Probably also not white, gender fluid and easy to get rusted. Discuss.


onii chan





Who are you maining, /cum/?


>I main mei


Face not fat enough

>those thick eyebrows
>those thick glasses
>that THICC body

my dick is hungry for this bunda

My understanding is this is not only the first dick drawing on another planet it's the first drawing on another planet. Great job, NASA.

I hate this ugly rat bitch so much. If I EVER see any one of you fuckers IRL watching or talking about this shitty meme cartoon I swear I'll slaughter you where you fucking stand.

>Because you're British colony.
I think you're confusing Canada with us.

My boi Reinhardt

do u have any cola

somebody's gottta stop these FUCKIN KIKES

hi cum :)

what car u drive? post em pls.

pic rel my car - same colour

What are some other characters with the higest skill ceiling in their respective games?

>drives BMW

That wasn't surprising at all. Why do you brown people love BMW so much?

>being able to afford a car
what do you think I am, some kinda first-worlder?

>burning fossil fuels

my nigger brother crashed my Toyata Echo

>tfw another country performs your war songs

Minnesota is OURS

>not buying American

>arab driving



Antz did it best

>decided to check out Sup Forums after years of not touching it
>nothing but dick threads everywhere you look

Canada is OURS

Parents are fighting again.

how come rich arabs don't buy classic cars