America has just declared war on your country and is committed to putting boots on the ground within the hour
How fucked are you?
America has just declared war on your country and is committed to putting boots on the ground within the hour
How fucked are you?
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Not fucked at all.
US patriots armed to the teeth will repel any and all occupation, foreign and domestic.
americans don't know where australia is on a map so we'll be fine
Why are we fighting ourselves? If it's a civil war our drunk rednecks would be slaughtered by the military so I'd just kinda watch
Never underestimate the mental fortitude of a US patriot.
Get ready for The War of Northern Agression Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Can't beat those drones man.
>America has just declared war on your country
Pretty fucked.
lol okay.
The Taliban beats drones all the time. They even published a guide online how to do it.
I should make it clear that I saw this on a mainstream news outlet and am not in any way a criminal or domestic threat. I'm just regurgitating news I read online. Please no bully NSA.
>americucks unironically believe they can fight off the us military with their personal firearms collection
No problem, because the invasion force will be wiped out by friendly fire.
>Canadians unironically exist
modern wars done by banks not boots
>implying retired military and US patriots wouldn't band together and create a guerrilla force superior to anything the US ever faced in Vietnam or the middle east
We're fucked.
If anything maybe Russia intervenes, seizing the moment to invade Sweden aswell, causing a stalemate, long enough for the UN and people to riot.
That would be our one chance.
We will win, we always win world wars
Is that why 22 of them top themselves every day?
we'll wait for the Russian to exhaust them.
I just realized that in retrospect my Southerner trolling has made me look like a domestic militia type. Please do not target me spy agencies; I was kidding. It was all an ironic joke. I don't plan on resisting when the Obama death squads roll in. I just want to live in peace.
Mental fortitude doesn't do much against a drone strike
We have nukes.
me on the left
You don't have the balls to trigger nuclear holocaust.
Why not? We as a country have nothing to live for anyway.
Your nation has embraced cowardice. Your leaders would probably reason that it's better to be taken over than destroy everything because you're "citizens of the world" or some socialist claptrap.
In short, you're cowards who would sooner embrace your enemy than destroy him.
Suicide is cowardice pushed to its extreme, so you should be careful.
Not really. It takes a lot of balls to pull the trigger.
Awful lot of projection there.
See image
We shut down US
Al those bans on guns are for a reason Steve.
>muh drones
You dumb nigger. Drones and tanks aren't worth shit. The government already won the war with television and McDicks. If you're gonna bootlick, at least do it right.
People know where Amsterdam is but not that it lies in NL. What does this mean for our invasion?
Why didnt you do it then?
Americunt confirmed for coward
Well we have some hypersonic anti ship missles so I think we will hold for a month at least.
There isn't any trigger you fatass.
The procedure when an ennemy tries french soverenity is a first and preventive tactical shot in a desert, or close enough to make you wet.
If your rulers are too dumb to keep on their assault thet have to face the fact that 40 ICBM mirved with 10 110 kt warheads are flying toward the biggest bases of your country.
In less than 2 hours.
Oh golly gee - 40 whole ICBM's?
Most will be intercepted. France's nuclear stockpile is more ceremonial than practical. You need the quantity and diversity of delivery systems the US and Russia have in order to wage true nuclear war.
>always the same pic from frenchfags when the topic of nukes comes up
The Democratic Peoples Shithole of Korea is scarier than France.
Reserve border ranger/sissi light infantry here
bretty fucked i assume
Whe have more than 300 missiles, you can't stop them all since they are all from submarines launchers.
Because we are allies. If you seriously think that north korea is a threat then you're a moron.
not that guy, but you sound like the kid who alwas used to go"nu-uh, cuz im wearing special magic armor that doesnt let the wearer die n stuff"
>his flag isn't an american flag
>his flag isn't a russian flag
>his flag isn't a chinse flag
>yet he still tries to talk warfare
Quiet down dear, the grown-ups are speaking.
They will probably invade Sweden instead
>most will be intercepted
I think you're really overestimating things here. Your interception system is geared toward intercepting a handful of dumb, non mirved missiles from NK or Iran. The only thing it can achieve is to force an attacker to devote more warheads per target to reduce uncertainty.
A single broadside from a sub would be 96 warheads with penetrating aids indepently targeted. We'd burn to cinder, sure, but in the meantime the US would be brought down to third world status if the major economic centres are targeted.
> If you seriously think that north korea is a threat then you're a moron.
And you sound like the uneducated fuck who doesn't understand what are the consequences of a 110kt warheads. We have nearly 3000 of those.
Hiroshima was 15kt. And now you will learn what is nuclear dissuasion, amerilard.
China has far less nukes than us
Hiroshima was also a literal arts and crafts city made out of paper.
Not at all. You shitters wouldn't dare touch us.
well russian army is pretty corrupt so you don't have to fight
just bribe some generals to get all the the intels, like chechen during the war
all nukes in russia are rusty anyways
Maybe, but 15kt in the middle of Manhattan would be terrific.
Nobody cares of your feelings tbfsempaiachia
*like chechens did
>France thinks it has a chance against America in a nuclear scenario or that they would do anything but die horribly from our far advanced and lessgay nuclear onslaught
>imblying you can out-nuke the chinese
>imblying nukes are even needed when you have a horde of millions upon millions of sexually frustrated virgins
>the british caliphate
Far more relevant than your shortlived SJW-paradise shithole of an "empire". Plus, we'll still be here in another hundred years, can't say the same for you D'marcus Gonzalez. The USA won't even live to see its 300th birthday.
I'm wondering, are you a real retard ? I mean, 85 IQ and all the shit ?
American """""" humour""""
they will invade australia instead they think we are aussies
>just ignore them until they run out of money and have to leave
>they fuck themselves
>every single time
dissuasion, pissuasion.
any war scenario against you and us, you lose.
Also, if they thought radical Muslims in Fallujah who aren't afraid of death are bad, they've never been to a Glasgow, and it's not even at war. Scotland is good at one thing, and that is proper grade-A class nutters.
Nobody wins in fact, you'd be a third world shithole and the biggest states would secess.
>murica declares war on germany
do we have oil? or are you pissed because of vw?
>ITT: economics r 4 fags maaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Europoors forget, the US goes down the shitter, so do you. Funnily enough, shitholes like russia are about the only countries that could actually come out the winner if america goes down.
not sure if this picture is ironic or post-ironic
Nuclear powers would still go to war, especially a country that can mitigate the cost of life by power projection limiting the nuclear capabilities, making MAD less of a consideration.
>Won't even live to see its 300th birthday
How long have brits been saying this for?
>Success breeds Jealousy
What's sickening about the French is the more they lose, the more arrogant they become. I don't know if the French are mentally defective or they're brainwashed with propaganda in schools and by the media.
I can literally guarantee you that will never happen. I can't wait to see how bad you guys shit your pants and fuck everything up when you finally have a proper war on your OWN soil (please God let it happen in my lifetime).
I kindly welcome my American friends in Poland so Russian butthurt could flow freely :3
at least they didn't lose to farmers
>Proper war
Our Civil war was a much bigger and catastrophic war than you have ever seen in your shit island.
You can continue dreaming all you want.
The US has passed its experimental phased and succeeded beyond any expectations.
The US has a great future and the world can continue wailing at US hegemony for all eternity.
Let russia do all the work probably.
>the delusion is real
I don't know why we can't build permanent military bases in Poland. Alot of the rallies are anti communists, not like they have a history of liking the russians.
We have made secession from the Union illegal and If one single states decides to secede the entire Union will stop it.
Your Union is entirely depended on a vote. One of these days the scots are going to be pissed and secede for good. You shit Union is done for.
We even have yearly state of Union addressing to the congress the status of the Union and whether things should be changed or done to improve the Union. You have no such thing.
You base your shit on delusion, and fear mongering. Keep crying.
Thanks to this thread for proving once again Americans can't handle banter
It's not the same thing. Long after the Napoleonic war was over, many French still believed the battle of trafalgar was a French victory due to propaganda.
It's the same to this day with French education, the French are taught fabricated history that give them a delusional view of their country.
This is a perfect example. The French are delusional idiots.
I dont even have to check your flag to see who you are
>he fell for the independence meme
>trying this hard
I'm sure you have lived many years in France and have received a French eduction to back up your claims
Would piss on a air carrier.
You are this close to having scotland out.
Not even double digits.
Better keep sucking that scot dick, or they will leave you like a used whore.
>He thinks votes are real
>it's over.jpeg
>Most will be intercepted.
Sure... but are your leaders really willing to sacrifice a gold chunk of both your coasts just to invade France?
Fuck the south, baby.
We're demilitarized, surely the USA will respect that.
>Implying that's not what we want
GDP per capita of England is $50k
GDP per capita of the UK is like $40k
A united Ireland and give Wales and Scotland independence is the way forward